
After retiring, Li Jingquan lived a simple life, and he rarely showed his head

author:Chen Yue's Historical Records

In the magnificent history of the Chinese revolution, countless revolutionaries have written immortal chapters with their outstanding contributions and firm beliefs. Among them, Li Jingquan is a revolutionary of the older generation who is deeply admired by the people. He not only fought valiantly in the revolutionary war, but also lived a simple life in his later years, rarely showing his head, and this low-key and dedicated spirit is awe-inspiring.

After retiring, Li Jingquan lived a simple life, and he rarely showed his head

Li Jingquan, a name that has left a deep mark on the history of the Chinese revolution. His life was a life of revolution and dedication. In the torrent of revolution, he forged ahead bravely, braved hardships and dangers, and made great contributions to the victory of the Chinese revolution. However, in his later years, he chose a very different way of life - living in seclusion, away from the hustle and bustle, and living a plain and quiet life.

Unlike many revolutionaries of the older generation, Li Jingquan did not leave behind memoirs or anything like that. It's not because he hasn't experienced or thought about it, but because he has a special spiritual character - humble and low-key. He knew very well that he was only a drop of water in the torrent of revolution, and although he had also made brilliant achievements, all these belonged to the party and the people, and he was unwilling to publicize his exploits too much, let alone use his experience as capital to show off.

After retiring, Li Jingquan lived a simple life, and he rarely showed his head

After retiring, Li Jingquan lived a simple life. He rarely makes public appearances and hardly participates in any public activities. His family members urged him to write memoirs, reviewing his revolutionary career and summing up his outstanding achievements, but Li Jingquan always smiled and waved his hand, expressing his unwillingness to write. His children did not understand him at first, believing that he was wasting their valuable experience and wisdom by doing so, but over time they gradually understood their father's good intentions.

Li Jingquan was reluctant to write a memoir, not because he had no memories or no feelings. On the contrary, he had a deep attachment and emotion for his revolutionary career. However, he prefers to keep these precious memories and insights in his heart, rather than conveying them to future generations through words. He believes that his own experience and achievements belong to the party and the people, not to the individual, and he prefers to silently dedicate these precious wealth to the party and the people, rather than showing off and publicizing them through words.

After retiring, Li Jingquan lived a simple life, and he rarely showed his head

Li Jingquan's low-key and dedicated spiritual character is not only reflected in his later life, but also throughout his life. During the revolutionary war, he always maintained a modest and cautious attitude, constantly learning and improving. He was well aware of his own shortcomings and shortcomings, so he always humbly asked his comrades for advice and learning. He never publicized his achievements and contributions, but silently dedicated his youth and blood to the party and the people.

After the victory of the revolution, Li Jingquan also always maintained this low-key and dedicated spirit. He never pursued fame, fortune and status, but devoted all his energy to the cause of the party and the people. He cared about the weal and woe of the masses and the development of the country, and contributed his wisdom and strength to the cause of the party and the people. This kind of spiritual character of his has not only won the respect and love of the broad masses of cadres and the masses, but has also become an example and model for future generations to follow.

After retiring, Li Jingquan lived a simple life, and he rarely showed his head

In Li Jingquan's later life, he still maintained this low-key and dedicated. He does not like to publicize and show off his past and achievements, and he is even less willing to bring any burden and trouble to his family and future generations. He lives silently in his own little world, enjoying a dull and quiet life. His way of life and spiritual character not only reflected his noble sentiments and cultivation, but also showed the demeanor and responsibility of a revolutionary of the older generation.

After retiring, Li Jingquan lived a simple life, and he rarely showed his head

In today's society full of competition and temptation, Li Jingquan's low-key and dedicated spiritual character is even more valuable. We should draw strength and wisdom from him, and learn from his spiritual qualities of modesty and prudence, diligence and selfless dedication. Only in this way can we better contribute our strength and wisdom to the cause of the party and the people, and work hard to realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

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