
The Tibetan mastiff, which was once worth tens of millions, is now flooded and reduced to stray dogs, and no one wants to give it away for nothing?


In the distant snowy plateau, the Tibetan mastiff was once known as the "Oriental Divine Dog".

They are not only loyal partners in the hearts of the Tibetan people, but also symbols of wealth and status. However, with the change of the times, this rare dog breed, which was once worth tens of millions, is now facing the embarrassing situation of flooding and becoming a stray dog. What's the story behind this? This article will take you to find out.

The Tibetan mastiff, which was once worth tens of millions, is now flooded and reduced to stray dogs, and no one wants to give it away for nothing?

Past glory: the legend of the Tibetan mastiff

In the past years, the Tibetan mastiff has become the pet sought after by many wealthy and celebrities because of its fierce appearance, loyal personality and unique way of care. In a specific historical period, the price of a purebred Tibetan mastiff is even as high as millions or even tens of millions, becoming a luxury in the pet market. The breeding, training and trading of Tibetan mastiffs has formed a huge industrial chain that has brought huge profits to many people.

The Tibetan mastiff, which was once worth tens of millions, is now flooded and reduced to stray dogs, and no one wants to give it away for nothing?

Market bubbles: The rise and fall of the Tibetan mastiff industry

However, with the continuous expansion of the market and the intensification of competition, a bubble gradually appeared in the Tibetan mastiff industry. In order to pursue higher profits, some unscrupulous merchants began to use improper means to breed and sell. They breed Tibetan mastiffs in large numbers, but neglect to control the purity and health of the breed, resulting in a large number of low-quality Tibetan mastiffs on the market. Although these Tibetan mastiffs are low in price, they are difficult to be favored by consumers due to their poor quality.

The Tibetan mastiff, which was once worth tens of millions, is now flooded and reduced to stray dogs, and no one wants to give it away for nothing?

At the same time, with the diversification of people's demand for pets, other breeds of dogs have gradually entered the market and formed a competition with the Tibetan mastiff. These dogs are not only more affordable, but also have a variety of breeds and personalities to meet the needs of different consumers. In this context, the market position of the Tibetan mastiff has gradually declined, and the former glory has gradually faded.

Wandering Death: The tragic situation of the Tibetan mastiff

As the market shrank and demand diminished, a large number of Tibetan mastiffs were abandoned or exiled to the streets. These wandering Tibetan mastiffs have not only lost their original homes and love, but also faced the dilemma of survival. They are hungry and cold, uncared for, and they linger in the corners of the city. Even more tragic, because Tibetan mastiffs are naturally aggressive and territorial, they are often at a disadvantage in conflicts with humans and other animals, making them vulnerable to harm and abuse.

The Tibetan mastiff, which was once worth tens of millions, is now flooded and reduced to stray dogs, and no one wants to give it away for nothing?

Case Analysis: The Tragic Encounter of a Wandering Tibetan Mastiff

In a suburb of Qinghai, a wandering Tibetan mastiff named "Black Tiger" was found by local residents. Its hair was messy, and it was covered in scars and skin diseases. According to residents, the "Black Tiger" was originally a pet in a pet store, but due to the poor management of the owner and the inability to raise it, the "Black Tiger" was abandoned outside the store. It wandered, slept in the open, and eventually collapsed on the side of the road under hunger and disease. Luckily, some good Samaritans found it and took it to a local animal rescue station. At the aid station, the "Black Tiger" was carefully cared for and treated by medical staff. After a period of rehabilitation, the physical condition of the "Black Tiger" gradually improved. However, due to his long-term wandering life, the "Black Tiger" has become withdrawn and sensitive, and it is difficult to establish intimate relationships with humans.

The Tibetan mastiff, which was once worth tens of millions, is now flooded and reduced to stray dogs, and no one wants to give it away for nothing?

Reflections and Enlightenment: How to Save the Stray Tibetan Mastiff?

Faced with the tragic situation of the stray Tibetan mastiff, we can't help but ask: why did these rare dog breeds, which were once worth tens of millions, fall into such a situation? And how can we save them?

First of all, we need to recognize that the bubble of the Tibetan mastiff industry and the disorderly competition in the market are the root causes of this problem. Therefore, we need to strengthen the supervision and regulation of the pet market, crack down on the illegal behavior of illegal businesses, and safeguard fair competition in the market and the legitimate rights and interests of consumers.

The Tibetan mastiff, which was once worth tens of millions, is now flooded and reduced to stray dogs, and no one wants to give it away for nothing?

Second, we need to strengthen the rescue and protection of wandering Tibetan mastiffs. The government can introduce relevant policies and measures to encourage and support social forces to participate in the rescue and adoption of stray animals. At the same time, we can also raise the public's awareness of stray animals and care for them through publicity and education, so that more people can join the ranks of rescue and adoption.

The Tibetan mastiff, which was once worth tens of millions, is now flooded and reduced to stray dogs, and no one wants to give it away for nothing?

Finally, we need to re-examine the relationship between humans and animals. Pets are not only our playmates and entertainment tools, but also important partners and family members in our lives. We should respect their lives and dignity and give them adequate care and care. Only in this way can we truly achieve the harmonious coexistence of humans and animals.

The Tibetan mastiff, which was once worth tens of millions, is now flooded and reduced to stray dogs, and no one wants to give it away for nothing?

Written in the final words:

The tragedy of the Tibetan mastiff, which once cost tens of millions, is now a stray dog, reflecting the bubble in the pet market and people's neglect of animal rights. As a member of humanity, we have the responsibility and obligation to pay attention to and improve this phenomenon. Let's work together to find a warm home for these wandering Tibetan mastiffs, so that they can feel the love and warmth of human beings again.

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