
Li Zi: Married to a disabled husband who is 15 years older and gave birth to three daughters, what is the status of her marriage now?

author:Meng Meng chats about the past and the present

Ma Tingqiang was born into a long-established and well-known gang family in Hong Kong, and his parents were known as "Fan Brother" when Hong Kong's underworld was prevalent, and controlled up to 80% of the illegal powder trading activities in Hong Kong at that time.

However, with the passage of time, the times changed, and in the 70s of the last century, Ma Tingqiang's father and his uncle resolutely decided to wash away the sins of the past and devote themselves to the cause of founding the Oriental Newspaper Industry.

Li Zi: Married to a disabled husband who is 15 years older and gave birth to three daughters, what is the status of her marriage now?

With his hard work and outstanding talents, he successfully achieved a self-breakthrough and started his own business, successively owning six holding companies, covering many fields such as medical care, charity, investment, real estate, etc., and became a high-profile wealthy businessman in Hong Kong.

Although Ma Tingqiang has a lot of money, due to his leg disability that makes him unable to move, he rarely appears in public and has always kept a low profile. It wasn't until 2001 that he met the popular actress Li Zi by chance, and the mysterious and low-key lifestyle of the rich man gradually became known to the world.

Since then, Ma Tingqiang has begun to pay close attention to Li Zi's every move and take care of her meticulously. In 2003, some media exposed their sweet time spent five days and five nights on a luxury yacht.

It is worth mentioning that at that time, Ma Tingqiang even gave up many important business meetings without hesitation in order to accompany his beloved Li Zi.

From the photo, it is not difficult to find that although Ma Tingqiang cares for Li Zi meticulously, Li Zi does not seem to have been completely moved by him and has not clearly expressed his willingness to marry him.

However, Ma Tingqiang's deep affection for her is undoubted, and he has always unswervingly pursued the goddess in his heart.

Li Zi: Married to a disabled husband who is 15 years older and gave birth to three daughters, what is the status of her marriage now?

In 2007, a sudden and serious traffic accident turned Li Zi's fate upside down. At that time, her younger brother Li Ying was unfortunately involved in a car accident and was thrown out of the taxi, seriously injured and dying.

Born into a prominent family in Hong Kong, Lai Zi was a leading figure in the film industry during the Republican period. However, Lai's father was often snubbed by his siblings because of his physical disability.

In her childhood, which was full of warmth and memories, it seemed that only her loving and selfless grandmother always sprinkled care and care for her, but her grandfather showed indifference and detachment because she was a daughter.

Li Zi: Married to a disabled husband who is 15 years older and gave birth to three daughters, what is the status of her marriage now?

Li Zi deeply regrets and is saddened.

After the death of her grandmother, her frustrated father was completely expelled from the family, forcing her to face the hardships of life alone and go out with a tenacious and unyielding heart.

The poverty of the family made Li Zi choose to turn around and step into the highly competitive entertainment industry without hesitation, hoping to improve the living conditions of her parents.

Li Zi, who is new to the entertainment industry, has publicly stated that her ideal in life is to find a lover and spend an ordinary and happy married life together.

Li Zi: Married to a disabled husband who is 15 years older and gave birth to three daughters, what is the status of her marriage now?

However, fate has dealt a heavy blow to Li Zi - her younger brother Li Ying suffered a thrilling car accident, which was like a thunderbolt in the clear sky and instantly destroyed Li Zi's spiritual pillar.

Despite the bad news, she persevered to finish the day's work and rushed to the hospital at an alarming speed.

However, the cost of the surgery prescribed by the doctor was staggeringly high and the family was asked to pay for it as soon as possible. Unable to raise such a large amount of money for a while, Li Zi fell into an unprecedented predicament.

When she was desperate, she made a phone call, and the life-saving benefactor turned out to be Ma Tingqiang. Ma Tingqiang not only did not hesitate to donate a huge sum of 5 million yuan, but also set up a special foundation to wholeheartedly support Li Zi and her younger brother through this life-and-death crisis.

Li Zi: Married to a disabled husband who is 15 years older and gave birth to three daughters, what is the status of her marriage now?

It is reported that Ma Tingqiang directly invested up to 50 million yuan in the foundation to ensure that even if Li Ying cannot fully recover his health, he can enjoy the rest of his life with peace of mind.

At the critical moment when Li Ying needs the most intimate care from her relatives, Ma Tingqiang will remit the money to Li Zi on time every month, so that she can accompany her family wholeheartedly; And he himself has to visit Li Ying in the hospital every week, taking care of him meticulously, including changing diapers, pouring water and other trivial chores.

At this moment, Li Zi's heart will be filled with endless gratitude and emotion.

Ma Tingqiang's deep affection for Lai Zi and his all-out assistance to his brother when he was in a car accident deeply touched Lai Zi's heart. She finally understood that among all the men who had pursued her, Ma Tingqiang was the one who really cared about her.

