
How to effectively control blood sugar through diet?

author:Dr. Pang popularizes health

Content Sources:

1. Ma Lijuan, Zhang Wenjing. (2017). Calories and blood sugar management: the role of dietary fiber. Chinese Journal of Diabetes Mellitus, 17(4), 300-303.

2. Zhao Junye, Zhu Zhu, Hu Yawen. (2019). Effect of the Mediterranean diet on glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes. Modern Preventive Medicine, 46(12), 2211-2214.

3. Sun Jing, Li Hongmei. (2018). Application of low glycemic index diets in diabetes management. Chinese Journal of Diabetes Mellitus, 26(8), 745-748.

Food is an indispensable part of our daily life, providing the necessary energy source for daily life. However, diet can also be an invisible double-edged sword, on the one hand, it can promote our health, and on the other hand, it may also cause blood sugar to be threatened.

How to effectively control blood sugar through diet?

1. The performance of the effect of diet on blood sugar

1. The direct impact of food composition

Carbohydrates in food are the most direct factor affecting blood sugar levels. When food is digested, carbohydrates are broken down into glucose and enter the bloodstream, causing blood sugar to rise. In this regard, the glycemic index (GI) and load (GL) of foods are two key indicators that represent the speed and extent to which foods cause blood sugar increases, respectively.

For example, foods with a high GI will quickly raise blood sugar, while foods with a low GI will have less effect on blood sugar. In addition, dietary fibre intake also plays an important role as it slows down the absorption of sugar from food, thereby helping to control blood sugar smoothly.

2. The influence of dietary patterns

Eating patterns, i.e., a person's overall eating habits and choices, also have a long-term impact on blood sugar. The Mediterranean diet, low-carb diet, and DASH diet have been shown to be effective in blood sugar management. These dietary patterns often emphasize the importance of dietary fiber.

Recommend a high intake of vegetables, whole grains, high-quality protein, and healthy fats, and limit processed foods and sugars. They provide the body with a stable source of energy by improving the overall quality of the diet, avoiding sharp fluctuations in blood sugar.

3. The influence of eating habits and time

Eating habits, including how often and when you eat, can also affect blood sugar levels. For example, regular meal intake can help keep blood sugar stable, while prolonged fasting or skipping meals can lead to blood sugar loss control. Late dinner or before bedtime.

Foods that are high in carbohydrates, in particular, may raise blood sugar levels at night, which can affect blood sugar control the next day. Therefore, it is equally important to establish regular eating habits and arrange the eating time reasonably for blood sugar management.

The relationship between diet and blood glucose points to a multifaceted interaction, and understanding these mechanisms of action can help to better control blood glucose, prevent and manage diabetes. Changing your eating habits can take time and effort, but it's very necessary to maintain a healthy quality of life.

How to effectively control blood sugar through diet?

2. The impact of blood sugar on health

Blood sugar, the level of glucose in the blood, is one of the important indicators of a person's health. Its impact on human health can be summarized in the following three aspects: the impact on metabolism, the impact on the cardiovascular system, and the impact on the endocrine system. A better understanding of these effects is important for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

First of all, blood sugar levels have a great impact on the body's metabolic activity. Normal blood sugar levels are key to the body's cellular energy production and maintain the normal functioning of the body. When blood sugar levels are too high, known as hyperglycemia, diabetes can occur.

Long-term hyperglycemia will lead to the body's inability to use glucose effectively, resulting in insufficient cellular energy supply, affecting the function of various organs in the body, accelerating aging, and even leading to a series of complications, such as neuropathy, retinopathy, etc. If the blood sugar level is too low, it is hypoglycemia, which is also harmful to health, mainly manifested as dizziness, fainting and other symptoms, and in severe cases, it can lead to coma and cause damage to the brain and other organs.

Secondly, the impact of blood sugar levels on the cardiovascular system should not be ignored. Long-term hyperglycemic states can lead to hardening of the arteries and poor blood circulation, which increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as heart disease and stroke.

This is because high blood sugar promotes the deposition of low-density lipoprotein ("bad cholesterol") on the walls of blood vessels, forming plaques that can lead to narrowing or blockage of blood vessels. In addition, diabetic patients tend to have higher levels of inflammatory and clotting factors in their blood, and these factors work together to greatly increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

How to effectively control blood sugar through diet?

Finally, the impact of blood glucose levels on the endocrine system is also important. Insulin is the main hormone that regulates blood sugar and is secreted by β cells of the pancreas. When the body's blood sugar level is in an abnormal state for a long time, it will affect the secretion and function of insulin, resulting in pancreatic islet dysfunction.

For example, long-term hyperglycemia can cause insulin resistance, which means that the body becomes less sensitive to insulin, and the islet β cells need to secrete more insulin to maintain blood sugar levels, which can lead to pancreatic β cell failure over time. In addition, diabetes often coexists with other endocrine diseases, such as thyroid disease, adrenal gland disease, etc., which are due to disorders of the endocrine system caused by long-term abnormalities in blood sugar levels.

3. How to effectively control blood sugar through diet

1. Pay attention to the choice of foods with low sugar or low glycemic index (GI) is the key to blood sugar control

The glycemic index refers to the ability of food to cause blood sugar to rise after it has been digested and absorbed in the body. Foods with a high glycemic index can cause a rapid rise in blood sugar, and people with diabetes or those who want to control their blood sugar should try to avoid or reduce their intake.

Conversely, low GI foods are ideal because they slowly release sugar into the bloodstream to help keep blood sugar stable. Whole grains, oats, most vegetables, and some fruits are good low-GI foods. Therefore, the proportion of these foods should be increased in the daily diet and the intake of processed carbohydrates, such as white bread, desserts and sugary drinks, should be reduced.

How to effectively control blood sugar through diet?

2. Dietary fiber intake is equally important for blood sugar control

Dietary fiber, mainly found in vegetables, fruits, whole grains and legumes, can not only slow down the digestion and absorption of food, delay the rise in blood sugar, but also increase satiety and reduce overall food intake. Therefore, ensuring adequate dietary fiber intake every day is one of the effective ways to control blood sugar.

Experts recommend that adults should consume 25 to 30 grams of dietary fiber per day. In practice, the recommended intake can be achieved by increasing the portion size of vegetables at each meal, choosing whole grain products instead of refined white foods, and eating fresh fruit every day.

3. Healthy diet and eating habits

In addition to paying attention to the type of food, a reasonable diet and eating habits are also aspects that cannot be ignored in blood sugar control. It is recommended to have a balanced intake of protein, healthy fats, and carbohydrates at each meal to avoid prolonged hunger or excessive meals.

At the same time, establishing a regular eating schedule and avoiding overeating is beneficial to keep blood sugar stable. For example, you can help manage your blood sugar levels by setting a set meal time, controlling portion sizes, and chewing slowly while eating.

In summary, the three main ways to effectively control blood sugar through diet are to rationally choose low GI foods, increase dietary fiber intake, and optimize dietary structure and habits. It is important to note that everyone's physique and health are different.

Therefore, it is best to consult the advice of a doctor or dietitian to create a personalized diet plan before adjusting your diet. In addition, in addition to a balanced diet, moderate exercise is also one of the important means to control blood sugar. Therefore, while paying attention to your diet, don't ignore the role of physical activity in maintaining blood sugar stability. Through comprehensive lifestyle adjustments, you can manage your blood sugar more effectively and maintain good health.