
Feet are a "magnifying glass" of health! Doctor reminds: If you have these symptoms on your feet, be careful

author:Starfire Life

Mr. Wang, a sedentary office worker, has gradually attracted his attention to the health of his feet due to a long period of lack of exercise. During a fitness activity, he felt unusual discomfort in his feet and decided to seek medical advice. He came to Dr. Lee's clinic and asked Dr. Lee about his foot problems.

Mr. Wang describes his symptoms: "Dr. Li, I have been doing some simple exercises recently, and my feet have always felt very uncomfortable and even a little swollen. ”

Feet are a "magnifying glass" of health! Doctor reminds: If you have these symptoms on your feet, be careful

After listening to Mr. Wang's description, Dr. Li thought about it and said, "Mr. Wang, you may not know that the abnormality of the feet is often a 'magnifying glass' for our physical health. These discomforts can be a sign of problems in other parts of the body. ”

After careful examination, Dr. Li found that Mr. Wang's foot problems were related to chronic lack of exercise, which led to muscle atrophy and poor blood circulation, which caused discomfort. He advised Mr. Wang to improve his foot health through proper exercise, and also reminded him to have regular check-ups and pay attention to his diet and lifestyle habits.

01 Doctor reminds: If you have these symptoms on your feet, be careful

Persistent swelling: If you notice persistent swelling in your feet, especially if it doesn't improve after resting, it could be a sign of a problem with your circulatory or lymphatic system. These symptoms can be triggered by poor circulation or obstruction of lymphatic fluid excretion. It is advisable to seek medical attention as soon as possible to avoid delaying the condition.

Persistent pain: Persistent pain in the foot should not be taken lightly, especially if it is not caused by overuse. Such pain can be a sign of a serious problem such as a fracture, arthritis, etc. Early medical testing can help determine the cause and take appropriate treatment measures.

Feet are a "magnifying glass" of health! Doctor reminds: If you have these symptoms on your feet, be careful

Abnormal sensations: If you feel unusual numbness, tingling, or loss of normal sensation in your feet, it could be a sign of a neurological problem. Neuropathy can cause paresthesias, such as diabetic neuropathy. Seek medical attention as soon as possible for testing and treatment.

Deformity or muscle atrophy: Deformed bone structure or muscle atrophy in the feet may be a sign of a problem with the skeletal or nervous system. For example, flat feet can cause foot deformity and muscle atrophy. A medical professional will prescribe a treatment plan according to the situation.

Feet are a "magnifying glass" of health! Doctor reminds: If you have these symptoms on your feet, be careful

Abnormal skin changes: If the skin on your feet is ulcerated, red, blistered, or other abnormal, it may be due to an infection or other serious medical condition. For example, tinea pedis, fungal infections, or deep tissue infections can cause such symptoms. Seek medical attention as soon as possible to get the right diagnosis and treatment.

02 TCM health advice

Check your foot health regularly:

Regularly observe the shape, skin condition and feeling of the feet to see if they are normal, and detect and treat abnormalities in the feet in a timely manner.

This includes examining the soles, arches, dorsum of feet, and other parts of the foot, and paying attention to whether there are abnormal skin changes, swelling, pain and other symptoms.

Wear appropriate footwear:

Choose shoes that fit your foot shape and avoid wearing shoes that are too tight or too loose for long periods of time.

Avoid high heels and hard soles, and choose soft, breathable, ergonomic shoes that can help protect the health of your feet.

Feet are a "magnifying glass" of health! Doctor reminds: If you have these symptoms on your feet, be careful

Moderate Exercise:

Exercise helps to promote the flow of qi and blood, enhance physical fitness, improve blood circulation in the feet, and reduce foot discomfort caused by sitting for a long time.

It is recommended to choose moderate aerobic exercises, such as walking, tai chi, yoga, etc., and you can choose the appropriate exercise method and intensity according to your personal situation.

Rational Food:

Eat a balanced diet with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables to maintain good health.

Avoid eating greasy, spicy, and irritating foods and avoid foods that are too salty and sweet, which can help reduce moisture and inflammation in the body.

Moderate intake of foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as deep-sea fish, can help reduce inflammation in the body and is especially beneficial for foot health.

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