
Everyone wore white pants and didn't tell Wei Daxun

author:Entertainment gossip


The covert operation of the white pants

In the recording of the Shenyang station of "Let's Run", the program team planned an unexpected unified action of clothing. All the members tacitly put on white pants, but Wei Daxun didn't know anything about it.

Everyone wore white pants and didn't tell Wei Daxun

This scene was captured by netizens in Reuters and immediately sparked heated discussions. Unknowingly, Wei Daxun appeared in front of the camera wearing pants different from those of the other members, which was particularly abrupt. Netizens ridiculed, is this a deliberate act of the program team, or is it a little secret of the members? This sudden "surprise" makes Wei Daxun appear more eye-catching in the show, and also increases the fun and unpredictability of the show.

The mysterious identity of the tour guide

Everyone wore white pants and didn't tell Wei Daxun

In this recording, Wei Daxun played the role of "Xun tour guide", holding a small flag and leading the team. However, this identity of his does not seem to be recognized by everyone. Netizens discussed it on social media, and some said that the image of "Xun Tour Guide" was too low-key, so that everyone didn't notice his special identity. This setting not only increases the suspense of the show, but also makes Wei Daxun's character more three-dimensional and interesting. Netizens joked that the flag of the tour guide was too small, or his tour guide skills were too superb, so that everyone was attracted by his charm and forgot his identity as a tour guide.

Everyone wore white pants and didn't tell Wei Daxun

The secret weapon of long legs

Everyone wore white pants and didn't tell Wei Daxun

Some netizens ridiculed that the choice of white pants was actually deliberately done by the program team in order to highlight Wei Daxun's long legs. This seemingly unintentional caution actually increases the visual effects and topicality of the show. Netizens left messages in the comment area, discussing whether Wei Daxun's leg length really needs such "assistance", and whether this kind of caution is really effective. This kind of light-hearted and humorous discussion not only increases the interactivity of the show, but also allows the audience to pay more attention to and discuss the image of Wei Daxun.

Everyone wore white pants and didn't tell Wei Daxun

The anticipation of the moment of canning

Everyone wore white pants and didn't tell Wei Daxun

At a certain point in the show, Wei Daxun was expected to open a mysterious "can". The design of this link is full of suspense and anticipation, and netizens are hotly discussing on social media, speculating about what exactly is in this can. This curiosity and anticipation of the unknown adds to the appeal of the show. Netizens left messages in the comment area, some guessed that it was food, and some thought it was another surprise from the program team. This kind of interaction not only makes the audience more engaged, but also increases the topicality of the show.

Everyone wore white pants and didn't tell Wei Daxun

The story behind the entry

Some netizens pointed out that the entry of "white pants" this time is reminiscent of a similar operation in a previous show. This practice of reusing entries, although it increases the memory points of the show, has also caused some controversy. Netizens took to social media to discuss whether this approach was appropriate and whether the program team should avoid reusing similar memes. This controversial discussion not only increased the discussion of the show, but also made the audience think more about the creativity and originality of the show.

Controversial summary

Everyone wore white pants and didn't tell Wei Daxun

Through this series of events and interactions, it can be seen that the "Let's Run" program team has worked hard in planning and execution. Whether it is the secret operation of the white pants or the mysterious identity of the tour guide, it shows the efforts of the program team to make the program more interesting and interactive. However, this practice has also sparked some controversy, particularly regarding the reuse of entries and the originality of the program. This controversy not only makes the program more compelling, but also prompts the audience to think more deeply about and discuss the content and format of the program.

Everyone wore white pants and didn't tell Wei Daxun

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