
In 2009, the Russian man was diagnosed with lung cancer, and when doctors operated on him, a small sapling was found in his lung

author:One point


As the old saying goes, nothing is more important than good health. This is not wrong for anyone, just like the 41-year-old Russian guy Yatyum, he is now living a very nourishing life, his work is smooth, his family is happy, his children are sensible, and the family gets together during the New Year's holidays, eating barbecue, drinking vodka, talking and laughing, not to mention how comfortable.

But don't think it's a common thing, if you know what happened to Artyoum 13 years ago, I'm afraid you have to sigh: his life is really big! So what really happened to him?

In 2009, the Russian man was diagnosed with lung cancer, and when doctors operated on him, a small sapling was found in his lung

A startling discovery on the operating table

2009 was a time for 28-year-old Yatyoum to climb the heights of his life. As a construction engineer, he worked hard, and after his promotion, he had a lot of projects, often working overtime until late at night. But the long-term high-intensity work overdrew his health, and his body began to light up red.

At first, it was only an occasional chest pain, as if it had been lightly pricked by a needle, but Yatyum did not take it to heart, only because of the fatigue of work.

But as time went on, the chest pain became more frequent and intense, sometimes even making it difficult for him to breathe and unbearable. To make matters worse, he began to cough up blood. At first, it was just a faint streak of blood, mixed with sputum, and then it turned into bright red blood, which was shocking.

In 2009, the Russian man was diagnosed with lung cancer, and when doctors operated on him, a small sapling was found in his lung

At this time, he realized that there might be a serious problem with his body. At the urging of his wife, Yatyum finally put down his work and went to the hospital for a check-up.

After a series of imaging tests and blood tests, the doctor told him the result with a solemn face: advanced lung cancer.

"Late? How can it be? Ateyum was incredulous, as if he had been hit in the chest by a boulder, and his eyes went blank.

He is only 28 years old, it is the golden age of his life, his career is thriving, his family is happy, and his two lovely children are not yet of school age, and the future is bright.

"How can it be late?" He muttered to himself, what would happen to this family if he fell?

In 2009, the Russian man was diagnosed with lung cancer, and when doctors operated on him, a small sapling was found in his lung

Faced with the harsh reality, Yatyoum felt fear and helplessness like never before. He clasped the doctor's hand and asked in a trembling voice, "Doctor, is there any salvation?" How much time do I have left? ”

"Your situation is complicated, the tumor has spread, and the best time for treatment has been missed," he explained...... "At the moment, surgery to remove the tumor is the only hope, but the risk is very high, and chemotherapy is also required after surgery." ”

Artyoum understood that the doctor's words had been made clear, that he was giving himself the opportunity to choose, and that he was mentally preparing himself.

He silently weighed the pros and cons in his heart. For the sake of his family, he gritted his teeth and went to the operating table. At that time, the surgeon was an experienced doctor Kamasevy, but when he cut open Yatyum's chest, he was dumbfounded: there was no tumor in the lung, it was clearly a small pine tree!

In 2009, the Russian man was diagnosed with lung cancer, and when doctors operated on him, a small sapling was found in his lung

The doctors present were stunned, and the sapling was quite energetic, verdant and verdant, and the needle-like leaves had grown, a full 5 centimeters long, and they were almost catching up with a finger.

The doctor was also puzzled: how did the sapling get into the lungs? Still looks so good?

Dr. Kamasevi looked closely at the sapling that had been removed from Yatyoum's lungs. Its roots are firmly entrenched in the lobe tissue, and the needles are verdant and vibrant, contrasting with the surrounding diseased lung tissue.

Possibilities flashed through Dr. Kamasevy's mind. He has practiced medicine for many years and has never encountered such an unbelievable case.

Picking up a magnifying glass, he took a closer look at the roots of the sapling and the surrounding lung tissue again. He noticed that some of the tiny roots even penetrated the capillary walls.

In 2009, the Russian man was diagnosed with lung cancer, and when doctors operated on him, a small sapling was found in his lung

Clearly, it was these roots, rooted in the lungs, that triggered Yatyoum's coughing up blood and chest pain.

Artyoum fell asleep under anesthesia, unaware that he had gone through a life-and-death ordeal.

After the operation, the doctor re-examined his body, and the results showed that there were indeed no cancer cells, which proved that the cause of Artyum's physical discomfort at that time was the sapling in his lungs, and now that the sapling has been removed, Artyoum's body has no problems.

How do seeds get into the body?

Although the cause was found, Yatyoum couldn't figure it out: How did this tree get into my lungs? He thought about it for a long time, and finally remembered the spring of a year ago.

In 2009, the Russian man was diagnosed with lung cancer, and when doctors operated on him, a small sapling was found in his lung

It was a sunny spring afternoon, and Atyum and his wife were strolling through the park when suddenly a strong spring breeze mixed with the smell of earth and flowers greeted them.

Defenseless, Atyum inhaled a stream of air, felt tiny foreign objects spill into his nose, and sneezed in a barrage. At the time, he didn't care, just thought it was inhaling dust, and continued to take a leisurely walk with his wife.

But what he didn't know was that in that casual moment, a tiny spruce seed entered his respiratory tract with the air flow and quietly settled in his lungs.

The seed found a suitable environment in the warm, moist lungs of Atyum. Greedily absorbing nutrients, it grew quietly in the dark, and by a year it had grown into a five-centimeter-tall sapling, its verdant needles gently swaying between the lobes of Atyum's lungs, eventually triggering a series of illnesses.

