
"Celebrating More Than Years 2" It wasn't until the identity of the faceless woman was exposed that Fan Xian didn't know why Emperor Qing destroyed the East Palace!

author:Canned notes
"Celebrating More Than Years 2" It wasn't until the identity of the faceless woman was exposed that Fan Xian didn't know why Emperor Qing destroyed the East Palace!

In the ancient power disputes, a grand conspiracy and stratagem, as well as the contest of various parties, are breathtaking.

And the plot in "Celebrating More Than Years 2" is just like a huge chess game, Fan Xian faked his death and calculated the second prince, which was dumbfounded.

Fan Xian faked his death, assumed the pseudonym Fan Ruoruo, successfully calculated the second prince and returned to the capital, this magical turning point, people have to admire his wisdom and courage.

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" It wasn't until the identity of the faceless woman was exposed that Fan Xian didn't know why Emperor Qing destroyed the East Palace!

His return was not all smooth sailing, and he came close to clash with the Grand Prince's ranks, but fortunately, the Crown Prince appeared in time to defuse the trouble, and the two sides were able to enter Kyoto and start a new dispute.

Subsequently, Emperor Qing summoned the five princes, and Fan Xian and the other princes gathered for the first time and had a dinner with Emperor Qing.

Fan Xian's report of the second prince's collusion with the smuggling of the Northern Qi Dynasty was not taken seriously by Emperor Qing, and what surprised him even more was that the second prince actually planned to marry, Fan Xian saw through his conspiracy and hid deeper conspiracy.

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" It wasn't until the identity of the faceless woman was exposed that Fan Xian didn't know why Emperor Qing destroyed the East Palace!

The confrontation between the prince and Fan Xian has become a major climax of the plot.

In order to achieve his own goals, the prince did not hesitate to wear down the evidence, resulting in the town being razed, and his ruthless methods are shocking.

His purpose was obvious, that is, he wanted to force Fan Xian to stand on his side, and in order to protect his own interests, he ruthlessly extended his hand to the innocent people.

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" It wasn't until the identity of the faceless woman was exposed that Fan Xian didn't know why Emperor Qing destroyed the East Palace!

In the process of plot development, some netizens expressed their opinions on this plot.

Someone said: "The prince's trick is too insidious, it is simply a heinous crime to wipe out the evidence and involve innocent people!" This remark was praised by many netizens, and everyone was indignant and angry at the prince's behavior.

The appearance of the queen broke the prince's calculations.

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" It wasn't until the identity of the faceless woman was exposed that Fan Xian didn't know why Emperor Qing destroyed the East Palace!

She reveals the identity of the faceless woman that the prince likes, and this news exposes the prince's conspiracy.

Some netizens commented: "The queen is really a clear-eyed person, she exposed the prince's conspiracy as soon as she appeared, it's amazing!" These words aroused heated discussions among other netizens, and everyone expressed their appreciation and admiration for the queen.

Regarding the prince's behavior, some netizens raised their own questions and concerns.

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" It wasn't until the identity of the faceless woman was exposed that Fan Xian didn't know why Emperor Qing destroyed the East Palace!

Someone said, "What is the prince trying to do this?" What exactly is he trying to achieve? The question sparked a discussion about the true intentions of the crown prince, with some suggesting that the prince may have resorted to such tactics in order to compete for the throne, while others believe that he may have had other, more covert aims.

The development of the whole plot is unpredictable, and netizens are also hotly discussing this matter.

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" It wasn't until the identity of the faceless woman was exposed that Fan Xian didn't know why Emperor Qing destroyed the East Palace!

They make all kinds of guesses and speculations about the actions and motivations of the characters in the play, showing a deep interest and enthusiasm for the storyline.

At the same time, the confrontation between the prince and Fan Xian has gradually escalated, adding more suspense and highlights to the whole story.

Emperor Qing's decision to depose the crown prince caused a sensation in the government and the opposition.

Emperor Qing discovered the true face of the crown prince, and he made a decision without hesitation: to depose the prince.

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" It wasn't until the identity of the faceless woman was exposed that Fan Xian didn't know why Emperor Qing destroyed the East Palace!

