
Arrogant! The United States and Japan insisted on attending Lai Qingde's inauguration ceremony despite the obstruction! The mainland sent a signal of liquidation

author:Xiao Peng's brilliant notes
Arrogant! The United States and Japan insisted on attending Lai Qingde's inauguration ceremony despite the obstruction! The mainland sent a signal of liquidation
Arrogant! The United States and Japan insisted on attending Lai Qingde's inauguration ceremony despite the obstruction! The mainland sent a signal of liquidation

Text: Xiao Peng's brilliant notes

Editor|Xiao Peng's brilliant notes

The official sources of information referred to in this article are reproduced at the end of the article.


At present, the political environment on Taiwan Island is extremely complicated, after all, it is now in the stage of handing over the old and new leaders, and there are only two days left until the 20th of this month, not counting today, and all factions are striving for their own maximum interests.

Arrogant! The United States and Japan insisted on attending Lai Qingde's inauguration ceremony despite the obstruction! The mainland sent a signal of liquidation

Against this background, the United States and Japan will also come to "join in the fun," but the Taiwan issue is our family affair, and other countries have neither the right nor the right to meddle.

Moreover, the affairs of the United States and Japan have not yet been resolved, and their hands are stretched out so long, and they are not afraid of flashing to themselves, according to recent reports, South Korea seems to be also going to participate in Lai Qingde's inauguration ceremony.

Arrogant! The United States and Japan insisted on attending Lai Qingde's inauguration ceremony despite the obstruction! The mainland sent a signal of liquidation

In the face of such a situation, our country certainly cannot sit idly by, after all, this is related to our core interests, and if we leave it unchecked, it is very likely to cause greater losses.

So, on this matter, our country also sent a signal of liquidation, at this time, some friends may be curious, what has our country done? What is the purpose of the United States, Japan and South Korea sending teams to Lai Qingde's inauguration ceremony?

Arrogant! The United States and Japan insisted on attending Lai Qingde's inauguration ceremony despite the obstruction! The mainland sent a signal of liquidation

[Americans with great fanfare]

First of all, let's take a look at the predicament that Lai Qingde is facing now, before the election begins, I believe that everyone has a relatively clear understanding of the candidates, among which Lai Qingde can be said to be a more pragmatic Taiwan independence element.

Arrogant! The United States and Japan insisted on attending Lai Qingde's inauguration ceremony despite the obstruction! The mainland sent a signal of liquidation

As for these people, they are unwilling and do not want to have more exchanges with the mainland, which is clear to everyone, but before Lai Qingde took office, he wanted to have a dialogue with the inland many times, and even made a guarantee.

Of course, this is not because he wants to reconcile with the inland because of his "prodigal son's return", on the contrary, because his own interests have been threatened, and some time ago, Tsai Ing-wen said that she would pardon Chen Shui-bian.

Arrogant! The United States and Japan insisted on attending Lai Qingde's inauguration ceremony despite the obstruction! The mainland sent a signal of liquidation

There is a lot of speculation about this matter, which is like a time bomb for Lai Qingde, if he can't handle it properly, then his image in the hearts of the masses will be affected, and his voice will also be at risk of declining.

At the same time, the masses on the island are now very dissatisfied with the behavior of the Taiwan independence elements, because the DPP authorities have become more and more arrogant in their provocations against the hinterland, and the extreme words they have uttered have made the situation in the Taiwan Strait very complicated.

Arrogant! The United States and Japan insisted on attending Lai Qingde's inauguration ceremony despite the obstruction! The mainland sent a signal of liquidation

The masses on the island are bystanders, and they know that if they do not stop it, then war may break out at any time, and the losses will be even greater.

This also made Lai Qingde have to soften his attitude, after all, if he really annoys the inland, no one will benefit, it is better to give in and make his losses smaller.

Arrogant! The United States and Japan insisted on attending Lai Qingde's inauguration ceremony despite the obstruction! The mainland sent a signal of liquidation

According to reports, on the 15th of this month, the American Institute in Taiwan posted a content on the Internet, saying that the United States cross-party representatives would attend Lai Qingde's inauguration ceremony, and even announced the list of delegations very arrogantly.

It has to be said that such an act by the United States is testing our country's bottom line, and it has been claimed that the delegation is not only here to attend the inauguration ceremony, but also to hold talks with many leaders of the Taiwan authorities.

Arrogant! The United States and Japan insisted on attending Lai Qingde's inauguration ceremony despite the obstruction! The mainland sent a signal of liquidation

As the "loyal little brother" of the United States, Japan naturally has to follow in the footsteps of the "big brother", and has also sent a team of 37 people to participate together, and it is indeed too arrogant to achieve this point.

So, what is our attitude toward such behavior of the United States and Japan?

Arrogant! The United States and Japan insisted on attending Lai Qingde's inauguration ceremony despite the obstruction! The mainland sent a signal of liquidation

【Our Attitude】

At a press conference on 14 July, Chinese Ambassador to the United States Liu Pengyu once again mentioned our country's principle in dealing with the Taiwan issue, that is, there is only one China in the world, and after all, Taiwan has long been a part of our territory.

Arrogant! The United States and Japan insisted on attending Lai Qingde's inauguration ceremony despite the obstruction! The mainland sent a signal of liquidation

This part is indispensable, and the change of leadership on Taiwan Island is a family affair, and it should not be interfered with by any country or organization, nor should it be eagerly followed by other countries, let alone this so-called delegation to attend the induction ceremony.

In addition, before the incident, the US side had promised to abide by the one-China principle, stop its own exchanges with Taiwan, and directly communicate with the Ministry of Commerce if it needed economic cooperation.