In 2009, the Russian man was diagnosed with lung cancer, and when doctors operated on him, a small sapling was found in his lung

As soon as the case of Yatyum Lung Changshu was reported, it caused an uproar in the medical community. Many medical experts and scholars have engaged in a heated discussion about this case, and the focus of the discussion has been on the question of whether the human body can be a breeding ground for plant growth.

Theoretically, it is not entirely impossible for a seed to take root and germinate in the human body. It is well known that seed germination requires the right temperature, humidity and oxygen, and sunlight is not a requirement.

The inside of the human body happens to provide relatively stable temperature and humidity, and the respiratory system is also able to provide sufficient oxygen.

Moreover, the seeds enter the human body through the respiratory tract, bypassing the digestive system and avoiding the risk of being broken down by stomach acid and digestive enzymes.

But theoretical possibilities do not equate to practical feasibility. The internal environment of the human body is complex and changeable, and it is not easy for seeds to germinate and grow.

In 2009, the Russian man was diagnosed with lung cancer, and when doctors operated on him, a small sapling was found in his lung

For example, the airways are not unobstructed, and nasal hairs and mucus in the nasal passages, as well as cilia and secretions in the trachea and bronchi, can block the entry of seeds into the lungs.

If Artyoum suffers from rhinitis, sinusitis, or other respiratory infections while inhaling the seeds, the seeds are likely to be removed before they enter the lungs.

Even if the seeds make it to the lungs, they may not be able to take root and germinate smoothly. Because the human body has a strong immune system, it is always alert to the threat of foreign invaders.

Once the immune system recognizes that the seed is a foreign substance, it mobilizes immune cells to attack it and destroy the foreign body.

Moreover, the lungs are not an ideal environment for seeds to grow, after all, they are only human organs, and they lack nutrients provided by the soil, so it is actually difficult for seeds to take root and grow in such an environment.

In 2009, the Russian man was diagnosed with lung cancer, and when doctors operated on him, a small sapling was found in his lung

What's more, when seeds grow inside the human body, they will definitely cause pressure and damage to the surrounding tissues and organs, triggering an inflammatory response and immune rejection, and ultimately leading to serious health problems in the human body.

The case of Yatyoum is a living example of how the consequences would have been dire if it had not been for the timely surgical removal of the saplings.

In this way, although there is theoretically the possibility of seeds taking root and germinating in the human body, in practice there are still great difficulties. Therefore, what happened to Artyoum was purely accidental, and the probability was extremely low, and ordinary people could not touch it.

Is the truth actually a medical scam?

But Artyoum wasn't the first person to grow something else in his body, and there was also an elderly man in the United States who had a health problem. After a hospital examination, it was found that there was a foreign body in his left lung, which was also diagnosed as cancer cells.

In 2009, the Russian man was diagnosed with lung cancer, and when doctors operated on him, a small sapling was found in his lung

However, during the second examination, the doctor found that the cancer cells did not seem to be right, they looked small and their location seemed to have changed. Then the doctor conducted a careful examination and found that it was actually a pea, and it seemed to have sprouted.

Then the doctor hurriedly operated on the peas to take them out, it turned out that the old man usually likes to eat peas, maybe the peas he ate were not cooked, and they actually sprouted in his body.

I have to say that the experiences of these two are very similar.

But the difference is that the tree that grew in the lungs of Yatyoum happened not long ago. Someone posted an article revealing the shocking fact that it was actually a well-planned medical scam.

It is impossible for the human body to become a flower pot, and it is nonsense to grow a sapling. The author of the paper bluntly said that "bronchial trees" is just an eye-catching gimmick.

In 2009, the Russian man was diagnosed with lung cancer, and when doctors operated on him, a small sapling was found in his lung

The real case was actually a construction worker working in a lumber mill. During a wood cutting process, due to inadequate protective measures, a large number of fine wood chips were splashed, some of which were accidentally inhaled into his respiratory tract, resulting in severe lung infections and breathing difficulties.

In order to remove these foreign bodies, the doctors performed surgery, which ultimately saved his life.

Every year, many people get sick because of the harsh working environment, inadequate protective measures, and inhalation of wood chips.

The initial symptoms of this disease are not obvious, and by the time the body is obviously unwell, it has often developed to a stage that is difficult to treat, ranging from loss of work ability to life-threatening at worst.

As for why it became a small sapling with lungs, it is unknown, it may be to attract everyone's attention, or to win traffic.

In 2009, the Russian man was diagnosed with lung cancer, and when doctors operated on him, a small sapling was found in his lung

The article also caused controversy again, but for Yatyoum, he did experience a test of life and death.

It's just that he stayed up late and worked overtime for a long time, which led to a decrease in his body's immunity, which eventually caused severe coughing up blood.


The story of Yatyoum, whether true or not, reminds us that health is the most important asset.

No matter how busy you are at work, you must pay attention to the combination of work and rest, and don't wait until your body can't bear it before going to the doctor, it may be too late at that time.

Perhaps, this is the truth that this story is trying to tell us.

Information sources:

Russian Komsomolskaya Pravda

"CCTV" A man in Russia inhaled seeds and grew saplings in his lungs

CNKI "Russian man grows saplings in lungs, suspected cause of inhalation of seeds"