
Heavy blow! The famous martial arts movie star Chen Huimin was shocked to suffer from brain cancer and spent millions so far unable to walk

author:Watakojin 剧

Recently, a shocking news spread in the entertainment industry: 79-year-old famous martial arts movie star Chen Huimin, after experiencing the challenge of lung cancer, was unfortunately diagnosed with brain cancer. It is reported that in order to treat this disease, Chen Huimin did not hesitate to spend millions, and even underwent surgery to replace the hip joints of both legs, but he is still unable to walk normally.

Heavy blow! The famous martial arts movie star Chen Huimin was shocked to suffer from brain cancer and spent millions so far unable to walk

Chen Huimin, this name is not unfamiliar to many viewers who love Hong Kong films. He entered the film and television industry as a martial arts actor in his early years, and quickly became a high-profile star with his excellent skills and superb acting skills. And the years are not forgiving, and as he grows older, Chen Huimin's physical condition gradually has problems.

Four years ago, Chan was diagnosed with lung cancer. This news has left countless fans and fans worried and regretful. However, Chen Huimin was not struck down by the disease, he actively cooperated with the doctor's treatment, and after a series of surgeries and chemotherapy, he finally successfully defeated lung cancer. This experience not only showed Chen Huimin's strength and perseverance, but also made him cherish life and health even more.

However, just when people thought that Chen Huimin had gotten rid of the entanglement of illness, fate challenged him again. Not long ago, Chen Huimin was found to have brain cancer during a physical examination.

Heavy blow! The famous martial arts movie star Chen Huimin was shocked to suffer from brain cancer and spent millions so far unable to walk

This news is undoubtedly a heavy blow to him, who is already nearly eighty years old. But Chen Huimin did not give up hope for treatment, and he chose to face it bravely again.

It is understood that Chen Huimin's brain cancer was discovered earlier and is still in the early stage of spread. Based on his physical condition and condition, the doctor developed a detailed treatment plan.

Due to Chen's good health, the doctor decided to use medication instead of surgery. Although the cost of medication is high, Chen Huimin did not hesitate to choose this option in order to recover as soon as possible.

During the treatment, Chen Huimin experienced a lot of pain and suffering. Because the tumor compressed the cranial nerves, he often experienced symptoms such as dizziness and blurred vision. The mobility of his left hand was also severely affected, making it impossible for him to carry out his normal life and work. However, Chen Huimin did not bow to fate, he actively cooperated with the doctor's treatment, insisted on taking medicine on time and carrying out rehabilitation training.

After more than a year of continuous treatment, Chen Huimin's brain cancer has been effectively controlled.

Heavy blow! The famous martial arts movie star Chen Huimin was shocked to suffer from brain cancer and spent millions so far unable to walk

Due to the long-term suffering of illness and the side effects of drugs, his physical condition gradually deteriorated. In particular, the hip joints of his legs were badly worn out from his early martial arts practice and frequent fights, and the pain was unbearable when he walked. In order to alleviate this pain, Chen Huimin had to undergo hip replacement surgery.

This type of surgery is extremely complex and requires a high level of medical skill and clinical experience. Chen Huimin's surgery was a great success, but despite this, it caused him severe pain and many inconveniences in his life.

After the surgery, he needed to stay in bed for a long time and undergo rehabilitation. Although the doctor told him that the surgery was very successful, Chen still needed time to adjust to his new hip joint and regain his ability to walk.

During the rehabilitation process, Chen Huimin encountered many difficulties and challenges. Due to his older age and poor physical condition, his recovery was relatively slow.

Heavy blow! The famous martial arts movie star Chen Huimin was shocked to suffer from brain cancer and spent millions so far unable to walk

He had to endure prolonged pain and discomfort, as well as tedious rehabilitation. But Chen Huimin did not get discouraged and gave up, he insisted on daily rehabilitation training and worked hard to regain his walking ability.

After several months of hard work and perseverance, Chen Huimin's recovery has improved. He was able to barely walk a few steps with the help of a cane. It's not a steady pace, but it's a huge step forward.

However, despite the tremendous efforts and costs that Chan has put in to treat his brain cancer and undergo rehabilitation, his physical condition is still not optimistic.

He still needs to walk on crutches and needs regular medical check-ups and treatment. This is undoubtedly a huge burden and challenge for him, who is already in his eighties.

Two cancer treatments and hip surgeries, totaling at least $2 million. For Chen Huimin, this is not only physical torture, but also a huge financial pressure. As an actor, his salary is not high, and the cost of treatment almost depletes his savings.

Heavy blow! The famous martial arts movie star Chen Huimin was shocked to suffer from brain cancer and spent millions so far unable to walk

In this battle against the disease, the support of her family has become the most important reliance of Chen Huimin. His wife was always by his side, giving him moral support and encouragement. The company of his family made him no longer lonely in the face of illness, and also gave him the courage and strength to overcome the disease.

Not long ago, Chen Huimin made a rare return to his hometown of Guangzhou, where he had not set foot in more than 70 years, to worship his ancestors. Despite his late return to his hometown, his action showed respect and nostalgia for his family, and was warmly welcomed by the locals. This is not only a search for one's roots, but also a return to life.

Heavy blow! The famous martial arts movie star Chen Huimin was shocked to suffer from brain cancer and spent millions so far unable to walk

Even in poor health, Chan Wai Min is still working hard to make ends meet. He participated in the filming of the online movie "2024 New Jingwumen", starring with actors such as Bruce Leung, Lin Wei, Sydney, Liu Yong, etc., and played supporting roles for two Internet celebrities who imitated Stephen Chow and Wu Mengda. This is not only a continuation of his career, but also a manifestation of his indomitable spirit in life.

Heavy blow! The famous martial arts movie star Chen Huimin was shocked to suffer from brain cancer and spent millions so far unable to walk

I hope he can recover soon and bring better works to the public!

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