
The law enforcement inspection and research team of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress carried out inspection and research work in our county

author:Xiurong Life Information Circle
The law enforcement inspection and research team of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress carried out inspection and research work in our county

From May 15th to 16th, Luo Zhihong, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, led the law enforcement inspection and research team to Hequ County to conduct on-site inspections on the implementation of the Agricultural Law of the People's Republic of China, and conducted field research on the development of agriculture in our county. Li Zhifu, director of the Standing Committee of the County People's Congress, Zhao Jinliang, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the County People's Congress, Men Yonghong, deputy county magistrate Xu Wangquan, some county people's congress deputies and heads of relevant departments directly under the county investigated together.

The law enforcement inspection and research team of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress carried out inspection and research work in our county

  The research team successively went to the facility agricultural greenhouse in Yuling Village, Tugou Township, the freeze-dried food production line of Lianxin Selenium Agricultural Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd., the Haihong Honey Processing Plant of Hequ County Haihongshuang Co., Ltd., the organic fruit and vegetable deep processing project of Fenghe Ecological Agriculture Development Co., Ltd., the facility agricultural greenhouse of Tangjiahui Village, Xikou Town, and Shanxi Xuzhou Liquor Co., Ltd. to learn more about the construction of agricultural and rural infrastructure, the construction of agricultural production and operation system, and the promotion and application of agricultural science and technology in our county through on-site inspections, listening to reports, and on-site inquiries. The work of linking farmers with agriculture and promoting farmers' income. The research team fully affirmed the achievements of our county in the development of agricultural industry. It is pointed out that it is necessary to comprehensively implement the Agricultural Law, adhere to the priority development of agriculture and rural areas, deeply study and apply the experience of the "Ten Million Project", improve the agricultural production and operation system, increase farmers' income in multiple ways, and promote high-quality and efficient agriculture, livable and workable villages, and prosperous farmers.

  At the symposium, Luo Zhihong stressed that it is necessary to further strengthen the publicity and popularization of the agricultural law, improve the awareness of the rule of law and the ability to protect the rights of the cadres and masses, and ensure that the agricultural law is comprehensively, accurately and effectively implemented in our city. It is necessary to continue to increase the intensity of agricultural science and technology innovation, improve the quality and added value of agricultural products, strengthen the marketing and brand building of agricultural products, and promote the development of "special" and "excellent" agriculture in our city to a new level. It is necessary to give full play to the role of people's congress deputies as a bridge in research, inspection, law enforcement inspection, etc., widely listen to the opinions of the masses, reflect the demands of the masses, promote the solution of outstanding problems in agricultural development, and promote the comprehensive and effective implementation of the agricultural law and the high-quality development of "special" and "excellent" agriculture. It is necessary to strengthen departmental coordination and form a joint force in work. Establish and improve working mechanisms, strengthen information sharing, communication and coordination, and ensure that all work is implemented and effective.

The law enforcement inspection and research team of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress carried out inspection and research work in our county

  At the liaison station of the people's congress deputies of Hequ County, the research team learned in detail about the construction and work of the liaison station, and discussed and exchanged views with the workers of the grassroots people's congress and some people's congress deputies, and listened carefully to their opinions and suggestions. It is pointed out that the liaison station of people's congress deputies is the main front for people's congress deputies to perform their duties, and it is necessary to make good use of this platform to effectively guarantee and promote people's congress deputies to perform their duties in accordance with the law; People's congress deputies at all levels should consciously be propagandists, practitioners and promoters of the whole process of people's democracy, connect more closely with the masses, serve the masses, listen to the voices of the people, gather public opinions, gather people's wisdom, solve people's worries, and promote high-quality economic and social development with high-level performance of duties.


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