
In 77, Li Desheng went to visit Ye Jianying, and after meeting, Ye Shuai asked: Have you gone to see Comrade Xiaoping

author:I love the law
The content of this article is written with authoritative information combined with personal opinions, and the source of the literature and screenshots have been marked at the end of the article, please be aware.


In 1977, when Ye Jianying was taking a daily walk according to the doctor's instructions in the retreat place in Xishan, he unexpectedly met his old friend Li Desheng, whom he had not seen for a long time.

Mr. Li was once vice chairman of the Communist Party of China, but after he resigned two years ago, meetings with Mr. Ye became scarce.

This chance encounter made both of them feel particularly surprised and gratified.

After a warm greeting, Ye Jianying invited Li Desheng to dinner, and they recalled the past at the dinner table and discussed the country's major events in recent years.

In 77, Li Desheng went to visit Ye Jianying, and after meeting, Ye Shuai asked: Have you gone to see Comrade Xiaoping

After the meal, when Li Desheng was about to leave, Ye Jianying suddenly grabbed his hand sincerely and whispered to him that there was another old comrade-in-arms in Xishan, and their old political commissar was also recuperating here.

This news not only shocked Li Desheng, but also aroused his thoughts and concerns about his old friend.

So who is this old commissar? What kind of comradeship did he and Li Desheng have in the past?

In 77, Li Desheng went to visit Ye Jianying, and after meeting, Ye Shuai asked: Have you gone to see Comrade Xiaoping

Go to a tailor's shop to learn a trade

Speaking of Li Desheng, he was born in a very poor peasant family in Xinxian County, Henan Province in 1916.

In order to empower him out of poverty, his parents sent him to a tailor's shop to learn the trade of tailoring when he was seven years old.

They always told him to study diligently and improve his craft so that he could live a better life in the future.

At the tailor's shop, the young Lee became an apprentice, and despite his young age, he showed extraordinary diligence and skill.

In 77, Li Desheng went to visit Ye Jianying, and after meeting, Ye Shuai asked: Have you gone to see Comrade Xiaoping

Busy from morning to night, he worked hard, hoping to be recognized and treated better by his boss.

However, the owner of the tailor shop was very stingy and treated Li Desheng extremely unfairly, only providing two extremely simple meals, each with only rice soup where the rice could not be seen.

The boss often said, "You kid looks so much, what do you do when you eat so much." ”

Fed up with the harshness and injustice of the tailor shop owner, Li Desheng fled there overnight and chose instead to work as a cattle herder in a landlord's house.

Although the job does not provide a salary, he is at least guaranteed three meals a day and no longer has to endure physical abuse and mental depression.

In 77, Li Desheng went to visit Ye Jianying, and after meeting, Ye Shuai asked: Have you gone to see Comrade Xiaoping

Ye Jianying and Deng Xiaoping

In those days when he was herding cattle, he lay on the vast hillside, enjoying this dull and troubleless moment.

The mind is baptized

In 1929, immediately after the establishment of the Soviet Government of the Chaishanbao area in Xinxian County, Henan, a children's group was also established in the Lijiawa area.

In this newly formed group, Li Desheng naturally took on the role of head because of his deep understanding of the local environment and excellent physical fitness.

He leads team members in a variety of tasks between the field and the forest, such as delivering intelligence, performing sentry and liaison tasks.

In 77, Li Desheng went to visit Ye Jianying, and after meeting, Ye Shuai asked: Have you gone to see Comrade Xiaoping

In his conversations with the Red Army soldiers, Li Desheng realized that the peasants had the right to control their own destiny and that there was indeed an armed force willing to assist the peasants free of charge.

These realizations greatly touched him and inspired him to join the Red Army and contribute to the change in the hardships of the peasants.

Through the practical activities of the Children's League, Li Desheng's leadership ability has been gradually tempered, and his ideological concepts have been broadened day by day.

He began to have a strong desire to change the fate of himself and others, and was determined to create better living conditions for the people in the future.

In 77, Li Desheng went to visit Ye Jianying, and after meeting, Ye Shuai asked: Have you gone to see Comrade Xiaoping

Join the Red Army

Although Li Desheng was only 14 years old at the time, he already had a strong determination to change his destiny and help others.

At first, when he expressed to his family the idea of wanting to join the Red Army, his family strongly opposed it.

In their view, being a soldier in the turbulent social environment of the time was almost equivalent to dying, but Li Desheng was not swayed by this fear.

In the new China, the peasants will no longer be oppressed and exploited, hunger and poverty will be a thing of the past, and every child will have the opportunity to receive an education and live a happy life.

These descriptions are not only his personal aspirations, but also the common hopes of thousands of rural households.

In 77, Li Desheng went to visit Ye Jianying, and after meeting, Ye Shuai asked: Have you gone to see Comrade Xiaoping

After thinking all night, I realized that this was not only Li Desheng's personal choice, but also a path that could improve the future of the entire family.

