
A major turning point for China's heavy-duty gas turbines: seizing the opportunity of Europe and the United States twice to break the ban of more than 80 years

author:Susu gossip

On the second day of the Cannes Film Festival, Tang Yan made a stunning appearance on the red carpet, regaining the "decency" that she had lost for a long time on the international stage for domestic entertainment stars. This marks that in the international arena, which has suffered repeated setbacks in the past, domestic entertainment has finally ushered in an important turning point.

A major turning point for China's heavy-duty gas turbines: seizing the opportunity of Europe and the United States twice to break the ban of more than 80 years

In the past at Cannes and other international film festivals, domestic entertainment stars have faced a dilemma for a long time. Styling mistakes, being snubbed by the international media, and losing the contrast with Hollywood superstars have all made domestic entertainment stars lose their due "decency" on the international stage. The root cause is of course related to cultural differences, aesthetic vision and other limitations, but more importantly, domestic entertainment stars lack the opportunity to fully display their strength on the international stage.

A major turning point for China's heavy-duty gas turbines: seizing the opportunity of Europe and the United States twice to break the ban of more than 80 years

Over the past year, Chinese filmmakers have begun to consciously break free from these limitations. Stars such as Zheng Shuang and Zhang Yuqi chose to appear at the Venice Film Festival, rather than just being limited to the local platform of domestic entertainment, which is the epitome of this change.

As a film power, it has become a consensus that China's domestic entertainment must go abroad and fully demonstrate its strength and charm on the international stage. Tang Yan's stunning appearance at Cannes is the perfect interpretation of this consensus translated into action.

A major turning point for China's heavy-duty gas turbines: seizing the opportunity of Europe and the United States twice to break the ban of more than 80 years

Compared with other domestic entertainment stars, Tang Yan has multiple advantages in appearing on the international stage. First, she has solid acting skills as an endorsement. From the early "Sing a Song When You Are Sad" to the recent "Long Song Xing", Tang Yan has proved that she is an all-round outstanding actor with her strength.

A major turning point for China's heavy-duty gas turbines: seizing the opportunity of Europe and the United States twice to break the ban of more than 80 years

Second, Tang Yan also has a keen insight and a distinctive personal style in terms of fashion. Thirdly, Tang Yan also pays attention to improving her internationalization, including English proficiency training and understanding of different cultures. It can be said that Tang Yan is a well-deserved international first-line star.

A major turning point for China's heavy-duty gas turbines: seizing the opportunity of Europe and the United States twice to break the ban of more than 80 years

On the basis of these advantages, Tang Yan's trip to Cannes can be described as "a matter of course". This is not only her personal success, but also represents that the overall strength of domestic entertainment is gaining international recognition. Specifically, Tang Yan's trip to Cannes has the following revelations:

First, Tang Yan said that the strength of domestic entertainment is gradually improving, and there are more opportunities to shine on the international stage. Judging from Tang Yan's performance, domestic entertainment stars already have the strength to appear on the international stage, and they only need more opportunities like this to show.

A major turning point for China's heavy-duty gas turbines: seizing the opportunity of Europe and the United States twice to break the ban of more than 80 years

Second, Tang Yan proved that domestic entertainment stars must have solid acting skills as a backing to succeed on the international stage. Not only does it have an external beauty and posture, but it also needs internal acting skills to support the entire image. This is also the basis for domestic entertainment stars to be recognized on the international stage.

A major turning point for China's heavy-duty gas turbines: seizing the opportunity of Europe and the United States twice to break the ban of more than 80 years

Third, Tang Yan represents that the aesthetic vision of the domestic entertainment star group is opening up, and she has a sharper judgment of fashion trends. This provides strong support for the styling of domestic entertainment stars on the international stage.

Fourth, Tang Yan's English proficiency and international vision provide a learning template for other domestic entertainment stars. This kind of international quality is an important part of the recognition of domestic entertainment stars on the international stage.

A major turning point for China's heavy-duty gas turbines: seizing the opportunity of Europe and the United States twice to break the ban of more than 80 years

It is foreseeable that after Tang Yan opens the door to the international stage, the craze of domestic entertainment stars going overseas will continue. Zhang Yishan, Wang Yibo and other new-generation actors are actively preparing, hoping to show their skills at international film festivals. As a representative of the older generation of domestic entertainment, Zhao Wei has also been actively transforming in recent years, enriching her acting connotation, and hoping to make a difference on the international stage.

