
After raising a cat for a long time, I realized that a cat doing this is actually "repaying the favor"!


In fact, after getting a cat, you will find that the cat is really spiritual, you are good to it, it is clear, and remember that you are good to it. I have had a cat for a long time before I know that a cat is actually repaying the favor by doing this, don't be stupid and don't know!

After raising a cat for a long time, I realized that a cat doing this is actually "repaying the favor"!

(1) Bite the prey for you

If a cat catches its prey, it will take the initiative to give you the prey and eat it until you don't eat it, in fact, it is repaying your kindness.

Because in the eyes of the cat, you have a very poor hunting ability, and it is afraid that you will starve itself, so it will give you the prey it catches.

After raising a cat for a long time, I realized that a cat doing this is actually "repaying the favor"!

(2) I don't protect your food

It is the nature of a cat to protect food, if your cat will not protect you, and will even share its own food with you, then it means that it is repaying the favor.

Because the cat thinks that you provide all the food, it should not protect you, it trusts you immensely, and is willing to share the food with you to repay your nurturing kindness.

After raising a cat for a long time, I realized that a cat doing this is actually "repaying the favor"!

(3) Follow you to the toilet

If your cat follows you every time you go to the toilet, it is not actually peeping at you, but trying to protect you, and at the same time it is a sign of reciprocation.

Because in the cat's opinion, you may encounter danger when you go to the toilet, so it has to follow you to the toilet to protect you, and only by your side can you feel at ease.

After raising a cat for a long time, I realized that a cat doing this is actually "repaying the favor"!

(4) Rubbing you often

In the eyes of many people, they think that the behavior of cats rubbing people is simply a sign of love, but in fact, this behavior may also be repaying you.

Because the cat rubs you want to leave its smell on you, so that it can recognize you as soon as possible to protect you when you are in danger.

After raising a cat for a long time, I realized that a cat doing this is actually "repaying the favor"!

(5) will comfort you

Kittens are very spiritual, know how to observe words and colors, will look at the owner's face and act, and also know how to observe the owner's emotions, so don't underestimate it.

If the cat will obediently accompany you when you are unhappy, and even comfort you, then the cat is repaying you.

After raising a cat for a long time, I realized that a cat doing this is actually "repaying the favor"!

(6) Obey you

We all know that cats have independent personalities and have their own thoughts. If a cat is very obedient to you and obedient to you, then you don't need to question it, it is repaying you.

If you usually train your cat and it doesn't obey you, it is recommended to match it with a snack reward to improve the cat's obedience.

After raising a cat for a long time, I realized that a cat doing this is actually "repaying the favor"!

(7) Will patrol the home

If the cat walks around the house and patrols the home when you are sleeping and when you are not at home, then it means that it is returning the favor to you.

Because the cat is protecting you and maintaining the safety of the home, it is repaying your nurturing grace with its own practical actions, don't be stupid and don't know.

After raising a cat for a long time, I realized that a cat doing this is actually "repaying the favor"!

(8) Will sleep next to you

Many people ignore that in fact, cats will sleep next to you, and even sleep with you at night, which is also a sign of gratitude to you.

Because the cat thinks that you are sleeping too soundly and does not know that danger is coming, it must guard your side to protect you, so that it can notify you as soon as it encounters danger.

After raising a cat for a long time, I realized that a cat doing this is actually "repaying the favor"!

Raising a cat is like raising your own child, for the health of the cat, the shovel officer should pay more attention to its healthy diet, and choose a nutritious cat food for it.

After raising a cat for a long time, I realized that a cat doing this is actually "repaying the favor"!

Conclusion: Do you have these behaviors in your family?

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After raising a cat for a long time, I realized that a cat doing this is actually "repaying the favor"!