At the moment of farewell, his father encouraged him affectionately: "Son, your ambition is far greater than mine, after you go to the organization, you must be strict with yourself, and strive to fight hard for the ideals of us who are suffering." ”

With the support of his parents and the secretary of the village regiment, Li Desheng eventually joined the Red Army.

With a simple bag, he left his hometown with tears in his eyes. A thin figure makes its way through the village and embarks on a journey full of hope and challenge.

In 77, Li Desheng went to visit Ye Jianying, and after meeting, Ye Shuai asked: Have you gone to see Comrade Xiaoping

Exceptional military prowess revealed

Later, during his military career, he proved himself to be a superior tactician and leader.

After joining the Red Army, his military talent was significantly improved through his participation in the arduous course of the Long March and the War of Resistance Against Japan.

In particular, in the War of Liberation, as the brigade commander of the 17th Brigade of the Sixth Column of the Shanxi-Hebei-Shandong-Henan Field Army, Li Desheng commanded the troops to achieve a decisive victory in the Battle of Xiangfan.

Successively breaking through key defensive lines such as Pipa Mountain, Zhenwu Mountain, and Iron Buddha Temple, he finally succeeded in capturing Xiangyang City and capturing the enemy's high-ranking spy Kang Ze, greatly enhancing his reputation.

In 77, Li Desheng went to visit Ye Jianying, and after meeting, Ye Shuai asked: Have you gone to see Comrade Xiaoping

After that, during the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, Li Desheng was appointed as the commander-in-chief of the Shangganling Theater.

In November 1952, according to strategic needs, he led his troops to Wusheng Mountain and participated in the crucial Battle of Shangganling.

In this battle, he skillfully deployed his troops and adopted a series of flexible tactics, such as organizing the offensive and defense according to the combat principle of "light first and then heavy, strong first and then weak", which effectively contained the onslaught of the enemy.

In the face of the stubborn resistance and fierce bombardment of the US troops, Li Desheng did not hurry and skillfully adjusted his tactics to ensure that the position was stable.

In 77, Li Desheng went to visit Ye Jianying, and after meeting, Ye Shuai asked: Have you gone to see Comrade Xiaoping

This approach demonstrates his calmness and decisiveness in tense situations, as well as his ability to flexibly use his tactical knowledge to respond to changes on the battlefield.

Li Desheng's "eternal old political commissar"

Speaking of Li Desheng's military journey, there is one person who has to mention, he is the old political commissar we mentioned at the beginning - Deng Xiaoping.

In the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, Deng Xiaoping, as Li Desheng's old political commissar, was not only his strategic adviser, but also his spiritual pillar.

The two worked closely together to design tactics and operational plans, and Deng Xiaoping's rich experience and profound insight greatly enriched Li Desheng's command ability.

This allowed him to successfully execute complex military operations and win multiple battles.

In 77, Li Desheng went to visit Ye Jianying, and after meeting, Ye Shuai asked: Have you gone to see Comrade Xiaoping

Especially during the Battle of Shangganling, in the face of continuous US bombing and repeated strong attacks, Li Desheng strictly followed the strategy proposed by Deng Xiaoping.

Successfully held and counterattacked the Beishan position, effectively thwarting the enemy's offensive.

During the battle, Li Desheng and Deng Xiaoping discussed tactical adjustments almost every day, and through continuous communication and coordination, their military thinking and actions were highly consistent.

With the founding of the People's Republic of China, Deng Xiaoping was transferred to work in the Central Committee, and Li Desheng remained in the army.

Despite the diminished daily communication between the two men, Li Desheng habitually sought guidance from Deng Xiaoping when confronted with military or policy problems.

In 77, Li Desheng went to visit Ye Jianying, and after meeting, Ye Shuai asked: Have you gone to see Comrade Xiaoping

Ye Jianying, Hua Guofeng, Deng Xiaoping

Deng Xiaoping always used great patience and wisdom to answer Li Desheng's doubts and provide strategic advice.

This profound friendship and friendship between teachers and students has become a valuable asset in Li Desheng's military career.

Deng Xiaoping will always be an old political commissar and mentor and friend whom he admires in his heart.

A reunion with the "old commissar" after a long absence

On a spring day in 1977, when Li Desheng visited Xishan in Beijing to meet his old friend Ye Jianying, he was surprised to learn that Deng Xiaoping had ended his political silence and was recuperating nearby.

In 77, Li Desheng went to visit Ye Jianying, and after meeting, Ye Shuai asked: Have you gone to see Comrade Xiaoping

The news was like a bolt of lightning, piercing Li Desheng's years of waiting and melancholy, making him so excited that he couldn't sleep all night.

