
Follow-up to the death of the man who hangs his neck and exercises: The neighbor spoke out, the son was going to sue, and someone was on a big deal

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High-Risk Fitness: Who's Responsible?

Exercise and fitness is the trend pursued by today's young people. But have you ever thought that this pursuit of health can become a deadly trap? Not long ago, a shocking case once again pushed the "hanging neck exercise" to the forefront of public opinion!

Follow-up to the death of the man who hangs his neck and exercises: The neighbor spoke out, the son was going to sue, and someone was on a big deal

In a neighborhood in Chongqing, a 57-year-old man pursued a fit in the fitness area of his neighborhood called "hanging neck exercise". Sadly, he eventually lost his life as a result. This news is embarrassing, especially when it is learned that the man's own fitness quality is not bad, it is even more incredible.

Follow-up to the death of the man who hangs his neck and exercises: The neighbor spoke out, the son was going to sue, and someone was on a big deal

This incident has led to the question: is there a problem with the fitness method, or is it the wrong performer? Or who should bear the responsibility? According to the man's neighbors, he was influenced by an influencer to choose this high-risk fitness method. What's even more bizarre is that this Internet celebrity turned out to be for the purpose of selling exercise equipment, instructing men to use the "hanging neck exercise method" for free. In this case, who should bear the responsibility?

Follow-up to the death of the man who hangs his neck and exercises: The neighbor spoke out, the son was going to sue, and someone was on a big deal

This is indeed a question for thought. If such a situation really exists, then should the influencer also bear some responsibility? If this happens repeatedly, won't there be many more people caught up in similar tragedies?

Faced with such a situation, the relevant departments should think about it. Shouldn't there be some regulation and restraint on those influencers who promote bad fitness methods? Otherwise, wouldn't this tragedy be repeated again and again?

Follow-up to the death of the man who hangs his neck and exercises: The neighbor spoke out, the son was going to sue, and someone was on a big deal

In the pursuit of health, we must not ignore the importance of safety because of the impulse. Fitness is a positive thing, but you must choose a scientific, safe approach. At the same time, those who promote bad methods in fitness coaching should also be held accountable for their actions. After all, our lives are too precious to be wasted.

Follow-up to the death of the man who hangs his neck and exercises: The neighbor spoke out, the son was going to sue, and someone was on a big deal

Fitness Boom: Who Are the Victims?

Young people are always looking for a healthy body, which is also a fashion. After all, who doesn't want a lean and toned body? But the question is, are they using the right method? Let's take a look at this venerable man, he is a multi-talented man, running, yoga, and photography, he is simply an energetic "fitness guy". But on the contrary, he embarked on a ridiculous path.

Follow-up to the death of the man who hangs his neck and exercises: The neighbor spoke out, the son was going to sue, and someone was on a big deal

It's really funny. If you look at the fitness boom right now, does it feel a bit like gambling? Everyone wants to get fitter and stronger by exercising, but how many people really understand how big the stakes are? Young people are joining the fitness army, but few people are delving into the safety of fitness methods. How many people have made mistakes in the pursuit of health!

Follow-up to the death of the man who hangs his neck and exercises: The neighbor spoke out, the son was going to sue, and someone was on a big deal

Alas, this is no joke. Life is the only one, once you embark on the road of no return, it is too late to regret it. So, we really need to be vigilant. Don't let those fitness passions get carried away, and don't let the wrong way to get fit ruin our future. When it comes to health, you can't be sloppy.

Follow-up to the death of the man who hangs his neck and exercises: The neighbor spoke out, the son was going to sue, and someone was on a big deal


Fitness, for many people, is not only a way to exercise the body, but also an attitude to life, a spiritual pursuit of health, vitality and beauty. Imagine the morning sun shining on your body, sweat falling like raindrops, and every exercise seems to release stress and rejuvenate. It's a beautiful feeling.