Li Zi: Married to a disabled husband who is 15 years older and gave birth to three daughters, what is the status of her marriage now?

The talented, wealthy entrepreneur has a soft spot for Lai and pursues it with great enthusiasm, even though it may mean breaking with his family's original wife. The young and ignorant Li Zi only felt Huang Yulang's meticulous care for her, and these bits and pieces gradually converged into a deep dependence in her heart.

However, at that time, she didn't know anything about sincere love, and Huang Yulang's touching sweet words made her fall into a deep trance.

Their love affair was like a pebble thrown into a calm lake, causing an uproar. Huang Yulang's original wife was aggressive, and sent thugs to teach Li Zi a lesson many times, and the scene was tense and intense for a while.

Li Zi once hoped to spend the rest of her life with Huang Yulang with great expectations, but fate played a cruel joke, and he was eventually imprisoned for allegedly committing a crime, and the relationship between the two came to an end.

Li Zi: Married to a disabled husband who is 15 years older and gave birth to three daughters, what is the status of her marriage now?

After experiencing Huang Yulang's injury, Li Zi has a stronger desire for sincere and long-term love. Ma Tingqiang's affectionate and affectionate dedication to her deeply touched Li Zi.

Under Ma Tingqiang's two-year careful care and love, Li Zi finally made a shocking decision - to marry her husband Ma Tingqiang, who is 15 years older than her and disabled, and bid farewell to the entertainment industry.

When this decision was made public, there was a lot of discussion in all walks of life. Some people question whether Lai Zi has taken a fancy to Ma Tingqiang's wealth, while others doubt whether they will be able to stay together for life.

But in the face of all kinds of doubts and gossip, Li Zi has always been steadfast, and she knows that if she misses this opportunity to join hands with Ma Tingqiang, it will become an irreparable regret in her life.

Li Zi: Married to a disabled husband who is 15 years older and gave birth to three daughters, what is the status of her marriage now?

In 2008, Li Zi and Ma Tingqiang tied the knot and entered the palace of marriage together. Just a year later, she gave birth to two cute little princesses for Ma Tingqiang. At that time, Ma Tingqiang, who had already entered middle age, was holding his newborn life outside the delivery room, with an extremely happy smile on his face.

In 2012, Li Zi once again added a little princess to their family, and their family has now increased to a family of five, and the warm and happy atmosphere has become more and more intense.

No matter how heavy the business at hand, he always returns home on time when night falls, and spends sweet and warm family time with his beloved wife and lovely daughter.

In order to protect the purity of Li Zi and her three daughters in the turbulent news, Ma Tingqiang resolutely shaped himself into a "heterosexual insulator". There was no trace of an assistant of the opposite sex around him, and no scandal could touch half of him.

Li Zi: Married to a disabled husband who is 15 years older and gave birth to three daughters, what is the status of her marriage now?

Over the years, Ma Tingqiang has always maintained an impeccable good image, being both an excellent husband and a kind father.

As a father, Ma Tingqiang poured all his love into his three precious daughters. When they are still young and still in kindergarten, the family has hired many experienced tutors to carefully teach the children all kinds of talents and etiquette knowledge, and provide one-on-one personalized education according to the characteristics of each child.

Ma Tingqiang hopes that his three daughters can inherit the perseverance of their mother Li Zi and forge ahead in their future life journey.

As a mother, Li Zi is full of deep gratitude for the happy life brought by her husband Ma Tingqiang. In a sincere and touching article, she sincerely expressed her heartfelt gratitude to Ma Tingqiang for her deep feelings over the years.

Li Zi: Married to a disabled husband who is 15 years older and gave birth to three daughters, what is the status of her marriage now?

In general, Lai Zi and Ma Tingqiang have built a harmonious and long-lasting family, and the husband and wife are as close as siblings and extremely affectionate. As parents, their greatest wish is that their three daughters can grow up healthy and happy, and spread their wings and soar in the vast world.

After marriage, Li Zi not only enjoyed a happy life, but also transformed this happiness into warm power and passed it on to her relatives.

Before his younger brother Li Ying suffered that tragic car accident, he used to run a large-scale medical aesthetic institution. However, this sudden accident made it impossible for Li Ying to personally manage the company's operations, causing the medical aesthetic institution to be in trouble and on the verge of bankruptcy.

Although she was pregnant at the time, she was determined to go to her brother's company every day and do her best to save the situation. After three years of unremitting efforts, Lai Chi has finally managed to re-emerge her brother's medical aesthetic center from the trough and revitalize it into a well-known leader in the industry.

Li Zi: Married to a disabled husband who is 15 years older and gave birth to three daughters, what is the status of her marriage now?

In the face of the family's predicament, Li Zi showed endless care and unwavering dedication to her loved ones, while her husband Ma Tingqiang remained silent and never expressed any objection to this, but generously supported and cooperated with all her decisions.

With her unwavering determination, she has successfully helped her family through this difficult period with practical actions.

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