
News! Huake University student was accidentally hit by a tree branch and died, and his father extremely threatened to take revenge on the school

author:Watakojin 剧

Recently, a regrettable news has been on the hot search, that is, the first-year student of Huake University was hit by a tree branch and died. The student spent millions of dollars in medical expenses while in the hospital, but the school did not cover most of it. After the student's death, his father threatened to take revenge on the school. So, what's going on here?

News! Huake University student was accidentally hit by a tree branch and died, and his father extremely threatened to take revenge on the school

In the past few months, the weather in Wuhan has been in a changeable state. On February 4, Wuhan ushered in a freezing rain. The weather was cold, and the trees outside were covered in a layer of hoarfrost, which looked very beautiful. However, the danger of this beauty is extremely great, because the road surface is slippery due to the freezing rain, so many roads are congested, and traffic accidents are most likely to occur in such weather.

A student from Huazhong University of Science and Technology was walking on his way to the library on this day, and there were many branches falling from trees on the way. The school informed the family of the student who was knocked unconscious when he was hit on the head by a falling branch while passing under a large tree, and was taken to the hospital.

His father was already in the ICU when he saw his child, he was very sad, and the hospital issued a critical illness notice several times, but even if there was only a glimmer of hope, the father would pull his son's life back from the ghost gate. He spent a total of five months in the hospital, and the medical expenses were as high as millions. On May 5, college student Chen unfortunately left this world, and the school decided to give 50,000 yuan to the family of the deceased out of humanitarianism.

Chen's father insisted that the school take full responsibility for his son's accidental death, because the trees grow in the school, and the school has the responsibility to manage the trees in extreme weather to prevent the branches from hitting the students. But in this accident, the school was also a little wronged, because the holiday time of Huake University was January 20, and Chen was a student stranded in the school.

News! Huake University student was accidentally hit by a tree branch and died, and his father extremely threatened to take revenge on the school

But the matter has come to this point, it is too late to say anything, some people say that the father of the deceased is purely a slander, but the child who has worked so hard to raise has been accidentally killed, and no parent will easily let go of this matter. It is believed that the father of the deceased is not asking for so-called financial compensation, but for the school's attitude of responsibility. For a father who has suffered the loss of a child, this is already the greatest psychological comfort.

A netizen who studied law said that judging from the pictures at the time, the freezing rain had caused the branches of the trees on the campus to fall to pieces, but the school still allowed students to enter and exit freely and opened the library. The road leading to the library was the densest place where the branches fell, and at that time, the Huake campus was like a layer of sky bombs. What this netizen said is reasonable and well-founded, which makes people think deeply.

The reason why Chen didn't go home was that he had been studying hard, and he wanted to take advantage of the vacation time to improve his academic performance. He is the pride of the whole family, living in an ordinary family, with his own efforts to be admitted to a prestigious school like Huazhong University of Science and Technology, as a father, of course his son will have an emotional breakdown if something like this happens.

After the father saw the school's inaction, he sent a circle of friends with an extreme mood. He said he was going to drive on the campus of Huazhong University of Science and Technology to hurt students, and claimed that if something like this happened, it would be interesting to see if the leaders of Huazhong University of Science and Technology would be held responsible.

News! Huake University student was accidentally hit by a tree branch and died, and his father extremely threatened to take revenge on the school

Even after the loss of his son, the father's statements were too extreme. Some netizens immediately said that everyone understands your sad feelings, but I hope you don't have such an extreme attitude, your children are life, and other people's children are also life!

At present, it seems that the best way to solve this incident is for the school to make reasonable plans for the trees and regulate the behavior of students who are stranded during the holidays, so as to avoid such tragedies in the future. What the parents of the students want is an attitude from the school, and they also hope that the school can properly solve the matter, and only in this way can the incident be calmed down. The school has now raised the compensation to 100,000 yuan, but Chen's father refuses to accept it.

News! Huake University student was accidentally hit by a tree branch and died, and his father extremely threatened to take revenge on the school

From this, it can be seen that the father is not asking for so-called financial compensation, but a reasonable attitude from the school. Netizens' comments on this matter were divided into two sides, one side asked to closely monitor Chen's father to prevent him from doing the extreme things he said in his circle of friends at school.

Some netizens believe that the school should resolve the matter reasonably and legally, and should not take an evasive attitude or constantly stimulate Chen's father by discussing the child's death. College students are adults, and the school is responsible for their safety at school, but no one can avoid this natural disaster. The school also does not want to watch a student's young life pass by on campus, so the essence of this incident is to ask for mutual understanding between the school and parents. Siren has passed away, I hope that Chen, who died unexpectedly, can rest in peace!

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