
The Chinese side has struck! 44.8 billion foreign exchange was cleared, Buffett said: the outlook for U.S. bonds is "worrying"

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Warren Buffett's comments are an important bellwether.

As a seasoned investor, Warren Buffett has always been cautious about the fiscal health and economic outlook of the United States.

The Chinese side has struck! 44.8 billion foreign exchange was cleared, Buffett said: the outlook for U.S. bonds is "worrying"

This time, China has used its vast foreign exchange reserves as a weapon to liquidate its holdings of up to $44.8 billion in U.S. Treasury bonds.

This move not only shook the financial world, but also made investment guru Warren Buffett issue a warning:

The future of U.S. bonds is facing serious challenges.

The Chinese side has struck! 44.8 billion foreign exchange was cleared, Buffett said: the outlook for U.S. bonds is "worrying"

This move can be seen as a classic "parity showdown", with China and the United States as the world's two largest economies;

Each of their subtle financial moves can trigger volatility in global markets.

Why did China choose to do a massive reduction of its U.S. debt holdings at this time?

The answer may not be purely economic.

First of all, from a macroeconomic point of view, reducing the holdings of U.S. bonds is an optimization of asset allocation for China.

The Chinese side has struck! 44.8 billion foreign exchange was cleared, Buffett said: the outlook for U.S. bonds is "worrying"

U.S. Treasuries have long been seen as one of the safest assets in the world, but they are becoming less attractive in the current context of rising global interest rates and rising inflation.

China's choice to reduce its holdings at this time can be seen as a prediction and response to future changes in the market environment.

Again, there are deep strategic considerations behind this decision.

The recent series of trade sanctions and policy repression by the United States against China can be seen as a response to the political pressure that China has reduced its holdings of US debt.

The Chinese side has struck! 44.8 billion foreign exchange was cleared, Buffett said: the outlook for U.S. bonds is "worrying"

By reducing its holdings of U.S. bonds, China can not only reduce its dependence on U.S. financial assets, but also send a clear message to the United States:

The interdependence of the two economies is a two-way street, and unilateral pressure is ineffective.

In addition, China's move provides an example of a possible strategy for other countries and regions with large holdings of U.S. bonds.

For example, Japan and EU countries are also large investors in U.S. bonds, and they may learn from China's approach and reconsider their asset allocation strategies, which will affect the stability and development trend of global financial markets.

The Chinese side has struck! 44.8 billion foreign exchange was cleared, Buffett said: the outlook for U.S. bonds is "worrying"

His concern about the outlook for U.S. debt this time is not based on a single event, but on an analysis of long-term trends in the global economy.

Warren Buffett warned investors that the level of U.S. debt and future fiscal policy are key factors affecting the value of U.S. Treasury investments.

From an investor's point of view, China's decision has undoubtedly increased market uncertainty.

For those individual and institutional investors who hold or plan to invest in U.S. Treasuries, now is a critical time to reassess risk and return.

The Chinese side has struck! 44.8 billion foreign exchange was cleared, Buffett said: the outlook for U.S. bonds is "worrying"

They need to carefully analyze the deeper implications of China's reduction of its holdings of US debt, as well as the possible ripple effects of this wave of operations;

So you can make informed investment decisions.

The Chinese side has struck! 44.8 billion foreign exchange was cleared, Buffett said: the outlook for U.S. bonds is "worrying"
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  • Note: The original debut, plagiarism and transfer to any platform, must be investigated to the end!


Text: Wind

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