
Gao Hongliang: Graceful and suave in the play, a wife and a daughter outside the play, loving for many years, and living a happy life

author:I don't know if I don't look at it

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Gao Hongliang: Graceful and suave in the play, a wife and a daughter outside the play, loving for many years, and living a happy life

Back when he was eight years old, Gao Hongliang faced the most difficult test in his life - the death of his father. As the only son in the family, this tragic event brought a heavy blow to his young heart.

However, Gao Hongliang did not sink into decadence because of this, on the contrary, he chose to stand up bravely, and in order to alleviate the financial pressure on his family, he devoted himself to the Yanbian Art Troupe without hesitation and became a talented dancer.

Despite the difficult living environment, Gao Hongliang's natural noble temperament and excellent stage performance made him stand out from many competitors. On the stage of the Yanbian Art Troupe, he swayed his youthful vitality and vigorous vigor, and his beautiful dancing posture and handsome and chic appearance all made the audience fall in love with him.

His persistent pursuit and unremitting efforts in the art of dance finally paid off and won the high praise of the Oriental Song and Dance Troupe, thus obtaining a rare opportunity to go to the capital Beijing for development.

Gao Hongliang: Graceful and suave in the play, a wife and a daughter outside the play, loving for many years, and living a happy life

So, Gao Hongliang bid farewell to his hometown and embarked on a journey to the capital Beijing, and successfully joined the Central National Song and Dance Troupe. In this top art hall in the country, he goes all out, keeps up with the trend of the times, and inspires everyone around him with enthusiasm and endless energy.

Who would have expected that on an ordinary day, fate would open a new door for Gao Hongliang!

In 1984, in an accidental experience of delivering a script to a teacher, Gao Hongliang was caught by Pan Xinxin, the assistant director of CCTV's high-profile "Dream of Red Mansions" crew at that time. Director Pan was keenly aware of the unique aristocratic atmosphere of this young man, and resolutely advocated that he be included in the crew.

In this way, Gao Hongliang was inadvertently excavated, and since then he has started his brilliant acting career.

Gao Hongliang: Graceful and suave in the play, a wife and a daughter outside the play, loving for many years, and living a happy life

When he first set foot in the entertainment industry, Gao Hongliang felt helpless and overwhelmed in the face of unfamiliar studios and lenses. Trained as a dancer, he had never received systematic training in acting and was completely confused.

However, fortunately, the director team discovered Gao Hongliang's potential, and gave him careful guidance, and patiently guided under their guidance, Gao Hongliang gradually adapted to the work in front of the camera, and learned how to express his inner emotional world through eyes, expressions and other elements.

As his skills improved, his passion for acting was rekindled.

Time flies, time passes, and in a blink of an eye, Gao Hongliang and Hu Yan, who were once heroic, have entered the late autumn season of their lives. However, every time they gaze at each other affectionately, the affection in their eyes still seems to make people fascinated and fall for it.

Gao Hongliang: Graceful and suave in the play, a wife and a daughter outside the play, loving for many years, and living a happy life

Although more than 30 years have passed, the love between them is as passionate as their first love, which is enviable.

Looking back on the past, Gao Hongliang's deep love for his wife Hu Yan and daughter is like a trickle, endless. Hu Yan is often full of emotion, whenever she finds that her daughter's hairstyle is slightly flawed, she can immediately guess that it must be taken care of by her husband Gao Hongliang, because he can always dress his daughter up beautifully.

These little details in life all show Gao Hongliang's endless care and care for his family, which is undoubtedly the truest portrayal of his oath of "loving only one person in his life".

Looking back on that good time, Gao Hongliang and Hu Yan's encounter began in 1987 with the crew of the TV series "Dream of Red Mansions". At that time, Hu Yan worked as a makeup artist, and Gao Hongliang was a rookie actor who had just stepped into the entertainment industry.

Gao Hongliang: Graceful and suave in the play, a wife and a daughter outside the play, loving for many years, and living a happy life

Their first conversation began with a warm and interesting vignette: In order to lighten the burden of busy makeup artists, Gao Hongliang would always arrive at the dressing room early in the morning to complete the makeup preparation by himself.

As time went on, their relationship grew closer. With the increase of time together, Gao Hongliang's feelings for Hu Yan became deeper and deeper. However, the crew has strict rules and regulations that explicitly prohibit employees from falling in love during filming, so as not to affect the progress of the work.

Therefore, they can only communicate cautiously and secretly, in order to be able to see more of the person they like, Gao Hongliang will be the first to come to the dressing room every day, just to see Hu Yan a few more times.

