
In the Sino-Russian joint statement, there was a major change in the rhetoric on Taiwan, and Trump said that China wants to take Taiwan

author:Report the king's history
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On 16 and 17 May, Russian President Vladimir Putin was invited to the mainland for a state visit, during which the two sides jointly issued a new joint statement, in which Russia's remarks on Taiwan aroused heated discussions among many people.

In the past, most people said that "Taiwan is an inalienable part of China," but this time they say that "Taiwan is an inalienable part of the People's Republic of China." What is the connection between the two, and what is the difference?

Why did Trump say that China intends to take Taiwan this time? How should we view the situation in the Taiwan Strait?

In the Sino-Russian joint statement, there was a major change in the rhetoric on Taiwan, and Trump said that China wants to take Taiwan

1. Putin's visit to China and the Sino-Russian Joint Statement

After completing his re-election, Putin listed China as the first stop of his foreign trip, which attracted a lot of attention, and there are obviously careful considerations behind this -

First, the war between Russia and Ukraine is difficult to stop, and at present, the mainland may be the only country that can help the two countries "build a line" and let the leaders of Russia and Ukraine sit down and negotiate.

After all, the leader of the mainland has just paid a state visit to three European countries, and has recently held detailed talks with Macron and others, and has the ability and intention to build bridges.

In the Sino-Russian joint statement, there was a major change in the rhetoric on Taiwan, and Trump said that China wants to take Taiwan

Second, Russia is being sanctioned by the international community, especially the United States and the West.

At this time, only by building good relations with the mainland and deepening cooperation can Russia have a "way out" in the future.

Therefore, Putin's visit to China can be described as full of sincerity, not only bringing most of the cabinet with him, but even leading a delegation to arrive at the mainland's capital airport at 4 a.m.

Of course, the mainland also attached great importance to it and gave Putin and his entourage a very high-standard reception.

In the Sino-Russian joint statement, there was a major change in the rhetoric on Taiwan, and Trump said that China wants to take Taiwan

In addition to visiting Harbin Institute of Technology, attending the opening ceremony of the China Expo, and holding consultations with mainland leaders, Putin visited China this time.

China and the mainland also jointly issued a joint statement on "deepening the comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination in the new era," which includes "10 items" covering everything from economy to security.

Among them, one of the first items is particularly eye-catching, that is, the Russian side reaffirms the one-China principle and emphasizes that Taiwan belongs to the People's Republic of China.

At first glance, this may not seem much different from "belonging to China", but is that really the case?

The answer, of course, is no, there is a "lot of articles" in this.

In the Sino-Russian joint statement, there was a major change in the rhetoric on Taiwan, and Trump said that China wants to take Taiwan

2. The connection and difference between the two expressions

First, let's talk about the connection between these two expressions.

All of them have played a role in strengthening the memory of the compatriots in the two places, affirming the close relations between Taiwan and the mainland, and firmly safeguarding the mainland's sovereignty and territorial integrity.

In the Sino-Russian joint statement, there was a major change in the rhetoric on Taiwan, and Trump said that China wants to take Taiwan

Next, let's talk about the difference between the two.

On the surface, the phrase "belonging to China" focuses on geography and culture, that is, Taiwan has belonged to Chinese territory since ancient times, and culturally has the same roots as ours, bearing a strong imprint of Chinese civilization.

The phrase "belonging to the People's Republic of China" is markedly different, and it is given a stronger political connotation, that is, it has crossed from "land" to "people".

Not only does Taiwan belong to China, but the people of Taiwan must abide by the laws of the People's Republic of China and participate in political life.

In the Sino-Russian joint statement, there was a major change in the rhetoric on Taiwan, and Trump said that China wants to take Taiwan

In fact, we can also see from the title that the first statement is obviously broader than the second one.

This is determined by the mainland's understanding and handling of Taiwan in a specific period and under a specific political background, and it has laid the foundation for the implementation of "one country, two systems" and has also left room for the peaceful development of the two sides of the strait.

Although in a literal sense, the first sentence does not clarify the question of Taiwan's political affiliation, but only emphasizes cross-strait ties.

However, with the development of time, cross-strait reunification is inevitable.

However, some people are stubborn and not only turn their backs on the national mission entrusted to us by history, but also try in vain to exploit loopholes and confuse the concepts of "People's Republic of China" and "Republic of China."

It is really foolish to try to seek separatism with the help of external forces such as Japan and the United States!

In the Sino-Russian joint statement, there was a major change in the rhetoric on Taiwan, and Trump said that China wants to take Taiwan

The Russian side's statement in the joint statement this time uses the title "People's Republic of China" instead of "China", which clearly compresses this part of the space and effectively prevents other forces or individuals from vainly trying to distort the connotation of the "one-China principle".

It is no wonder that Trump bluntly said, "China intends to take back Taiwan."

In fact, this is not the first time that Trump has hyped up the Taiwan issue, when the Russian-Ukrainian war broke out before, Trump jumped out and made nonsense:

"Let Russia occupy Ukraine today, and tomorrow China will send troops to Taiwan!"

In order to be in the spotlight and pull votes, what can't these irresponsible American politicians say?

In the Sino-Russian joint statement, there was a major change in the rhetoric on Taiwan, and Trump said that China wants to take Taiwan

3. Counterattack and thinking

In fact, seeing that the presidential change is imminent, Trump and Biden are fighting to win votes.

One impatiently said that at least 60% tariffs would be imposed on Chinese goods; The other is even more put into practice, directly receiving 102.5% of the tariff on imported trams from China!

Although the words and deeds of the two men are "symbolic measures" taken in the context of the general election to deal with the pressure of Congress and some voters.

However, these measures have already caused damage to the mainland's interests and the international market, so the mainland has proposed that it will urge the US side to cancel the measures in the next step and "take measures to defend its own rights and interests."

In the Sino-Russian joint statement, there was a major change in the rhetoric on Taiwan, and Trump said that China wants to take Taiwan

Trump's "comments" will pass after listening to them, and you don't need to take them to heart.

However, the United States has distorted the UN General Assembly resolution and maliciously hyped up the Taiwan issue, but this does not allow us to take it lightly.

Resolution 2758 is no stranger to everyone.

This was the key to the restoration of the lawful seat of the People's Republic of China in the United Nations and all its other legitimate rights more than 50 years ago, and it was also a prerequisite for the expulsion of "Representative Chiang" from the relevant organs of the United Nations.

This is the best illustration of the "one-China principle" and is also a powerful blow to the "Taiwan independence" elements.

In the Sino-Russian joint statement, there was a major change in the rhetoric on Taiwan, and Trump said that China wants to take Taiwan

However, in recent years, the United States has attempted to distort this resolution, to lift the "Republic of China" out of history, and to take the opportunity to stir up separatist arguments.

To sum up, it is not so much that the Russian side shows China's intentions this time, but rather a reminder to some people who are in the camp and dogs.

We sincerely hope that cross-strait reunification can be realized as soon as possible, and this is also a safeguard of the friendship between the people on both sides of the strait, and we hope that this good intention will be recognized and valued.

In the Sino-Russian joint statement, there was a major change in the rhetoric on Taiwan, and Trump said that China wants to take Taiwan


"The United States Distorts the UN General Assembly Resolution and Hypes Up Taiwan-related Issues, China Clarifies Its Position" Xinhuanet

Joint Statement of the People's Republic of China and the Russian Federation on Deepening the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership of Coordination in the New Era on the Occasion of the 75th Anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between the People's Republic of China and the Russian Federation

"Putin's visit to China, two key details are of great significance" Straight News

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