
And the tax is raised! The United States is extremely "guarded" against Chinese goods, and Yellen shouted: I hope China will not retaliate

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Recently, a new US policy of imposing additional taxes on Chinese goods is undoubtedly sending a strong signal to China.

U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen's statement added fuel to the fire.

Her public call for China not to take countermeasures has undoubtedly made waves on the international stage.

And the tax is raised! The United States is extremely "guarded" against Chinese goods, and Yellen shouted: I hope China will not retaliate

On the huge chessboard of international trade, every move can trigger a chain reaction.

In this international game, the behavior of the United States can be compared to a "cart and horse" on the chessboard;

And the tax is raised! The United States is extremely "guarded" against Chinese goods, and Yellen shouted: I hope China will not retaliate

The intention is not only to protect local industries, but also to try to adjust the rules of international trade through tax barriers in the context of the reshuffling of the global economy.

Yellen's remarks, however, revealed a sense of concern that the move could attract Chinese "generals."

As a country with a large economy, China's influence in the international market should not be underestimated.

And the tax is raised! The United States is extremely "guarded" against Chinese goods, and Yellen shouted: I hope China will not retaliate

The U.S. tax hike is actually a higher tax rate on tens of billions of goods exported by China to the United States, which is undoubtedly a huge challenge for Chinese export enterprises.

Potential Chinese countermeasures could include increasing import tariffs on U.S. products or restricting the export of certain critical raw materials to the U.S.;

Such a measure would have a direct impact on U.S. manufacturing and consumers.
And the tax is raised! The United States is extremely "guarded" against Chinese goods, and Yellen shouted: I hope China will not retaliate

Behind this tax policy is the consideration of the United States for the protection of its own industries, especially in the fields of electronics and high-tech.

The U.S. government believes that these industries are key to the country's competitiveness, and the low-price competition of Chinese goods has long put pressure on the U.S. industry.

By raising tariffs, the United States hopes to slow down the competitiveness of Chinese goods and give local companies a chance to "breathe".

And the tax is raised! The United States is extremely "guarded" against Chinese goods, and Yellen shouted: I hope China will not retaliate

However, it remains to be seen how effective this policy will be and its long-term impact.

Historically, high tariffs tend to increase costs for both sides, which are ultimately passed on to consumers, which will suppress consumer demand and affect economic growth to a certain extent.

In addition, high tariffs may also trigger countermeasures by trading partners, leading to increased international trade frictions and thus damaging the atmosphere of global economic cooperation.

And the tax is raised! The United States is extremely "guarded" against Chinese goods, and Yellen shouted: I hope China will not retaliate

From China's perspective, while under pressure, it is also an opportunity to reassess and adjust its international market strategy.

China is likely to increase trade investment in other markets such as Europe and Southeast Asia, or accelerate consumption upgrading in the domestic market, and balance external pressures through domestic demand.

At the same time, it is also an opportunity to promote China's industrial upgrading and increase the added value of products.

And the tax is raised! The United States is extremely "guarded" against Chinese goods, and Yellen shouted: I hope China will not retaliate

In this drama of international trade, each participant is calculating his or her own economic interests, trying to find the best position in the complex and ever-changing international arena.

For the general audience, the global consumer, the drama may be far from their lives, but the ultimate impact may be deep into everyone's daily life.

And the tax is raised! The United States is extremely "guarded" against Chinese goods, and Yellen shouted: I hope China will not retaliate
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  • Note: The original debut, plagiarism and transfer to any platform, must be investigated to the end!


Text: Wind

Audit|Ancient Oasis

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