The decision came as a shock, given that the crown prince had been a strong contender for the throne, and his deposition would mean a seismic change for the imperial court. In this series of actions, Emperor Qing was not soft.

He not only imprisoned the faceless woman, but also destroyed the East Palace, a move that made the government and the opposition jaw-dropping.

In this regard, some netizens commented: "Emperor Qing is really a bold monarch, and his decisive actions are admirable. ”

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" It wasn't until the identity of the faceless woman was exposed that Fan Xian didn't know why Emperor Qing destroyed the East Palace!

These words sparked a resonance among other netizens, and everyone expressed their appreciation for Emperor Qing's decisiveness and decisive actions.

The crown prince eventually died, which was the result of the exposure of his relationship with the faceless woman. This ending makes people feel the cruelty and fierceness of the conspiracy.

Some netizens commented: "The power struggle is really a game of life and death, and the prince's final fate is embarrassing." ”

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" It wasn't until the identity of the faceless woman was exposed that Fan Xian didn't know why Emperor Qing destroyed the East Palace!

These words sparked deep thought among other netizens, and everyone had a heated discussion about the power struggle in the story and gained a deeper understanding of the dark side of human nature. Behind all this, Fan Xian's counterattack has become a highlight of the whole story.

His resourcefulness and courage made people look up to him.

Some netizens commented: "Fan Xian's wit and bravery are admirable, and his actions make the story even more exciting!" ”

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" It wasn't until the identity of the faceless woman was exposed that Fan Xian didn't know why Emperor Qing destroyed the East Palace!

These words were unanimously agreed by other netizens, and everyone praised Fan Xian's performance.

The whole story is full of twists and turns and suspense, and netizens have shown a keen interest in the development of the storyline and the fate of the characters.

They have an in-depth discussion and analysis of the various plots and the fates of the characters in the story, showing their passion and attention to the story.

Emperor Qing is the emperor of the Southern Qing Kingdom, and this status is enough to be respected.

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" It wasn't until the identity of the faceless woman was exposed that Fan Xian didn't know why Emperor Qing destroyed the East Palace!

What's even more shocking is that he is a hidden great grandmaster, and he is one of the four great grandmasters in the world.

As soon as this news was exposed, it immediately set off a heated discussion on the Internet.

Some netizens expressed shock at Emperor Qing's identity: "I never thought that Emperor Qing would be one of the great masters, it's incredible!" These words aroused the attention of other netizens, and everyone expressed surprise and curiosity about the identity of Emperor Qing.

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" It wasn't until the identity of the faceless woman was exposed that Fan Xian didn't know why Emperor Qing destroyed the East Palace!

Some netizens also expressed doubts about this matter: "How credible is this news?" I think it might be a rumor. The suspicion sparked a debate about the authenticity of Emperor Qing's identity, with some saying more evidence was needed to confirm the news, while others argued that such an identity was unlikely to be fictitious.

Some people expressed their admiration for Emperor Qing's dual identity: "Emperor Qing is not only the emperor of Nanqing Kingdom, but also one of the great masters, which is really amazing!" ”

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" It wasn't until the identity of the faceless woman was exposed that Fan Xian didn't know why Emperor Qing destroyed the East Palace!

These words were unanimously agreed by other netizens, and everyone expressed their appreciation for Emperor Qing's ability and status.

As more details were revealed, the discussion about Emperor Qing's identity became more and more intense.

Some netizens said: "If Emperor Qing is really one of the great grandmasters, then his power will be endless, which is undoubtedly a huge advantage for Nan Qingguo!" These words resonated with other netizens, and everyone was full of expectations and curiosity about Emperor Qing's identity.

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" It wasn't until the identity of the faceless woman was exposed that Fan Xian didn't know why Emperor Qing destroyed the East Palace!

Emperor Qing's dual identity has brought endless imagination and exploration space to people, and his every move has become the focus of people's attention.

As the emperor of Nanqingguo and one of the great grandmasters, the duality of this identity makes people full of curiosity and awe about his ability and status.

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" It wasn't until the identity of the faceless woman was exposed that Fan Xian didn't know why Emperor Qing destroyed the East Palace!

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