
Rainie Yang's singer was eliminated, and Li Shaminzi spoke affectionately: The singing voice in youth does not need to be proven!

author:Three-five entertainment


Rainie Yang's journey to "Singer 2024" came to an abrupt end

On the stage of the program "Singer 2024", Rainie Yang's light seems to only shine until the second episode. Her withdrawal made countless fans in front of the screen shout "It's not fun"! Li Shaminzi stood up, and her words seemed to gently soothe the hearts of Rainie Yang and fans.

Rainie Yang's singer was eliminated, and Li Shaminzi spoke affectionately: The singing voice in youth does not need to be proven!

Li Shaminzi said, "Many people are looking forward to how Rainie Yang will prove herself, but I also want to say that for many people who like her, Rainie Yang doesn't need to prove herself anymore, because the songs hidden in my headphones for so many years and the youth that accompany us are the answer in themselves, and our youth will still live with you in the future."

Rainie Yang's dilemma


The controversy over Rainie Yang's song choice also caused waves on the Internet. In this competition, despite her best efforts, she ultimately failed to finish in the top five. This result made many viewers feel sorry, especially the fans who expected her to achieve a counterattack by singing "Rain Love".

Rainie Yang's singer was eliminated, and Li Shaminzi spoke affectionately: The singing voice in youth does not need to be proven!

Someone in the comment area joked that Rainie Yang's song selection is like me ordering food in a restaurant, always with a high eye, looking at every dish on the menu with salivation, but what is served is always thousands of miles away from imagination.

Rainie Yang's singer was eliminated, and Li Shaminzi spoke affectionately: The singing voice in youth does not need to be proven!

On the other hand, some netizens humorously said that her song choices are like those strange fashion combinations, although they are trendy, not everyone can control them, let alone win the applause of the audience.

The courage of live streaming or is there something else?


Regarding Rainie Yang's performance in the live broadcast, netizens' comments are even more varied. Some people said that she dared to show her original voice in the live broadcast, and this courage is simply the conscience of the industry compared to those singers who are only perfect in post-production!

Rainie Yang's singer was eliminated, and Li Shaminzi spoke affectionately: The singing voice in youth does not need to be proven!

The comment area was full of voices praising her for her "boldness", and one of the particularly talented netizens even joked: Rainie Yang's courage during the live broadcast is like I didn't look at the answers during the exam, purely by self-feeling - although the result may not be perfect, but the process is absolutely real! However, some people have asked whether this is just another shrewd marketing strategy. After all, in this era of looking at faces, who doesn't want to be an "honest" beauty?

Rainie Yang's singer was eliminated, and Li Shaminzi spoke affectionately: The singing voice in youth does not need to be proven!

The collision of feelings and reality

Although Rainie Yang's journey in "Singer 2024" has ended, her status in the hearts of fans has not diminished in the slightest. Li Shaminzi's speech seems to touch the strings of memory, and people can't help but recall the bits and pieces related to Rainie Yang in those years.

Rainie Yang's singer was eliminated, and Li Shaminzi spoke affectionately: The singing voice in youth does not need to be proven!

The atmosphere in the comment area became both sentimental and warm, and netizens began to post their memories one after another, saying that no matter what, they would continue to support Rainie Yang in the future. A particularly naughty netizen said that Rainie Yang's songs and the dramas she starred in are the freeze-frame keys of my youth, and I can go back to those carefree days by pressing it.

Rainie Yang's singer was eliminated, and Li Shaminzi spoke affectionately: The singing voice in youth does not need to be proven!

Although eliminated, the feelings remain forever

Rainie Yang's departure does not mean that her musical career is over. Her songs, those melodies that were once popular all over the country, still occupy a place in everyone's youth. The atmosphere in the comment area was lively and warm, and netizens expressed their support for her in their own ways. One of the netizens joked that even if Rainie Yang doesn't sing, she can consider driving a "Youth Memories Kill" car to ensure that the seats are full.

Rainie Yang's singer was eliminated, and Li Shaminzi spoke affectionately: The singing voice in youth does not need to be proven!

Although this elimination caused quite a few waves, it seems that more people chose to respond with a relaxed and optimistic attitude. No matter how lively the discussion in the comment section is, it is a wonderful conversation about music, memory and life.

Rainie Yang's singer was eliminated, and Li Shaminzi spoke affectionately: The singing voice in youth does not need to be proven!

After all, in this fast-paced era, it is rare to be able to make people stop and enjoy a melody and a memory. Although Rainie Yang said goodbye in "Singer 2024", her and her music will undoubtedly continue to sing in the hearts of each of us.

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