
"To the Mountains and Seas" is launched, Cheng Yi's new drama! Outside the set of Qinwang Palace, there are more fans than tourists in the scenic spot!

author:The melancholy little prince


"To the Mountains and Seas" was launched, and fans watched the grand occasion

Yesterday, Cheng Yi brought the launch ceremony of his latest series "To the Mountains and Seas", which seemed to inadvertently detonate a fan carnival. Imagine the sun shining through the clouds on the grand gatehouse of the Qin Palace, and outside the gate, the crowd is surging like the scene of a large music festival.

"To the Mountains and Seas" is launched, Cheng Yi's new drama! Outside the set of Qinwang Palace, there are more fans than tourists in the scenic spot!

Fans, either holding hand-painted posters or wearing themed T-shirts, are like vivid light sticks, drawing a unique landscape outside the Qin Palace. Cheng Yi walked through the crowd, and every smile and wave of his hand could trigger a scream that was warmer than the waves.

The lineup was exposed, and netizens continued to discuss it


With the excitement of the start-up scene, the main cast of the drama "To the Mountains and Seas" was officially announced - Cheng Yi, Nazha, Chen Yuqi, Huang Junjie, each name is like a well-arranged fireworks, illuminating the expectations of fans.

"To the Mountains and Seas" is launched, Cheng Yi's new drama! Outside the set of Qinwang Palace, there are more fans than tourists in the scenic spot!

Especially when Nazha, Chen Yuqi and Huang Junjie appeared together at the opening ceremony, the atmosphere of the scene reached a climax. They either talked and laughed or joked with each other, showing the deep friendship between the leading actors.

Fans responded, and the Qin Palace turned into a sea of fruits


On the day of the launch of "To the Mountains and Seas", the fans' support actions were also ingenious. In addition to the crowd outside the Qin Palace, fans also launched the hashtag #Cheng Yi went to the mountains and seas to start the machine to support# on social media, and in a short time, this hashtag topped the hot search list.

"To the Mountains and Seas" is launched, Cheng Yi's new drama! Outside the set of Qinwang Palace, there are more fans than tourists in the scenic spot!

Fans shared their support items under the label, from handmade small gifts to elaborate posters, each one filled with love. Some fans joked, "There are so many of our support items that the Qin Palace's palace will become our warehouse!" ”

"To the Mountains and Seas" is launched, Cheng Yi's new drama! Outside the set of Qinwang Palace, there are more fans than tourists in the scenic spot!

Cheng Yi saw these on social media and replied movingly, "Thank you for your support and love, the Qin Palace is now not only the starting place of my "To the Mountains and Seas", but also a place of our common memory. These words not only shortened the distance between Cheng Yi and fans, but also made fans feel the power of their support.

Brother Qiushui's new role, can he break through himself?


Cheng Yi's role in "To the Mountains and Seas" has sparked extensive discussions among netizens. Some people expect Cheng Yi to break through himself in this drama and show different acting skills; There are also concerns that this new character may lead Cheng Yi into typing.

"To the Mountains and Seas" is launched, Cheng Yi's new drama! Outside the set of Qinwang Palace, there are more fans than tourists in the scenic spot!

"Mr. Cheng Yi's acting skills have been improving, and I believe that "To the Mountains and Seas" will become another leap for him!" One fan commented. Another netizen said, "The important thing is not the type of character, but whether Cheng Yi can bring us new surprises in this role." ”

"To the Mountains and Seas" is launched, Cheng Yi's new drama! Outside the set of Qinwang Palace, there are more fans than tourists in the scenic spot!

This discussion not only reflects fans' concern and expectations for Cheng Yi, but also shows fans' deep understanding of film and television works.

Can "To the Mountains and Seas" become a new classic?


The launch of "To the Mountains and Seas" undoubtedly triggered a discussion about the coexistence of expectations and worries. From the grand occasion of the boot scene to the announcement of the cast, from the enthusiastic support of fans to the in-depth discussion of the characters, every link was full of topics. But in the end, whether "To the Mountains and Seas" can become a new classic still needs to be answered by the work itself.

"To the Mountains and Seas" is launched, Cheng Yi's new drama! Outside the set of Qinwang Palace, there are more fans than tourists in the scenic spot!

And on this issue, netizens are also divided in their opinions. Some people believe that a strong cast and enthusiastic support from fans are enough to make "To the Mountains and Seas" a successful work.

"To the Mountains and Seas" is launched, Cheng Yi's new drama! Outside the set of Qinwang Palace, there are more fans than tourists in the scenic spot!

While others believe that whether it can become a classic depends on the quality of the script and the director's directing ability. However, regardless of the outcome, Cheng Yi and his "To the Mountains and Seas" have managed to spark widespread discussion and attention, bringing audiences a start full of anticipation.

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