
Why are duck legs only reserved for the boys in the house? The woman questioned, and the mother was angry and didn't eat it for the dog!

author:Six sub weather vane X
Why are duck legs only reserved for the boys in the house? The woman questioned, and the mother was angry and didn't eat it for the dog!

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Edited by the Six Sons

Sons and daughters are the same, a bowl of water is even, it can be considered fair.

However, in our lives, many families may not be able to achieve "fairness", and there is a phenomenon of "preference" to a greater or lesser extent.

Recently, a video of a mother and daughter arguing over a "bowl of duck soup" was reposted on social media and attracted widespread attention.


In the video, the mother's attitude and approach really make the daughter sad, maybe in the mother's heart, the son is always the son, and the daughter is already a married daughter.

Originally, the family was happily preparing to eat, but my mother boiled duck soup in advance and served everyone a bowl of soup.

Why are duck legs only reserved for the boys in the house? The woman questioned, and the mother was angry and didn't eat it for the dog!

At this time, the daughter found that her bowl of soup only had a duck wing, and she left the duck leg in the bowl of her son and grandson.

The daughter was immediately unhappy, but she didn't expect that since she was a child, more than 30 years have passed now, and when her mother served the meal, she still left her legs to the boys in the family like when she was a child.

Why are duck legs only reserved for the boys in the house? The woman questioned, and the mother was angry and didn't eat it for the dog!

She didn't expect that her mother, from her youth to her old age, was still thinking about the boy in the family, and as a daughter, she never seemed to be treated like an older brother and younger brother.

Why are duck legs only reserved for the boys in the house? The woman questioned, and the mother was angry and didn't eat it for the dog!

She said loudly to her mother, "

The daughter's words sound so poignant, from these several "whys", it can be seen that the mother has favored the boys in the family since she was a child, although the daughter is also her own daughter, but it is always inferior to the boys in the family.

Why are duck legs only reserved for the boys in the house? The woman questioned, and the mother was angry and didn't eat it for the dog!

However, the mother was very impatient in the face of her daughter's questioning. Moreover, he thinks that his daughter is making trouble unreasonably.

not only pointed at his daughter, but also slapped the table with his hand: "If you don't eat, I'll give it to the dog." With that, he poured the duck soup into the dog's bowl.

Why are duck legs only reserved for the boys in the house? The woman questioned, and the mother was angry and didn't eat it for the dog!

When netizens saw this video, they also saw the essence of the problem from this small incident, and expressed their thoughts one after another.

The daughter doesn't want duck legs, she wants equal love, but unfortunately the mother still doesn't understand [tears].

Why are duck legs only reserved for the boys in the house? The woman questioned, and the mother was angry and didn't eat it for the dog!

She is not fighting for "a duck leg", she wants her mother to be treated equally, even once.

Why are duck legs only reserved for the boys in the house? The woman questioned, and the mother was angry and didn't eat it for the dog!

Some in the comment area said: For a little meat, as for it? In fact, the daughter is fighting for more than just a bit of meat.

Why are duck legs only reserved for the boys in the house? The woman questioned, and the mother was angry and didn't eat it for the dog!

Some people don't love, but they don't know how to love the people around them, and love is actually embodied in every little thing in life.

Why are duck legs only reserved for the boys in the house? The woman questioned, and the mother was angry and didn't eat it for the dog!

It feels really happy to have such a mother [tears].

Why are duck legs only reserved for the boys in the house? The woman questioned, and the mother was angry and didn't eat it for the dog!


There is no one who does not love their children.

The editor believes that we are not trying to condemn the mother in the video for doing something wrong.

In life, what we have to do is to let our parents, especially the older ones, understand that we love them very much. However, at the same time, we must also let them know that men and women are equal, and as daughters, we also want to be loved by them equally.

A bowl of duck soup and a duck leg may be insignificant, but it can carry the mother's full love, and I hope that all mothers in the world can "level" this love.

What do you think, please leave a comment.

Disclaimer: The article is original, and the pictures in the article are all from the Internet, invaded and deleted.




Why are duck legs only reserved for the boys in the house? The woman questioned, and the mother was angry and didn't eat it for the dog!