
Qu Yuan's words: It is said that it is built in Fu Yanxi, and Wu Ding does not doubt it!

author:Art and cultural creativity
Qu Yuan's words: It is said that it is built in Fu Yanxi, and Wu Ding does not doubt it!

In the bright starry sky of ancient Chinese culture, Qu Yuan's words are like bright stars, shining with the light of wisdom and emotion. Among them, "It is said that it is built in Fu Yanxi, and Wu Ding is not suspicious!" This sentence not only shows Qu Yuan's profound literary attainments, but also contains profound historical philosophy.

Qu Yuan's words: It is said that it is built in Fu Yanxi, and Wu Ding does not doubt it!

1. The source of the sentence

As a great work in the history of ancient Chinese literature, Lisao has won the praise of countless readers in later generations for its unique artistic charm and profound ideological connotation. This sentence in "Lisao", with its concise language and rich connotation, has become a good sentence praised by future generations.

2. Writing background

When Qu Yuan created "Lisao", it was at a time when the politics of Chu were dark and the people's livelihood was withering. He deeply felt that the country was in danger and the people were suffering, and his heart was full of anger and helplessness. In this context, Qu Yuan said "It is said that it is built in Fu Yanxi, and Wu Ding is not suspicious!" This sentence conveys his expectations for a virtuous man and his desire for Mingjun.

3. Interpretation of content

"It is said that it is built in Fu Yanxi, and Wu Ding will not doubt it!" The literal meaning of this phrase is: "Fu said (Fu Yan) was discovered and reused by Wu Ding when he was building the wall, and Wu Ding believed in him." Here, Qu Yuan borrowed allusions from Fu Shuo and Wu Ding to express his appreciation for the virtuous man and his expectations for Mingjun. Fu Shuo was originally a commoner, but because of the talent he showed when building the wall, he was discovered and reused by Wu Ding, and eventually became a virtuous minister of the Shang Dynasty. Qu Yuan took this as an example, hoping that the monarch of Chu at that time would be like Wu Ding, good at discovering and using talented people, and work together for the prosperity of the country.

Fourth, the role of the theme

In "Lisao", Qu Yuan showed his deep patriotic feelings and feelings of worrying about the country and the people through this sentence. He used the allusions of Fu Shuo and Wu Ding to express his worries about the political darkness and the withering people's livelihood in the Chu State, and also expressed his expectations for the virtuous people and Ming Jun. This sentence plays the finishing role in the whole work, making the theme of "Lisao" more distinct and profound.

5. Practical significance

Although this sentence comes from ancient literary works, the ideological connotation contained in it has profound practical significance. In today's society, talent is the core driving force for the development of the country and the nation. If a country and a nation want to achieve prosperity and strength, they must attach importance to the discovery and cultivation of qualified personnel. At the same time, as a leader, we should also be like Wu Ding, good at discovering and using talented people, and work together for the future of the country and the nation.

6. Cultural values

"It is said that it is built in Fu Yanxi, and Wu Ding will not doubt it!" This phrase not only has historical value, but also cultural value. It shows Qu Yuan's profound cultural heritage and literary attainments, and also reflects the political ecology and talent concept of ancient Chinese society. This sentence is not only a precious treasure in the history of ancient Chinese literature, but also a bright pearl in the treasure house of Chinese culture.

Qu Yuan's words: It is said that it is built in Fu Yanxi, and Wu Ding does not doubt it!

Summary: "It is said that it is built in Fu Yanxi, and Wu Ding is not suspicious!" With its concise language and rich connotation, this sentence has become a good sentence praised by future generations. It is not only a concentrated embodiment of Qu Yuan's patriotic feelings and feelings of worrying about the country and the people, but also an important part of ancient Chinese culture. Today, we can still draw wisdom and strength from this phrase and strive for the future of our country and nation.

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