
After losing the singles at the Paris Olympics, 25-year-old Wang Manyu announced a wise decision! Fans show their support!

author:Health train

In sports, there are wins and losses, and that's a matter of course.

After losing the singles at the Paris Olympics, 25-year-old Wang Manyu announced a wise decision! Fans show their support!

The 25-year-old Wang Manyu was supposed to be the top seed of the national team, but she was unexpectedly unsuccessful in the selection of the women's singles event at the Paris Olympics. For a professional athlete, this is undoubtedly a heavy blow. However, Wang Manyu was not discouraged and did not give up on herself, she firmly decided to focus on preparing for the women's team project.

As we all know, individual and team projects have different emphases and require different technical styles. However, Wang Manyu has shown remarkable maturity and determination, and she has complied with the decision of the coaching staff and is willing to dedicate her personal interests to the good of the team.

After losing the singles at the Paris Olympics, 25-year-old Wang Manyu announced a wise decision! Fans show their support!

In this way, Wang Manyu regained her strengths and was determined to win the gold medal of the women's team for the Chinese team. She began a new round of hard training and worked hard to adapt to her new role. Sometimes, she feels a little hesitant, but when she thinks about what thousands of fans expect from her, she rekindles her fighting spirit.

The majority of fans have naturally not forgotten the former singles king, and they have cheered for Wang Manyu through various channels, which has become a strong driving force for her on the way forward. Some people gave spiritual encouragement, some people analyzed technical details, and some childhood fans sent small flags made by themselves, and the scene was very touching.

After losing the singles at the Paris Olympics, 25-year-old Wang Manyu announced a wise decision! Fans show their support!

In this way, with the support and encouragement of the fans and the careful guidance of the coach, Wang Manyu regained his confidence step by step and gradually got better. She often tells herself that opportunities are always there and that the key is to prepare yourself.

When it comes to Wang Manyu, many table tennis veterans must have an impression. As a young workhorse at the Tyulinge Vassgy club, she has shown extraordinary strength since her debut in the 2014 Table Tennis Super League.

After losing the singles at the Paris Olympics, 25-year-old Wang Manyu announced a wise decision! Fans show their support!

Although she was still a little rusty at the time, she won 10 of the 22 fights that season, which showed her unlimited potential.

Since then, Wang Manyu has been like a rising star, honing her skills in successive competitions. In 2016, she was selected for the national youth team and won the singles runner-up at the World Junior Championships. The following year, she won the title of the Most Valuable Player of the Table Tennis Super League with her outstanding performance. Well done, little girl!

After losing the singles at the Paris Olympics, 25-year-old Wang Manyu announced a wise decision! Fans show their support!

However, just when people's expectations for her were getting higher and higher, Wang Manyu also began to face some difficulties. In the 2018 season, she was unable to fully recover due to a recurrence of an old wrist injury, which also caused her to suffer a waterloo in all competitions that year. However, for a tenacious and hard-working girl like Wang Manyu, temporary setbacks can't stump her. Through systematic treatment and adjustment, she quickly regained her form.

In the semi-finals, Wang Manyu/Yu Ziyang played against Ma Long/Ding Ning, and it can be described as a strong confrontation on the field. At the beginning of the first game, Ma Long's superb spinning ball made Wang Manyu stretched for a while, but she quickly adjusted her state and equalized the game with her backhand commanding heights.

After losing the singles at the Paris Olympics, 25-year-old Wang Manyu announced a wise decision! Fans show their support!

It's a pity that the good times didn't last long, in the second game, Ma Long's top ball was like a sharp arrow, and Wang Manyu couldn't defend it, so he fell behind 9:11. In the third game, Wang Manyu played a clever multi-angle tangential ball, which made the opponent stretched for a while. But Malone finally found a way to deal with it, and killed the roundabout in a couple of steep straight lines in a row, and the game was equalized.

Entering the second half, Ma Long/Ding Ning seemed to have turned on some switch, and a high-cost "battle" was fought on the field. Ding Ning's terrifying hand knife palm rose and fell, extremely sharp; Malone won by surprise, hitting the ball into the corner. Wang Manyu and Yu Ziyang seemed to be stuck in the quagmire and were struggling.

After losing the singles at the Paris Olympics, 25-year-old Wang Manyu announced a wise decision! Fans show their support!

They took the lead at one point, but were quickly overtaken. The coach on the sidelines was extremely anxious and kept instructing, but Ma Long/Ding Ning in the stadium was indeed too strong. In the end, after a round of hearty fighting, Wang Manyu/Yu Ziyang lost 1:4.

The defeated Wang Manyu didn't lose control of his emotions like some young athletes. She didn't lose her temper, didn't cry, and even smiled. In an interview after the match, she said: "It's an honor to meet a master like Ma Long/Ding Ning in the final, we learned a lot." Then she said bluntly: "We are young, we still have a long way to go, and this is just a new beginning."

After losing the singles at the Paris Olympics, 25-year-old Wang Manyu announced a wise decision! Fans show their support!

As members of the Chinese national table tennis team, Wang Manyu and Zhu Yuling have also experienced defeats in past matches. However, at the Qatar Open, they seem determined to regain their title. Throughout the competition, the two were full of spirit and played well, especially in the key points, showing outstanding on-the-spot adaptability and tenacious fighting spirit.

The opponent in the final was Japan's Miyu Kihara/Miyu Nagasaki, and the two were also very strong. However, Wang Manyu/Zhu Yuling was not intimidated by the opponent's strength, but immediately played a crazy attack after the opening, fully demonstrating the style of Chinese table tennis "pulling out the mountains and covering the world".

After losing the singles at the Paris Olympics, 25-year-old Wang Manyu announced a wise decision! Fans show their support!

The game was once stalemate, the two sides came and went, and it was difficult to distinguish between them on the field for the time being. At this critical moment, Wang Manyu broke out at the right time to serve the wild slalom she is good at, and beat her opponent back many times. And Zhu Yuling gave full play to her skilled technical advantages and controlled the rhythm on the field.

The tacit cooperation between the two, coupled with the tenacious and hard-working feelings of the Chinese table tennis team, finally defeated the Japanese pair in the deciding game and won the championship trophy with a score of 3:1! There were bursts of cheers at the scene, and the girls who fought bravely on the field were undoubtedly the biggest winners.

After losing the singles at the Paris Olympics, 25-year-old Wang Manyu announced a wise decision! Fans show their support!

As a young player born in the 90s, Wang Manyu gives me the impression that he will never stop working hard and never give up. Despite her young age, she has already achieved impressive results in just a few years. I believe that as long as she continues to maintain this tenacity, she will be able to rise to the top of the competition at a higher level and contribute to the national team.

After all, table tennis has a long and difficult path, and only by persevering and moving forward bravely can we go further on this road. I hope that Wang Manyu can keep in mind the belief of "never give up", fight for the Chinese nation on the international stage, and inject new vitality into Chinese table tennis! I sincerely wish her every success in her future competitions!

After losing the singles at the Paris Olympics, 25-year-old Wang Manyu announced a wise decision! Fans show their support!

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