
A word from the Israelis, tearing off the fig leaf of the United States, a superpower? Semi-colonial

author:As a word

Although many people now say that the United States has "gone downhill", it is undeniable that since the end of World War II, the United States has risen to become a superpower, and its status is still maintained today.

Compared with most countries, the United States has a faulty lead in economic and military aspects, and the status of the United States as a "superpower" is basically the consensus of the world.

However, there is such a country that dares to openly "make the United States' decisions" in the international community.

What is it that makes this country so courageous?

A word from the Israelis, tearing off the fig leaf of the United States, a superpower? Semi-colonial

One. Israel has made blatant nonsense at United Nations meetings

Recently, the United Nations General Assembly voted on "recognizing Palestine as a full member of the United Nations," and the United States was one of the very few countries that voted against it.

Since the United States is one of the five permanent members of the United Nations, which is one of the five permanent members, the United States is one of the five permanent members, it is a sign that all the recognitions that Palestine has received so far have been counted.

It is now the case that almost all the countries of the world that still have some conscience are in favour of Palestine joining the United Nations.

Even Ukraine, which is now very dependent on US military assistance, really couldn't vote against it with a clear conscience, and finally voted "abstaining", which shows that this time the United States is really directly on the opposite side of the world......

Can the United States really stand up to the world's long-cherished aspirations on its own? Not necessarily, in the end, Palestine will really succeed in joining.

Everyone knows it, and so does Israel.

A word from the Israelis, tearing off the fig leaf of the United States, a superpower? Semi-colonial

As a result, Israel's representative Erdan broke his defense, and he went so far as to openly say directly to the United Nations: "If the General Assembly agrees to the Palestinian application, the United States will stop all financial support for the United Nations." ”

As soon as these words came out, those who didn't know thought that the United States was already Israel who had the final say.

This sentence is intriguing, the American deputy's face is green, but he doesn't dare to let a fart go.

Although US-Israeli relations have long been reversed, since last year, everyone has begun to vaguely feel that the United States may be the real "pinned side," but because of the face of its "superpower," no one has put this matter on the table.

Now, the Israeli representative's words are tantamount to directly tearing off the fig leaf of the United States and exposing the relations between the two countries in a grand manner.

This is strange, if the United States does not provide financial support, how can it be Israel's turn to point fingers?

Behind this, that's a lot to say!

A word from the Israelis, tearing off the fig leaf of the United States, a superpower? Semi-colonial

Two. The origins of the relationship between Israel and the United States

First of all, there is a very strong sense of religious and cultural identity between the United States and Israel, Israel is the country with the largest Jewish population in the world, and Judaism is the religion of the country.

Most Americans believe in Christianity, and Christianity can be said to have its roots in Judaism. This leads to an invisible synergy between the two religions.

The second and most important is the dominant power of the Jews.

Finance has been the best game of the Jews of the past, and although the Jews in the United States are not very represented, they control half of the country's economy.

A word from the Israelis, tearing off the fig leaf of the United States, a superpower? Semi-colonial

As mentioned earlier, the Jews of Israel are the majority of the country's population. As a result, the Jews also became an important link between the United States and Israel, and played a vital role in maintaining the relationship between the two countries.

Israel, a small country in the Middle East, can certainly enjoy the unremitting support of the United States not only because of religious demographics.

By supporting Israel, the Americans' hand can "reach out to the Middle East" and expand the territory of their rights.

Israel's strategic position is also very important, as it is the closest country to the Suez Canal, connecting Asia, Europe and Africa.

It can be said that if the United States wants to contain the Middle East region, Israel is the best springboard.

From all perspectives, supporting Israel's rise is beneficial to the United States.

A word from the Israelis, tearing off the fig leaf of the United States, a superpower? Semi-colonial

Three. The United States and Israel are gathered by interests

It is not only the Palestinian-Israeli conflict that the United States has provided support to Israel.

Since the founding of the State of Israel, it is not an exaggeration to say that the United States has taken care of Israel in all aspects of its military and economic aspects.

