
A 68-year-old man in the countryside was thirsty to drink water in the middle of the night and died of a sudden heart attack

author:The old farmer talks about the three farmers

Water is the source of life, everyone understands this truth, people drink more water every day, there are many benefits, water can help people's body metabolism, eliminate a lot of garbage and toxins accumulated in the human body.

Rural people, especially the elderly over 60 years old, especially those suffering from the "three highs", should pay more attention to drinking more water, in order to have great benefits for their bodies.

However, people with the "three highs", including middle-aged and elderly people, get up thirsty to drink water in the middle of the night, and must pay attention to the fact that there are three types of water that should never be drunk.

In my village, there are two people in a row, one is 60 years old, the other is 68 years old, the cause of death is thirsty in the middle of the night to get up to drink water, resulting in a heart attack and died, it's a pity, the doctor said, the elderly get up in the middle of the night to drink water, there are 3 kinds of water don't drink!

A 68-year-old man in the countryside was thirsty to drink water in the middle of the night and died of a sudden heart attack

(1) It is boiling water and cold water. Middle-aged and elderly people often sleep until midnight and are thirsty, wake up with thirst, and need to get up and drink water to quench their thirst.

What should I do if there is no hot water in my thermos at home? Through them, there are two options, one is to boil water to drink, and the other is to drink a glass of cold tap water directly.

If it is overheated boiling water, it is very dangerous, because at this time the old man is thirsty, so he will drink water, overheated boiling water, after drinking, first of all, it will burn the mouth, throat and esophagus, and then burn the stomach, resulting in injury to the digestive membrane, slight inflammation, and cancerous over time, therefore, for health, overheated boiling water must be warmed before drinking the healthiest and safest.

If the elderly sleep until midnight, their body temperature is in a normal state, because suddenly drinking a glass of cold water, the body is stimulated by low temperature, and it is easy for the old man's blood vessels to suddenly begin to contract.

A 68-year-old man in the countryside was thirsty to drink water in the middle of the night and died of a sudden heart attack

At this time, it is very easy to induce cerebral infarction and myocardial infarction, which is a very dangerous thing, and there is an old man in my village who got up in the middle of the night and drank a glass of cold water, and died of a sudden heart attack.

Middle-aged and elderly people in rural areas should remember not to drink overheated and hot boiling water, or drink cold or cold water to stimulate the human body, otherwise it will induce many major diseases.

(2) It is strong tea and coffee. Middle-aged and elderly people in rural areas, when they are thirsty in the middle of the night, they must pay attention when they get up to drink water, and they can only drink a glass of warm water that is not hot or cold at 40~50 °C.

At this time, don't drink a cup of strong tea and coffee, it is a must-not, because strong tea and coffee have some irritating chemicals, when the elderly drink tea and coffee at night, it will stimulate people's nerves, make people excited, and can't sleep.

A 68-year-old man in the countryside was thirsty to drink water in the middle of the night and died of a sudden heart attack

It will also stimulate the heart, lead to heart rhythm disorders, and increase the burden on people's hearts, such as middle-aged and elderly people with high blood pressure, heart disease, and arteriosclerosis, try to avoid drinking strong tea and coffee at night, which is easy to cause myocardial infarction and cerebral infarction, which is a very dangerous behavior.

There is an old man in my village, 68 years old, who slept until midnight and was thirsty, so he got up, made a cup of strong tea and drank it, which stimulated the heart and caused him to die of a heart attack.

(3) It is functional water and healthy water. Now there are a lot of drinks on the market, including some drinks that are beneficial to the human body, such as selenium-containing mineral water, active calcium water, various fruit juice drinks, milk drinks, and so on.

Many of these "functional waters" are rich in potassium, generally normal people, potassium is beneficial to people's bodies, but the excessive intake of a large amount of electrolyzed water and minerals by middle-aged and elderly people is not a good thing, which will have an excessive burden on the hearts of middle-aged and elderly people, easy to cause myocardial infarction, sudden myocardial infarction, a fatal blow to people's lives, is a very dangerous thing.

A 68-year-old man in the countryside was thirsty to drink water in the middle of the night and died of a sudden heart attack

Therefore, doctors suggest that middle-aged and elderly people are thirsty in the middle of the night and when they go to bed, they can only drink warm water, and must not drink "functional water" and "healthy water", such as various mineral water, salt water, soft drinks, fruit juices, milk and other beverages, and they are all cold and very low temperature.

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