
Recite the "4 mantras" silently before going out, and you won't be afraid to go anywhere! There are not many people who understand, so it helps a lot

author:Mabei Town
Recite the "4 mantras" silently before going out, and you won't be afraid to go anywhere! There are not many people who understand, so it helps a lot

Recite the "4 mantras" silently before going out, and you won't be afraid to go anywhere! There are not many people who understand, so it helps a lot

There was once a wise man who asked not by name or where he came from, but only if the traveler knew the "four mantras" in his mouth. He said that this is the life experience he summed up after going through thousands of mountains and rivers and going through hardships, and it is a magic weapon for him to remain calm in adversity and break through in difficulties. Today, I will share with you the mantra of this wise man, as well as my experiences and stories in life. You may think these mantras are very simple, but I can assure you that when you really understand them, you will find that it is difficult to go anywhere, and the world cannot control your state of mind.

The first mantra: "The mind is calm and naturally cool, and the mind is chaotic and everything is busy." This sentence is the state of mind that many people dream of! Once, I was waiting for a train at the train station, and I felt as if I was overwhelmed by the endless worries. At this time, I remembered the words of the wise man, I closed my eyes, and silently recited: "The mind is calm and naturally cool, and the mind is chaotic and everything is busy." "Slowly, I began to focus on my breathing, ignoring the noise around me, and my mood gradually calmed down, and my irritability disappeared. It turns out that inner peace is the real strength, which allows me to maintain a calm and firm attitude in the chaotic world.

Recite the "4 mantras" silently before going out, and you won't be afraid to go anywhere! There are not many people who understand, so it helps a lot

The second mantra: "Be kind and courteous, and the road of life will be wider." "Once upon a time, I had a colleague who had a bold personality, but he was sharp in his words and often treated others without concealment. Once, because of a small conflict at work, he had a fierce quarrel with his colleagues, and the whole office fell into an awkward atmosphere. Seeing this, I stepped forward, communicated carefully with him, and expressed my understanding and suggestions. Although he couldn't solve the problem for a while, his mood gradually calmed down. Later, he also realized his excesses and began to learn to be kind and polite. Gradually, his colleagues' attitudes towards him also changed, and friction at work gradually decreased. It can be seen that being kind and polite can not only broaden the path of life, but also win the respect and trust of others.

The third mantra: "Actions speak louder than words, success or failure is in an instant." "In life, we often come across moments when decisive decisions are needed. Once, I was at an important business meeting where I needed to make a decision about the future of the company. The participants expressed their opinions and argued, and the meeting reached an impasse. I was silent for a moment, thought twice, made a decision, and acted quickly. As it turned out, my decision not only resolved the deadlock at the meeting, but also brought new opportunities for the company to grow. Afterwards, the participants praised my decisiveness and determination. Actions speak louder than words, and this quote tells us not to hesitate and act quickly at critical moments, because success or failure is often decided in an instant.

The fourth mantra: "Be kind to others and yourself, and happiness will come naturally." "In life, we often base our happiness on the suffering of others, and this mentality not only hurts others, but also hurts ourselves. Once, I met someone who needed help, and he asked me for help with a tired face, and I could have chosen to ignore it, but I chose to reach out and help him in any way I could. Although what I did was only a small bit, that person was very grateful to me. And I feel happy to be able to help him. Being kind to others and ourselves not only allows us to gain respect and gratitude from others, but also allows us to feel happiness in our good deeds.

This is the "4 mantras" in the mouth of the wise man, simple and profound. You may think they are too simple, but when you truly understand their meaning, you will find that they are the most valuable wealth on the road of life. Let us always keep these four mantras in mind on the road of life, be calm and naturally cool, be kind and courteous, act faster than words, and be kind to others and ourselves. Believe me, when you really do these four things, you will find out, where to go

Recite the "4 mantras" silently before going out, and you won't be afraid to go anywhere! There are not many people who understand, so it helps a lot