
What is the experience of taking "aphrodisiac"? The doctor shares 2 cases to tell you how you really feel

author:Dr. Zhang Yu, a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner

Hello everyone, I am your old Chinese medicine doctor. Today, I would like to talk to you about a topic that is both sensitive and intriguing - aphrodisiacs.

In our culture, aphrodisiacs are often portrayed as a miraculous elixir that seems to ignite the passion of life in an instant.

But what is the truth?

What is the experience of taking "aphrodisiac"? The doctor shares 2 cases to tell you how you really feel

I will take you into the world of aphrodisiacs through two real cases and see the hidden health crisis behind them.

Case 1: Misguided longing

Mr. Zhang, a middle-aged man with a successful career, was infected by the lively atmosphere around him at a gathering of friends;

He remembered that moment, as if all the exhaustion and stress had vanished, replaced by an indescribable excitement and strength.

What is the experience of taking "aphrodisiac"? The doctor shares 2 cases to tell you how you really feel

However, this sudden "gift" did not last long, and soon, his heart began to beat wildly;

It was as if he was about to break free from the shackles of his chest, and with bouts of dizziness and dizziness, his world began to spin;

Until eventually, he fell into a brief loss of consciousness.

Fortunately, he was rushed to the hospital in time and was able to get out of danger after a series of emergency treatments.

The doctor told him that the so-called "enhancer" contained a large number of unapproved drug ingredients;

What is the experience of taking "aphrodisiac"? The doctor shares 2 cases to tell you how you really feel

These ingredients acted directly on the heart, causing his symptoms.

Mr. Zhang's experience is a profound warning to those who believe in "miracle effects".

Case 2: The conflict between desire and reality

Miss Li, a young woman who pursues romance and passion, wants to add a surprise to her love life;

She buys a mysterious bottle of "aphrodisiac" in a small and inconspicuous shop.

That night, she took the little pill with great anticipation, hoping that it would lead to an unforgettable experience.

What is the experience of taking "aphrodisiac"? The doctor shares 2 cases to tell you how you really feel

However, the reality is the opposite of what she expected.

Soon after, a severe headache struck, followed by nausea and vomiting, and her body seemed to be clutched by some kind of force, unable to get rid of it.

In the hospital bed, Miss Li's painful expression made the medical staff present feel distressed.

After careful examination, doctors found that her body had developed a severe allergic reaction to some of the ingredients in the "aphrodisiac";

If you don't seek medical attention in time, the consequences are unimaginable.

It's human instinct to pursue happiness and fulfillment, but safety and health are always the most important considerations in this process.

These two cases are just the tip of the iceberg.

In real life, the abuse of aphrodisiacs has become a health hazard that cannot be ignored.

What is the experience of taking "aphrodisiac"? The doctor shares 2 cases to tell you how you really feel

Many people blindly seek help from the outside world because of their pursuit of happiness, but neglect their own health.

As a TCM practitioner, I must emphasize that there are two sides to any medicine, and this is especially true of aphrodisiacs.

They may bring so-called "effects" in the short term, but in the long run, they can cause irreversible damage to the body.

In the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, we advocate the harmony of yin and yang, and the unity of body and mind.

The beauty of sex should not depend on external stimuli, but should be a natural reflection of the emotional communication and physical health of both parties.

Be wary of the risks of aphrodisiacs:

1. The truth about aphrodisiacs

Aphrodisiacs are not the silver bullet of sexual health.

Many people believe that aphrodisiacs magically restore their abilities;

What is the experience of taking "aphrodisiac"? The doctor shares 2 cases to tell you how you really feel

But in reality, these medications do not address the root cause of sexual health problems.

They act more like a superficial "tinkering", and this tinkering can also come with some unpredictable risks.

2. Side effects of aphrodisiacs

Many aphrodisiacs are chemically synthetic, and they may have a strong irritating effect on your body.

It's like injecting a strong burst of energy into your body, overloading it for a short period of time.

What is the experience of taking "aphrodisiac"? The doctor shares 2 cases to tell you how you really feel

Many aphrodisiac ingredients may have a negative impact on the cardiovascular system, especially for people with a history of heart disease.

Aphrodisiacs may interact with other medications, causing dangerous side effects.

Long-term use of certain aphrodisiacs may lead to changes in the body's adaptation, which in turn leads to dependence, and sexual function will decline without drugs.

3. Seek professional help

That's why I always emphasize that if you have problems with your sexual health, you should seek professional medical help.

Your doctor can help you get to the root of the problem and prescribe a treatment plan accordingly.

What is the experience of taking "aphrodisiac"? The doctor shares 2 cases to tell you how you really feel

Whether it's a psychological disorder or a physical problem;

Doctors are available to give you the most professional advice and treatment.

Rather than risking your health to try an unknown aphrodisiac, it is undoubtedly wiser to seek help from a doctor.

In closing, I would like to say that sexual health is a right that everyone should have.

Don't be shy about personal issues.

Only by facing the problem squarely can we find a solution to the problem.

What is the experience of taking "aphrodisiac"? The doctor shares 2 cases to tell you how you really feel

So, if you have any questions about sexual health, don't hesitate to go to the doctor!

They will give you the most professional help.