
What is the reason for the second menstruation in a month

author:Xiangyang No. 5 Hospital

Some female friends suddenly find that their menstrual period has returned a few days after their period has ended. One of the reasons for this abnormal menstrual phenomenon is that it is physiological menstrual return, which is not harmful to the body, as long as you pay attention to the adjustment, the next menstrual period will return to normal.

What is the reason for the second menstruation in a month

There is also a possibility of non-physiology, so it is likely to be related to some female diseases, which needs to be paid attention to. So what should you do when this happens? How can you tell if it is menstrual bleeding or non-physiological bleeding? Today, Xiaoha will talk to you about this knowledge.

What is the reason for the second menstruation in a month

The difference between menstrual blood return and non-physiological bleeding: menstrual blood return is generally less in quantity, dark red or black-red in color, and may be accompanied by lower abdominal pain. Nonphysiological bleeding is generally bright red in color, and the bleeding is heavy and long-lasting.

What is the reason for the second menstruation in a month

In addition, there is also a physiological bleeding, which is also bright red and does not harm the body, and also occurs a few days after menstruation, that is, ovulation bleeding. Some female friends will have some bleeding during ovulation, and the color is bright red but the amount is very small. When you find out that you have unexplained bleeding, don't be anxious and scared, and see if you are in that situation.

Why does menstrual blood turn back? Common causes include mood swings, changes in environment, eating cold and irritating foods during menstruation, and using some medications, including but not limited to short-term contraceptives, hormone drugs, etc. When this happens, don't worry, just pay attention to hygiene during bleeding, avoid infection, pay attention to diet, don't eat cold, spicy and irritating food, pay attention to rest, avoid tiredness, and generally the next menstrual period will return to normal.

What is the reason for the second menstruation in a month

So what does it mean if it's not menstrual bleeding back, but non-physiological bleeding? There are many causes of non-physiological bleeding, and the causes of non-physiological bleeding are generally considered in combination with age.

What is the reason for the second menstruation in a month

In general, malignant tumors are considered for vaginal bleeding in young girls and postmenopausal women; Dysfunctional uterine bleeding is first considered for vaginal bleeding in adolescent females; Women of childbearing age are more likely to consider pregnancy-related disorders. If you find that you have non-physiological bleeding, you must go to a regular hospital for ultrasound and hormone examination to confirm the cause and treat the symptoms.

What is the reason for the second menstruation in a month

Vaginal bleeding without a clear cause must be taken seriously. You have to go to a regular hospital for a corresponding examination, and you can't take medicine indiscriminately and delay your condition.

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