Follow-up to the death of the man who hangs his neck and exercises: The neighbor spoke out, the son was going to sue, and someone was on a big deal

However, just like there are two sides to a coin, fitness isn't completely harmless. If you don't do it right, the consequences will be dire. For example, the other day, my friend tried a fitness method called "violence training", and as a result, he injured his waist and couldn't walk normally for several days. It can be seen that even seemingly simple exercise movements can have serious consequences if they are not done properly.

Follow-up to the death of the man who hangs his neck and exercises: The neighbor spoke out, the son was going to sue, and someone was on a big deal

Therefore, we should cherish life and choose a scientific and safe way of fitness. First of all, you should exercise in a planned way, not greedily pursue difficult movements at the beginning, but should make a reasonable exercise plan according to your own situation and ability, and gradually increase the difficulty.

Follow-up to the death of the man who hangs his neck and exercises: The neighbor spoke out, the son was going to sue, and someone was on a big deal

Secondly, you must pay attention to the correct posture and movement skills, and you can consult a professional coach or participate in relevant training courses to ensure safety during the workout. Finally, reasonable rest and nutrition are also important links that cannot be ignored in the fitness process, to ensure adequate sleep and a balanced diet, so that the body can be fully recovered and nourished.

Follow-up to the death of the man who hangs his neck and exercises: The neighbor spoke out, the son was going to sue, and someone was on a big deal

Speaking of which, I have to mention those "Internet celebrities" who use improper means to gain attention and mislead the public. They often attract a large number of fans through exaggerated and irresponsible propaganda methods, but few people realize that these so-called "fitness experts" may bring wrong fitness concepts and unsafe fitness methods to everyone. Therefore, when we choose fitness guidance, we must keep our eyes open, do not be easily confused by the superficial glamour, and pay attention to its professionalism and credibility so as not to become the next victim.

Follow-up to the death of the man who hangs his neck and exercises: The neighbor spoke out, the son was going to sue, and someone was on a big deal

Finally, let us call together that a healthy body is the greatest asset and not put it at risk. Only by choosing a scientific and safe way of fitness can we truly enjoy the happiness and benefits brought by fitness. May every gymper be able to pursue their physical goals healthily and happily and move towards a better future!

Follow-up to the death of the man who hangs his neck and exercises: The neighbor spoke out, the son was going to sue, and someone was on a big deal

In today's society, fitness has become a lifestyle pursued by more and more young people. They aspire to have a healthy body and pursue self-confidence and good looks. However, as we have seen, there are many pitfalls and risks associated with the fitness process, especially when it comes to choosing a fitness method.

Follow-up to the death of the man who hangs his neck and exercises: The neighbor spoke out, the son was going to sue, and someone was on a big deal

The tragedy of this 57-year-old man is a wake-up call for us to be cautious about fitness and to choose a scientific and safe approach. At the same time, it also raises the thinking of those "Internet celebrities" who use improper means to gain attention and mislead the public. Their actions may put more people at risk, which is not only irresponsible for themselves, but also for the safety of others.

Follow-up to the death of the man who hangs his neck and exercises: The neighbor spoke out, the son was going to sue, and someone was on a big deal

Therefore, the relevant authorities must strengthen the supervision and restraint of these influencers who promote poor fitness methods, so that they cannot continue to mislead the public and lead to more similar tragedies happening again. At the same time, each of us should also strengthen our awareness of self-protection and not forget the principle of safety first while pursuing health.

Follow-up to the death of the man who hangs his neck and exercises: The neighbor spoke out, the son was going to sue, and someone was on a big deal

A healthy body is our most valuable asset, and choosing the right fitness method is an important way to protect this wealth. Let us call together to cherish life, choose scientific and safe fitness methods, and be responsible for our own health and the safety of others. May everyone who pursues health have a healthy and happy future!

Follow-up to the death of the man who hangs his neck and exercises: The neighbor spoke out, the son was going to sue, and someone was on a big deal

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