
To treat psoriasis, try these four flavor medicines, and the effect is very significant

author:Life Digest Health Assistant

Psoriasis is a refractory skin disease, there is no specific treatment, as a doctor who has seen psoriasis for more than 20 years, through the syndrome differentiation and treatment of several patients, and combined with modern pharmacological research, these kinds of traditional Chinese medicine for the treatment of psoriasis whether it is used alone or in combination, have a good effect on psoriasis patients.

To treat psoriasis, try these four flavor medicines, and the effect is very significant

1. Rehmannia rehmannia

(1) Rehmannia is a kind of Rehmannia rehmannia, which is cold and bitter in taste, and its main effect is to clear heat and detoxify, cool blood and invigorate blood, nourish yin and rejuvenate Jin, and is one of the most commonly used traditional Chinese medicines for the treatment of psoriasis.

(2) Because of the excellent effect of clearing heat and cooling the blood, it is often seen in the prescription for the treatment of blood fever psoriasis. However, because Rehmannia is cold and easy to slander the spleen and stomach, it should be used with caution for patients with weak spleen and stomach.

To treat psoriasis, try these four flavor medicines, and the effect is very significant
To treat psoriasis, try these four flavor medicines, and the effect is very significant

2. Red pear

(1) Red peony and white peony are collectively known as peony, is the root of the plant peony, the main effect of red peony is to cool the blood and eliminate spots, disperse stasis and relieve pain, therefore, red peony is mainly used to treat blood stasis psoriasis, used to dredge blood stasis, reduce the formation of plaque.

(2) In addition, red peony returns to the liver meridian, which can clear the liver and relieve fire, and for some psoriasis patients with strong liver fire, red peony is very symptomatic. However, it should also be noted that patients with cold red peony and weak spleen and stomach should use it under the guidance of a doctor.

To treat psoriasis, try these four flavor medicines, and the effect is very significant
To treat psoriasis, try these four flavor medicines, and the effect is very significant

3. Angelica

(1) There is a saying in traditional Chinese medicine that "ten directions and nine returns", which is enough to show that angelica is widely used in the treatment of diseases. The main role of Angelica sinensis is to replenish blood and qi, because most psoriasis patients have a long course of disease and consume large amounts of qi and blood nutrients to the body, if not replenished in time, it is likely to delay the recovery of psoriasis, so Chinese medicine often adds Angelica sinensis to nourish qi and blood, regulate the patient's qi and blood, and promote the recovery of the body.

(2) However, when using angelica, it is necessary to pay attention to the dosage and prevent overdose.

To treat psoriasis, try these four flavor medicines, and the effect is very significant
To treat psoriasis, try these four flavor medicines, and the effect is very significant

4. Windproof

(1) The name of the wind is very interesting, probably means to prevent and control the wind evil, the main effect of the wind is to sweat and relieve the surface, disperse the cold and relieve pain, especially in the autumn and winter, the weather is cooler, and the cold in the external environment is easy to invade the body, resulting in cold and dampness in the body, and over time, it is easy to induce psoriasis. Therefore, the proper use of wind to sweat and relieve the surface, dissipate cold and dehumidify, can effectively treat psoriasis.

To treat psoriasis, try these four flavor medicines, and the effect is very significant
To treat psoriasis, try these four flavor medicines, and the effect is very significant

Insist on doing popular science in order to let more people understand psoriasis, pay attention to diet in daily life, exercise more to increase immunity to avoid illness, but also to let patients who have suffered from psoriasis maintain an optimistic attitude and actively treat, and more importantly, the condition of psoriasis is complex, it is not recommended to use medicine by yourself, and consult a dermatologist for medication. The drugs and treatments in this article are for exchange and learning purposes only. It is not recommended to use it without permission.