
The Chinese side has struck! The $30 billion deal was halted, and Boeing's market value evaporated by 400 billion

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China halted Boeing's $30 billion deal, and Boeing's market value evaporated by $400 billion.

This is not only a business decision, but also a new chapter in competition and cooperation in the global aerospace manufacturing industry.

In the future, with the progress of science and technology and market changes, the aviation manufacturing industry will usher in more fierce competition and more cooperation opportunities.

As an important player in the global aviation market, China will play an important role in this process and inject new vitality into the development of the global aviation manufacturing industry.

The Chinese side has struck! The $30 billion deal was halted, and Boeing's market value evaporated by 400 billion

As the most affected company, Boeing's market value has evaporated by 400 billion in just a few days.

This is not just a simple business decision, but also a contest in the trade and technology game between China and the United States.

We will analyze the far-reaching implications of this event from multiple perspectives.

A pivotal battle in the U.S.-China trade game

The deal was cancelled as China canceled a contract to buy 300 planes from Boeing.

This move has a complex background, with both economic factors and political considerations.

The Chinese side has struck! The $30 billion deal was halted, and Boeing's market value evaporated by 400 billion

In recent years, China and the United States have been engaged in friction in trade, science and technology, military and other fields, and the suspension of the deal is undoubtedly a proactive move by China in the trade game.

Boeing, one of the world's largest aircraft manufacturers, has long relied on the Chinese market.

According to statistics, in 2019, Boeing exported about 20% of its total global aircraft exports to China.

Therefore, the suspension of this transaction is undoubtedly a heavy blow to Boeing.

According to the Wall Street Journal, Boeing's stock price fell by more than 15% in a week due to the news, and its market value evaporated by about 400 billion yuan.

Boeing's dilemma: It's not just a market problem

The Chinese side has struck! The $30 billion deal was halted, and Boeing's market value evaporated by 400 billion

Boeing has had a lot of problems in recent years, and in addition to the suspension of its deal with China, it has also faced multiple difficulties of its own.

The first is the safety of the 737 MAX family of aircraft.

Since two deadly air crashes in 2018 and 2019, the 737 MAX has been grounded worldwide.

Despite Boeing's technological improvements and the resumption of flights in some countries, it will take time for consumer confidence to return.

The Chinese side has struck! The $30 billion deal was halted, and Boeing's market value evaporated by 400 billion

Against this backdrop, China's suspension of the $30 billion deal is tantamount to adding insult to injury for Boeing.

The Chinese side has struck! The $30 billion deal was halted, and Boeing's market value evaporated by 400 billion

This not only cuts Boeing's important revenue stream, but also further undermines market confidence in its future growth.

China's Choice: Independent Development and Diversified Cooperation

Behind China's suspension of the Boeing deal is also a reflection of China's independent development strategy in the aviation manufacturing industry.

In recent years, China has actively promoted large aircraft projects in an effort to break the monopoly of Europe and the United States.

The C919 large passenger aircraft developed by COMAC has completed several test flights and is expected to be put into commercial operation soon.

The Chinese side has struck! The $30 billion deal was halted, and Boeing's market value evaporated by 400 billion

The success of the C919 will significantly reduce China's dependence on imported aircraft and enhance the competitiveness of its own brands in the international market.

In addition to independent research and development, China is also actively seeking cooperation with other countries and regions.

In 2021, China signed a series of cooperation agreements with Europe's Airbus, covering aircraft manufacturing, technology research and development, and marketing.

Through diversified cooperation, China will not only gain access to advanced aviation technology, but also enhance its voice in the international market.

Changes in the global aviation market

The sharp fluctuations in Boeing's market capitalization not only reflect the company's own problems, but also reveal profound changes in the global aviation market.

The Chinese side has struck! The $30 billion deal was halted, and Boeing's market value evaporated by 400 billion

With the advancement of science and technology and the change of market demand, the aviation manufacturing industry is facing new challenges and opportunities.

On the one hand, the global aviation industry is moving in a greener and more sustainable direction.

Major aviation manufacturers have increased investment in new energy and environmental protection technologies in an effort to develop more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly aircraft.

Traditional giants such as Boeing and Airbus, although they have certain advantages in technology, also face challenges from emerging companies and technologies.

We expect that in the future, the aviation manufacturing industry will be able to achieve greener and more sustainable development through technological innovation and international cooperation, and make greater contributions to global economic and social progress.

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Text: Wind

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