
2024 College Entrance Examination Essay Prediction and Appreciation of Masterpieces: Between Light and Shadow, the Thoughts of Youth

author:Guanhua composition

2024 College Entrance Examination Essay Prediction and Appreciation of Masterpieces: Between Light and Shadow, the Thoughts of Youth

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2024 College Entrance Examination Essay Prediction and Appreciation of Masterpieces: Between Light and Shadow, the Thoughts of Youth

Please grasp the content of the comic as a whole and write an article to reflect your understanding, evaluation, identification and trade-offs, and rest the thinking of young people in the new era.

Requirements: choose the right angle, determine the idea, clarify the style, and draft the title; Don't copy, don't plagiarize; Do not divulge personal information; No less than 800 words.

[Topic Analysis]: This topic reminds me of the choices and confusions in life. Figure 1 in the comic shows the shadow under a lamp, a simple life and a clear choice. However, as there are more and more lights in Figure 2, so do our choices, and with that comes more confusion and confusion.

In Figure 3, the lights are overlapping and I feel dizzy and lost. It's like us in life, faced with countless choices, and begin to doubt our own abilities and worth. We begin to compare, we begin to envy, we begin to lose ourselves. However, we must understand that everyone's life is unique and we cannot live in the shadow of others.

Figure 4 gives us hope. A light in my heart illuminates the way forward and dispells all shadows. Does this mean that when we have a clear goal and a firm belief, we can overcome all difficulties and find our own light? I think it's an affirmation of myself, a love of life, and an expectation for the future.

From the perspective of association, I thought that social life is fast-paced nowadays, and we, as high school students, are facing pressure from studying, extracurricular activities, socializing, etc. In the midst of these hustle and bustle, we may feel tired and stressed. However, if we can find some leisure time in our busyness, to relax and do something we enjoy, then we can find joy in busyness and reduce stress.

From the point of view of thinking, I think that "taking a break in the busy, looking for quiet in the middle of the noise" is a kind of wisdom in life. It tells us that in life, we should focus not only on the hustle and bustle, but also on the tranquility and leisure. Only by finding leisure in the busy can we make our lives more colorful and meaningful.

Overall, this topic made me think about the balance between busyness and leisure in life, and how to find joy and enjoy life in busyness. I think we should learn to find leisure in the midst of busyness to make our lives more balanced and interesting. In this way, our lives will be more fulfilling and our bodies and minds will be healthier.

2024 College Entrance Examination Essay Prediction and Appreciation of Masterpieces: Between Light and Shadow, the Thoughts of Youth

[Appreciation of masterpieces]: Between light and shadow, the heart lamp is always bright

On the picture scroll of the comics, light and shadow are intertwined, like the stage of life, unpredictable. A lamp, a shadow, simple yet profound; Three lights, three shadows, complex and full of confusion; The lights are stacked with many shadows, dizzy and lost, just like the road of life, which is complicated and difficult to choose. However, a light in the heart, open-minded and transparent, without shadows, this is a deep understanding of life, is the highest pursuit of life.

Figure 1, a lamp, a shadow. This is the starting point of life, and it is also the original intention of exploration. Each of us has been in this world, lonely looking for our place, trying to find our own piece of light. At this stage, we are full of curiosity, and we move forward bravely because we have a light in our hearts that illuminates our way forward.

Figure 2, three lights, three shadows. This is the complexity of life, and it is also the confusion of life. When we step into society and are faced with various choices, we begin to get lost and begin to get lost. At this time, we need wisdom and courage to discern what is the true light and what is the shadow that confuses us.

Figure 3, the lights are stacked with many shadows, and the eyes are dizzy and lost. It's a complicated part of life, and it's also a challenge in life. When we are stuck in a difficult situation and faced with many obstacles, we may feel helpless and we may lose our way. However, at this time, we need to stay calm and persevere, because only by going through the darkness can we better cherish the light.

Figure 4, a light in the heart, open-minded and transparent, without shadows. This is the wisdom of life, and it is also the realm of life. When we experience the ups and downs of life, when we understand the true meaning of life, we can have a lamp in our hearts to illuminate our lives. This lamp is our understanding of life, our perception of life, and our belief in ourselves.

In life, we will encounter all kinds of light and shadow, sometimes, we will be lost, and sometimes, we will be confused. But as long as we have a light in our hearts, we can find our way, we can find ourselves. This lamp is our love for life, our pursuit of life, and our expectation of ourselves.

As young people in the new era, how should we face the light and shadow in life? We should keep a clear head, stick to our beliefs, and be brave enough to pursue our dreams. We should learn to distinguish between light and shadow, grasp the true meaning of life, and not be confused by external temptations. We should face life's challenges positively, bravely step out of our comfort zone, explore, and grow.

Finally, let us be guided by the lamp in our hearts to pursue the light of life and create our own wonderful. Let us shine brightly between light and shadow and illuminate our life path.

[Appreciation of masterpieces]: Between light and shadow, the thoughts of youth

In the torrent of the new era, we are like a ship that has been swept into a huge wave, facing countless choices and confusions. A cartoon, five lights, and thousands of shadows seem to reflect our inner confusion and exploration.

Figure 1, a lamp, a shadow. Concise and profound, like the beginning of life, we are newborn calves, moving forward bravely, but we don't know that the shadow of life has long been lurking on the side. Figure 2, three lights, three shadows. As life gets better, there are more choices, and there are more confusions, and we begin to weigh and struggle, trying to find our place in the complex world. Figure 3, the lights are stacked with many shadows, and the eyes are dizzy and lost. This is our reality, full of lights and temptations, in which we lose ourselves and do not know the direction. Figure 4, a light in the heart, open-minded and transparent, without shadows. This is our ideal, there is light in our hearts, and the shadows scatter by themselves.

Five lamps may be the five stages of life, or the five choices of life. Every choice has its own shadow, and we can't avoid it, we can only face it. The difficulty of youth lies in the choice. Faced with the fork in the road of life, we hesitate, we hesitate, we fear. However, this is life, this is growth. We grow in choice, and we break through in confusion.

Young people in the new era, how should we look at these five lamps and how should we look at these shadows? I think we should be brave enough to face it, to embrace it, to dissect these shadows. As the famous saying goes, "Shadow is also part of light." "Without shadows, there is no light. It is only when we are brave enough to face the shadows that we can truly understand the light.

The lamp in our hearts is our faith, our ideals, and our courage. Only with light in our hearts can we find our way in the shadows and the answers in our confusion. The light in our hearts is the driving force for us to move forward and the key for us to break through ourselves.

Young people in the new era, how should we light the lamp in our hearts? First of all, we need to be self-aware, understand our strengths and weaknesses, and clarify our goals and directions. Secondly, we need to keep learning, improve our knowledge and ability, and provide energy for lighting the lamp in our hearts. Finally, we need to be brave enough to face life's challenges, to embrace the shadows of life, and to let them become the ladder of our growth.

Five lights, five lives, five choices. Young people in the new era, let us bravely face, embrace, and analyze these shadows on the road we choose. Let the light in our hearts illuminate the way forward and dispel all confusion and confusion. Let us set sail in the torrent of the new era, pursue our dreams, and write our glory.

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