When their relationship gradually became public, their relatives and friends became their witnesses. Those who are lucky enough to witness the birth of this marriage are often invited by them to act as "light bulbs" to accompany them on sweet dates.

Gao Hongliang: Graceful and suave in the play, a wife and a daughter outside the play, loving for many years, and living a happy life

After the filming, Gao Hongliang went to Shanghai to continue his studies, and they began a long long-distance relationship. At that time, when communication was not developed, the distance between the two places was particularly far, and it was expensive to pay a phone bill to hear each other's voices.

However, they did not feel depressed because of this, and every moment of their thoughts was cherished in their hearts, looking forward to the happy moment when they could finally spend the rest of their lives together.

Finally, in 1989, Gao Hongliang and Hu Yan tied the knot and entered a new stage of life. After marriage, they had a lovely daughter, which made this originally warm little family more and more happy and complete.

Although there were many doubts about their compatibility at the time, thinking that Gao Hongliang was too handsome and dashing, while Hu Yan was mediocre and a little older, they verified Carnegie's famous saying with practical actions: "Sincere love is better than any gossip"!

Gao Hongliang: Graceful and suave in the play, a wife and a daughter outside the play, loving for many years, and living a happy life

Now, every time Gao Hongliang stares at the kind and kind face of his wife Hu Yan, endless happiness will emerge in his heart. After more than 30 years of wind and rain, time has carved deep traces on their faces, but the sincere love has always been the same, and has not faded due to the passage of time.

His wife, Hu Yan, often recalls fondly: "Whenever I find that my daughter's hairstyle is slightly inadequate, I immediately understand that it must be Gao Hongliang who took care of her personally." Because he can always dress his daughter up beautifully.

In order to reduce Hu Yan's work burden, Gao Hongliang did not hesitate to travel long distances to the dressing room to complete his makeup in advance, which is the best embodiment of his care for his family.

Once, when their relationship was first exposed to the public, it also caused some controversy. Some people believe that Gao Hongliang is handsome and dashing, and Hu Yan is ordinary in appearance and older, and there seems to be an insurmountable gap between the two, which is destined to not last long.

Gao Hongliang: Graceful and suave in the play, a wife and a daughter outside the play, loving for many years, and living a happy life

However, time finally gave the most powerful response, Gao Hongliang practiced the oath of "only one person in his life" with his own actions, treated the loved ones around him sincerely, and eliminated all doubts with actions.

The famous writer Dale Carnegie once said: "Love is like a delicate flower, it needs to be carefully cared for, given sufficient nutrients, and selfless efforts by both parties, otherwise it will gradually wither." It is precisely because Gao Hongliang and Hu Yan support each other and care for each other in their married life that the flower of their love can always bloom undefeated.

Love is an incomparably wonderful emotion, but it needs to be cherished and cared for through practical actions. In every trivial matter of life, there is a person's love and care for the loved one.

Just like the famous actor Gao Hongliang's delicate care for his daughter's meticulous dressing up every time, although it seems ordinary, it actually deeply contains his sincere and strong family love as a father.

Gao Hongliang: Graceful and suave in the play, a wife and a daughter outside the play, loving for many years, and living a happy life

Life is short, we should cherish the loved ones around us, treat them with sincerity, and take care of each other with practical actions. Only in this way can we be like Gao Hongliang and Hu Yan, a loving couple, to spend the four seasons together and enjoy the happy time of the quiet years.

Behind Gao Hongliang's dazzling acting career, there is a period of youth full of challenges and struggles. When he was eight years old, a sudden change completely overturned his original life path.

That year, Gao Hongliang's father unfortunately passed away, and as the only son in the family, he instantly took on heavy family responsibilities. An eight-year-old child, at an age when he should be carefree, has to carry heavy burdens and work hard for the family's livelihood.

However, Gao Hongliang was not depressed because of this, but bravely stood up and decided to share the family's predicament. In order to alleviate the pressure on his mother, he devoted himself to the Yanbian Art Troupe without hesitation and became a dancer.

Gao Hongliang: Graceful and suave in the play, a wife and a daughter outside the play, loving for many years, and living a happy life

Despite his poor family, Gao Hongliang's outstanding appearance and outstanding dancing talent made him shine in the crowd.

On the stage of the Yanbian Art Troupe, he released the vitality of his youth to the fullest and touched the heartstrings of every audience with his beautiful dancing. It is this never-say-die enthusiasm and fighting spirit that finally won the favor of the Oriental Song and Dance Troupe.