What is certain is that the United States and Israel are inextricably linked with interests.

First of all, politically, the United States wants to balance the power of the countries of the Middle East by supporting Israel, and Israel also wants to have a strong force to support their position in the Middle East.

Israel's small territory, small population, and lack of strong foreign aid support would clearly give it the upper hand in the event of a conflict with a Middle Eastern power such as the Arab world.

Most importantly, economically, we have to bring back the Jews we talked about earlier. The U.S. is governed by plutocracy, which is predominantly composed of Jews.

A word from the Israelis, tearing off the fig leaf of the United States, a superpower? Semi-colonial

The Jewish plutocracy in the United States is as rich as the country, like the Rothschilds, and the top 10 Fortune 500 companies have less assets than they do.

The "money power" of the Jews can be seen. Jews controlled most of the economy in the United States.

Israel is a Jewish country, and even if they are already American citizens, they will definitely support Israel.

With such a strong strength of the Jews, the United States will not easily oppose them, and naturally it will go in the direction of the Jews. Israel, too, does not want to lose the support of American Jews.

The relationship between the United States and Israel is largely dominated by Jews, whose greatest common interest is the economic lifeline controlled by Jews.

A word from the Israelis, tearing off the fig leaf of the United States, a superpower? Semi-colonial

Four. The relationship between Israel and the United States exposed the weakness of the colonial powers

In the past, it was widely believed that the United States and Israel were allies, but recently, more and more people have discovered that it is actually Israel that balances the United States to a large extent.

Taking the fact that Israel openly represented the United States at the United Nations this time, the United States did not respond to it, which is tantamount to acquiescing in Israel's overstepping its authority. Miraculously, since the founding of the State of Israel, the United States has unconditionally tilted toward Israel on all issues involving Israel's interests.

Even on issues involving the United States and Israel, the United States has never made a move that "only benefits the United States and is not conducive to Israel's interests."

Is it taboo for a superpower to be a small country in the Middle East?

It's really taboo.

A word from the Israelis, tearing off the fig leaf of the United States, a superpower? Semi-colonial

This reflects one of the major weaknesses of the colonial state: the local people are mostly composed of foreign populations, each ethnic group has its own primitive cultural atmosphere, and the people do not have a high sense of mutual cultural identity.

Expanding the scale of colonization can easily cause disorder in religion and cultural beliefs within a country, and it is difficult to bring into play the cohesion of various people without a culture that has been inherited from the same line.

Like the United States and Israel, it is clear that they are two countries, and American Jews should be oriented to their own country.

But American Jews are close to Israeli Jews, and most of the economic lifeblood of the United States is still in the hands of these Jews. Because of these Jewish relationships, the power of the United States is counterbalanced by Israel.

A word from the Israelis, tearing off the fig leaf of the United States, a superpower? Semi-colonial

After all, if this group of Jews in the United States defects and vigorously supports Israel, the internal economy of the United States is likely to suffer a heavy blow.

It is no wonder that Israel has the capital to step on the front of the United States and make such a remark.

And as we all know, today's high-level in the United States, political, economic and other aspects, have almost been infiltrated by Jews.

There are so many Jews in the U.S. parliament that the U.S. can't afford to abandon its support for Israel.

First of all, the Jewish officials within them will constantly put pressure on the parliament.

A word from the Israelis, tearing off the fig leaf of the United States, a superpower? Semi-colonial

Far more than that, some Western commentators have speculated that this notorious and vicious case is actually the finale weapon used by Israel to balance the American elite and high-level in the "Lori Island incident" a few months ago.

As long as the United States no longer supports Israel, the inhumane things they have done on the island will be made public.

Of course, this is just the speculation of some Western netizens based on the clues that have been announced, and whether it has anything to do or not has to wait for the final investigation results.

However, now, the United States is "led by the nose" by Israel without the power to fight back, and if it is said that it has only interests and no handle, I am afraid that not many people believe it!

As for what exactly this handle is, although it is not yet known, looking at the current momentum of the United States and Israel, I am afraid that it is not far from "flipping the table."

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