The next morning, with deep longing for his old friend and mixed emotions, he decided to visit Deng Xiaoping.

With Ye Jianying's assistance, a staff member led Li Desheng through a winding path to the modest room where Deng Xiaoping lived.

The reunion scene is full of affection and nostalgia, and the two old friends share their experiences and feelings during the political turmoil while reminiscing about the past.

During this time, Li Desheng and Deng Xiaoping both experienced the ups and downs of their lives, and now they are able to meet again, and their dialogue not only rekindles a deep friendship.

In 77, Li Desheng went to visit Ye Jianying, and after meeting, Ye Shuai asked: Have you gone to see Comrade Xiaoping

Previously, due to the drastic changes in Chinese politics in the 70s, Li Desheng was promoted to vice chairman by Chairman Mao shortly after undergoing a job adjustment for political reasons, and finally resigned from the post of member of the Politburo and vice chairman.

Having lost contact with Deng Xiaoping, Deng Xiaoping was forced to leave the political scene, but he did not forget to help his friend Wang Jinshan, who was in a difficult situation, find a new job when he was forced to leave the political scene.

This act of selfless care had a profound impact on Li Desheng.

In 77, Li Desheng went to visit Ye Jianying, and after meeting, Ye Shuai asked: Have you gone to see Comrade Xiaoping

The guidance of the "old commissar".

After meeting, Deng Xiaoping warmly poured tea and entertained them, and the two began a long exchange in a relaxed atmosphere.

Deng Xiaoping first asked Li Desheng about his current situation, and Li Desheng told him in detail about his experiences and feelings over the years, and expressed his uncertainty and worries about the future.

Deng Xiaoping, on the other hand, put forward constructive views on Li Desheng from the perspective of the overall situation of the country, and analyzed in detail the trends of China's economic and social development, as well as his plans for military and national defense modernization.

Under Deng Xiaoping's guidance, Li Desheng gradually clarified his thinking and found a ray of hope in his worries about the country's future development.

He was inspired by Deng Xiaoping's clear vision and profound thinking about China's future blueprint, which filled him with new impetus and confidence in the future of his motherland.

In 77, Li Desheng went to visit Ye Jianying, and after meeting, Ye Shuai asked: Have you gone to see Comrade Xiaoping

The dialogue between the two men expanded from personal experiences to national policies, from shared combat experiences in the past to shared expectations for the future.

Let this meeting not only be an emotional reunion, but also a spiritual resonance.

In his unique way, Deng Xiaoping used wisdom and experience to alleviate Li Desheng's inner troubles, and this unique influence made Li Desheng feel the trust and dependence on the battlefield many years ago.

Through this profound exchange, the relationship between the two old friends has been further deepened, and their respect for each other and their shared commitment to the future of the country have been reaffirmed.

In 77, Li Desheng went to visit Ye Jianying, and after meeting, Ye Shuai asked: Have you gone to see Comrade Xiaoping

Continue to shine for the motherland

It can be said that Li Desheng's life trajectory is a legend full of struggle and change.

From a child herding cattle to a senior military commander of the country, every step is a testament to his hard work and perseverance.

During his military career, and especially under the guidance and support of Deng Xiaoping, Li Desheng achieved extraordinary achievements.

Deng Xiaoping was not only his political mentor, but also a close friend in life, guiding him in a complex political and military environment.

After the political turmoil, Deng Xiaoping recovered his health and quickly returned to work, and he carried out profound reforms and rectifications in response to many problems existing in the Chinese military region at that time.

In 77, Li Desheng went to visit Ye Jianying, and after meeting, Ye Shuai asked: Have you gone to see Comrade Xiaoping

This series of reforms not only improved the combat effectiveness of the army, but also provided Li Desheng with an opportunity to return to the military field.

After being reappointed, Li Desheng devoted himself wholeheartedly to China's military construction and contributed his strength.

Along with the mainland's vigorous construction and development, Li Desheng was sent to the National Defense University as a political commissar to shoulder the heavy task of training a new generation of military talents.

In 77, Li Desheng went to visit Ye Jianying, and after meeting, Ye Shuai asked: Have you gone to see Comrade Xiaoping

Deng Xiaoping and Ye Jianying

Here, he not only imparted knowledge and experience, but also passed on his loyalty and dedication to the country to young students, helping them to grow into pillars of the country.

In 77, Li Desheng went to Beijing to visit Ye Jianying, and after meeting, Ye Shuai asked: Have you gone to see Comrade Xiaoping?

Information sources:

Baidu Encyclopedia


Communist Party of China News 2016-04-14 In September 1978, Li Desheng accompanied Deng Xiaoping to inspect Northeast China

Party Building Network 2018-03-07Thick and simple true colors - remembering two or three things about Comrade Li Desheng

People's Daily Online2011-05-15 The life of Comrade Li Desheng