Gao Hongliang got the precious opportunity to go to the capital Beijing for development, and then joined the country's top Central National Song and Dance Troupe.

On this stage, he went all out, followed the trend of art, and inspired every fellow traveler with his talent and drive.

Gao Hongliang: Graceful and suave in the play, a wife and a daughter outside the play, loving for many years, and living a happy life

Exploring Gao Hongliang's brilliant and dazzling growth path, it is not difficult for us to find that this seemingly accidental visit of the god of luck is actually a reward from God for his unwavering and never-ending spirit.

It is precisely because of his strong perseverance and hard work that Gao Hongliang has been able to overcome obstacles many times, and finally successfully grasp his own brilliant dream.

In the process of thinking about the mysteries of the universe, perhaps we can say that Gao Hongliang is the son of art carefully created by the Creator for art. From being active in the Jilin Yanbian Art Troupe and the Oriental Song and Dance Troupe, to later being honored to join the Central National Song and Dance Troupe, the ups and downs and hardships along the way are all to wait for that unexpected turning point.

However, when the opportunity came, Gao Hongliang was already fully prepared. With a solid foundation, he finally had the opportunity to show his skills and climb to the top of his life.

Gao Hongliang: Graceful and suave in the play, a wife and a daughter outside the play, loving for many years, and living a happy life

Looking back on Gao Hongliang's colorful acting career, he has created countless unforgettable classic images. Whether it's a comedy or a costume drama, his superb acting skills have left a deep imprint.

Zhao Dun in "Zhao's Orphan", Wu Sangui in "Kangxi Dynasty", Chen Ming in "Love in This World" and other characters, every time they reminisce, the audience will be shocked by his performance strength that goes deep into the bone marrow.

However, there is no doubt that the most talked about is still the "Jia Lian" in the 1987 version of "Dream of Red Mansions". The image of this bohemian son-in-law has been vividly interpreted by Gao Hongliang, which can be called a classic, and no one has been able to surpass it to this day.

Back then, when Gao Hongliang first got involved in the crew of "Dream of Red Mansions", his acting skills were still immature. As a dancer with a professional background, he knows nothing about acting, and his unfamiliar skills can be seen.

Gao Hongliang: Graceful and suave in the play, a wife and a daughter outside the play, loving for many years, and living a happy life

However, who would have thought that a chance chance could finally allow him to finally climb to the top of his career?

The reason why Gao Hongliang was chosen as the role of Jia Lian is largely because of his natural aristocratic temperament. Director Wang Fulin fell in love with his temperament of "Zhong Ming Ding Shi" at a glance, and insisted that he play the role of this.

Before shooting, Gao Hongliang couldn't help but fall into deep thought when he thought of interpreting the image of Jia Lian who "shows people with color". As a young man who has never been in love, he always seems shy about women, how can he show a suave demeanor? Just when he was confused, the director team gave him a revelation - to treat the actress as a plate of delicious braised pork.

Perhaps the metaphor once made Gao Hongliang laugh, but he immersed himself in it with all his heart and soul, and experienced it deeply in a unique way. Facts have proved that under the combination of the director's careful guidance and his own deep understanding, Gao Hongliang finally succeeded in mastering the key techniques to shape Jia Lian's role, making Jia Lian lifelike and leaping on the screen.

Gao Hongliang: Graceful and suave in the play, a wife and a daughter outside the play, loving for many years, and living a happy life

Whenever the public reviews the classic masterpiece "Dream of Red Mansions", they are always fascinated by the "Second Master Lian" played by Gao Hongliang. His graceful demeanor, as well as the unforgettable flirtatious smile on the corner of his mouth, all evoke people's memories of the image of that personable and unruly nobleman.

After more than 30 years of ups and downs, this classic character is still unforgettable.

It is precisely because of Gao Hongliang's superb acting skills, coupled with his unique "aristocratic temperament", that he was able to interpret the role of Jia Lian so vividly.

This work not only made Gao Hongliang famous, but also paved the thorny road to his path as an actor.

Gao Hongliang: Graceful and suave in the play, a wife and a daughter outside the play, loving for many years, and living a happy life

More than 30 years have passed, and the traces of time have been carved on their faces. However, that sincere love did not fade because of this, but became more mellow and sweet as time passed.

Gao Hongliang's pampering and meticulous care for his wife and daughter is undoubtedly the best interpretation of the oath of "only one person in his life". Hu Yan's affectionate praise for her husband further highlights the loving couple's firm determination to cherish each other with practical actions.

May each of us have such a touching marriage and take care of a true love worthy of praise.

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