
Look through the defense! The mother urgently went to the hospital in the middle of the night to give birth to her second child, leaving the eldest alone at home to cry in front of the monitor!

author:Old Things


I currently have a daughter, who is 6 years old, and in the 6 years she was growing up, there were many voices around me saying that she should have a second child, but every time I had this idea, I was always worried that I couldn't level the bowl of water, and I was afraid that the love that should be her exclusive would be divided into two halves, and she would have a gap.

To be honest, I was once determined to have another child, after all, the two-child policy has now been relaxed. Another one, preferably a son, so that both sons and daughters would be great! The most important thing is that I think that this way my daughter will grow up to be accompanied by her relatives and will not be lonely.

Look through the defense! The mother urgently went to the hospital in the middle of the night to give birth to her second child, leaving the eldest alone at home to cry in front of the monitor!

Then early this morning, I swiped to a blogger to give birth to a second child, and the surveillance video of the home shared directly broke through my defense! It's so uncomfortable, I'm starting to shake again, at an age when she's so young and doesn't know anything, is it really good for her to have another one?

The video comes from the Internet, if there is any infringement, please contact to delete, thank you!


My mother temporarily went to the hospital to give birth

Because the baby in her womb was temporarily activated, this mother had no choice but to go to the hospital in the middle of the night to give birth. Dad thinks that the eldest baby daughter can sleep until dawn all the time, because he is worried that the mother needs to be taken care of during childbirth, so he temporarily leaves the child alone at home.

Look through the defense! The mother urgently went to the hospital in the middle of the night to give birth to her second child, leaving the eldest alone at home to cry in front of the monitor!

After all, there is also a monitor in the bedroom, and I pay attention to the monitoring at any time on the road, and after sending my mother to the hospital to settle down, I will come back to accompany the child as soon as possible. Who knew that the eldest daughter, who had always been stable, woke up in the middle of the night this time.

Look through the defense! The mother urgently went to the hospital in the middle of the night to give birth to her second child, leaving the eldest alone at home to cry in front of the monitor!

My daughter woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't see her parents

It may be that both parents are not in bed, and there is no familiar smell of parents around, or the child already knows in his heart that his mother may be going to give birth to a baby recently, and he has been unable to sleep.

Look through the defense! The mother urgently went to the hospital in the middle of the night to give birth to her second child, leaving the eldest alone at home to cry in front of the monitor!

After Mom and Dad went to the hospital, the big baby suddenly woke up by himself, and when he saw that there was no Mom and Dad beside him, the young child was facing the empty room alone, and he was scared all of a sudden!

The baby cries at the monitor and misses her mother

It may be that when the parents left, they were worried that the child would wake up and be afraid, so they deliberately left the light, and the child saw that the parents were not at home, and she immediately knew that the mother might go to the hospital to give birth to the baby, after all, the parents may have told her many times before this!

Look through the defense! The mother urgently went to the hospital in the middle of the night to give birth to her second child, leaving the eldest alone at home to cry in front of the monitor!

But she was still a little scared, she said to the monitor: "Mom, I miss you so much, I want you to hug me, are you going to give birth to a baby?" Her voice was a little choked, and her tone was full of inner thoughts.

Look through the defense! The mother urgently went to the hospital in the middle of the night to give birth to her second child, leaving the eldest alone at home to cry in front of the monitor!

"Will you come and pick me up tomorrow? Mom, I miss you so much! "Little her, in fact, understands everything, her mother with a crying voice, the people who listen to it are really heartbroken!

Look through the defense! The mother urgently went to the hospital in the middle of the night to give birth to her second child, leaving the eldest alone at home to cry in front of the monitor!

Netizens are hotly discussing the issue of the second child

After watching this video, many netizens cried like me, and almost everyone was discussing around a problem: many people have a second child for fear that the boss will be lonely, but many netizens feel that the only child is not lonely!

Look through the defense! The mother urgently went to the hospital in the middle of the night to give birth to her second child, leaving the eldest alone at home to cry in front of the monitor!

Because of the family of only children, the parents will give all their love to this child, so how can a child living in a family full of love feel lonely?

Look through the defense! The mother urgently went to the hospital in the middle of the night to give birth to her second child, leaving the eldest alone at home to cry in front of the monitor!

Some people may say that when you wait for the long meeting, you encounter something, such as your parents are sick, and you don't even have someone to discuss or help, yes, but there are also many examples that prove that if there are many brothers and sisters, it is not necessarily to help, it may be to shirk each other.

Look through the defense! The mother urgently went to the hospital in the middle of the night to give birth to her second child, leaving the eldest alone at home to cry in front of the monitor!

Netizens feel that none of the only children say that they are lonely, they are all parents who feel lonely and want a second child, but they have not fully followed the opinions of the older children, even if they ask, maybe the child is still young, where can they make a real judgment.

Look through the defense! The mother urgently went to the hospital in the middle of the night to give birth to her second child, leaving the eldest alone at home to cry in front of the monitor!

Some netizens feel that after reading it, they think that parents should not leave their children at home alone, which we can't be too harsh on, after all, the father also paid attention to the child at the first time, and hurried back, and unexpected things in special circumstances need to be understood.

Look through the defense! The mother urgently went to the hospital in the middle of the night to give birth to her second child, leaving the eldest alone at home to cry in front of the monitor!

Personal reviews

After watching this video, I personally really have mixed feelings, I have actually seen what everyone said, and I also believe that everyone who chooses to have a second child is fully prepared, but in the face of such a scene, it will still be extremely entangled.

Look through the defense! The mother urgently went to the hospital in the middle of the night to give birth to her second child, leaving the eldest alone at home to cry in front of the monitor!

Whether to live or not to live, it seems that if you will regret if you are born, and you will regret if you are not born, it is really a dilemma. I don't know what everyone thinks about this problem, have you given birth to a second child? What is the reason for this decision, let's talk about it in the comment area!