A major turning point for China's heavy-duty gas turbines: seizing the opportunity of Europe and the United States twice to break the ban of more than 80 years

However, if domestic entertainment stars want to continue to shine on the international stage, they still need to work hard in many aspects. First, continue to improve your acting skills. The scale of China's film market is huge, and it is easy to have the problem of impetuous acting. In order to gain a foothold in the international arena, we must pay attention to the accumulation of connotative acting skills.

A major turning point for China's heavy-duty gas turbines: seizing the opportunity of Europe and the United States twice to break the ban of more than 80 years

Second, broaden our horizons, absorb international advanced fashion concepts, and enhance our competitiveness in clothing and styling. Third, language training should be strengthened, after all, English is still the main language of international communication. Fourth, it is necessary to strengthen personal branding, so that its own personality charm can be effectively disseminated on the international stage.

To sum up, Tang Yan's trip to Cannes is undoubtedly an important step for domestic entertainment to move towards the international stage. This is not only an affirmation of Tang Yan's own strength, but also indicates that the internationalization process of domestic entertainment is accelerating.

A major turning point for China's heavy-duty gas turbines: seizing the opportunity of Europe and the United States twice to break the ban of more than 80 years

In order to gain continuous respect and recognition on the international stage, domestic entertainment also needs to persistently improve its comprehensive strength. But it is foreseeable that after artists like Tang Yan take the lead in opening the way, the craze of domestic entertainment stars going overseas will be unstoppable, and China's soft power will also reach a higher level in cultural representation.

A major turning point for China's heavy-duty gas turbines: seizing the opportunity of Europe and the United States twice to break the ban of more than 80 years

From a practical point of view, heavy-duty gas turbines are the "heart" of energy equipment, and their performance level directly restricts the development of important industries such as electric power, petroleum, chemical industry, and aerospace. The independent innovation of heavy-duty gas turbines will greatly reduce the dependence of these industries on imports, enhance their independent and controllable capabilities, and effectively guarantee national economic security.

A major turning point for China's heavy-duty gas turbines: seizing the opportunity of Europe and the United States twice to break the ban of more than 80 years

In addition, the successful development of heavy-duty gas turbines will also strongly promote the overall improvement of the technical level in related fields. High-end materials, precision machining, high-efficiency combustion and other technologies will make significant progress in the research and development of gas turbines, and quickly penetrate into a wider range of high-tech industries, improving the mainland's position in the global industrial chain.

From a historical point of view, the breakthrough of heavy-duty gas turbines marks the end of China's long-term passive position in important industrial fields. Under the guidance of the Party and the country's unswerving implementation of the innovation-driven development strategy, Chinese science and technology workers have finally overcome this world technological peak with perseverance.

A major turning point for China's heavy-duty gas turbines: seizing the opportunity of Europe and the United States twice to break the ban of more than 80 years

This indicates that China will achieve independent innovation breakthroughs in more high-end fields, and its scientific and technological strength will leap to a new level. At the same time, it will further enhance the self-confidence and pride of the Chinese people, and encourage the whole country to forge ahead in the historical journey of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

A major turning point for China's heavy-duty gas turbines: seizing the opportunity of Europe and the United States twice to break the ban of more than 80 years

Looking ahead, the breakthrough of heavy-duty gas turbines is just the beginning, and China's development still has a long way to go. On the one hand, the mainland should continue to increase investment in scientific research, adhere to independent innovation, and lead high-quality development with scientific and technological innovation. On the other hand, it is necessary to further implement the innovation-driven development strategy, deepen the reform of the science and education system, provide a better environment and platform for scientific and technological workers, and stimulate unlimited vitality with the spirit of innovation.

A major turning point for China's heavy-duty gas turbines: seizing the opportunity of Europe and the United States twice to break the ban of more than 80 years

In the new era and new journey, China will continue to forge ahead and achieve historic breakthroughs in more high-tech and cutting-edge scientific fields with the courage and speed of "snakes swallowing elephants". In the process of continuously promoting the rejuvenation of the country through science and education, the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is bound to become a beautiful reality.

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