Arrogant! The United States and Japan insisted on attending Lai Qingde's inauguration ceremony despite the obstruction! The mainland sent a signal of liquidation

There is no need to go to Taiwan alone and hold talks with local leaders, after all, such behavior, as we mentioned earlier, is a challenge to our country's bottom line, and it is not allowed.

The most important thing is that the US side should hear about sending a wrong signal to the Taiwan independence elements, and should not try in vain to give the Taiwan independence elements any hope of possible independence, because Taiwan Island belongs to China and will always be Chinese.

Arrogant! The United States and Japan insisted on attending Lai Qingde's inauguration ceremony despite the obstruction! The mainland sent a signal of liquidation

We hope that the US side will abide by our principles and respect our decision, so that relations between the two countries can become better and dialogue and exchanges between the two sides can continue.

Because our hearts about the recovery of Taiwan Island will never change because of any situation, here we also want to remind Lai Qingde, that is, if you want to solve your own troubles, you only need to do two things.

Arrogant! The United States and Japan insisted on attending Lai Qingde's inauguration ceremony despite the obstruction! The mainland sent a signal of liquidation

First of all, it is to recognize the consensus of '92, and secondly, it is to step down from the desperate road of Taiwan independence, and those who are still obsessed with the reunification of the two sides of the strait will be punished as they deserve, and we are also happy to accept other people who are willing to change.

Arrogant! The United States and Japan insisted on attending Lai Qingde's inauguration ceremony despite the obstruction! The mainland sent a signal of liquidation

Moreover, our country's comprehensive strength is strong enough now, so when negotiating with other countries, we have a lot of confidence, even if it is the United States, we have to weigh the consequences of tearing our faces with us.

At this time, some friends may be curious, why did the United States send officials to Taiwan to attend Lai Qingde's inauguration ceremony?

Arrogant! The United States and Japan insisted on attending Lai Qingde's inauguration ceremony despite the obstruction! The mainland sent a signal of liquidation

[The purpose of the United States in doing this]

As we mentioned earlier, US officials are going to hold talks with officials of the Taiwan authorities, and we do not know what they will say, but it is certain that it will not be a good thing.

Arrogant! The United States and Japan insisted on attending Lai Qingde's inauguration ceremony despite the obstruction! The mainland sent a signal of liquidation

As far as the Taiwan independence elements are concerned, being able to gain the support of the United States and being on the list is beneficial to them, and at the same time, this incident is also an encouragement to them.

Here, we can make a bold guess that the US military continues to sell military equipment to Taiwan, because in their centuries-old history, their rapid economic development is inseparable from the reason why they like to be arms dealers.

Arrogant! The United States and Japan insisted on attending Lai Qingde's inauguration ceremony despite the obstruction! The mainland sent a signal of liquidation

This is why the United States always likes to provoke contradictions between the two countries, and a big reason is to make money and sell their equipment to achieve economic development, of course, they choose to send delegations to our country for two reasons.

One is to provide weapons and equipment to Taiwan as we mentioned earlier, and the other is to provoke our bottom line, and when we came this time, they ignored the warning we gave at the beginning, because we had already made our attitude clear before they announced the news.

Arrogant! The United States and Japan insisted on attending Lai Qingde's inauguration ceremony despite the obstruction! The mainland sent a signal of liquidation

That is, we do not allow any organization, group, or even individual to come to Taiwan to attend Lai Qingde's inauguration ceremony; after all, if we want to carry out exchanges and cooperation with our country, there is a premise, that is, to abide by the one-China principle.

After that, we responded to this matter again, which is the one mentioned above, and in this regard, the United States also issued a special briefing, the main content of which was to send a delegation to participate in Lai Qingde's inauguration.

Arrogant! The United States and Japan insisted on attending Lai Qingde's inauguration ceremony despite the obstruction! The mainland sent a signal of liquidation

From their explanations, we can see that the team they sent to participate was after the election, and simply put, they did not break their commitments to the Chinese side, and there was nothing wrong with their actions.

Judging from their attitude, it is indeed more sincere, after all, for such a thing, they specially issued a briefing, which is indeed uncommon.

Arrogant! The United States and Japan insisted on attending Lai Qingde's inauguration ceremony despite the obstruction! The mainland sent a signal of liquidation

You know, the last time they held it was in January this year, but the sincerity of the mouth and the sincerity of the body are still two different things, everyone can say good things, but there are not many real deeds.

Comparing the United States with Russia, Putin used his actual actions to prove his sincerity during his visit, after all, when he was visiting, he traveled at night and arrived in the early morning, and he was unwilling to waste a minute or a second, and he also brought most of the high-level officials to talk about cooperation.

Arrogant! The United States and Japan insisted on attending Lai Qingde's inauguration ceremony despite the obstruction! The mainland sent a signal of liquidation

Although such behavior of the United States is more like a gesture of goodwill to our country, we still have to remain vigilant and not be deceived by it, because after all, the Taiwan issue touches on the core interests of our country.

Arrogant! The United States and Japan insisted on attending Lai Qingde's inauguration ceremony despite the obstruction! The mainland sent a signal of liquidation

As far as the United States is concerned, it is best to maintain the status quo, so that Taiwan can not only be used to restrict the development of our country, but also make it impossible for our country to recover Taiwan in the true sense, and the Taiwan independence elements will not be able to achieve the goal of complete Taiwan independence.

However, our country has no way to agree to such a thing, after all, Taiwan is originally our country's territory, so why should we let other countries benefit, our country is already strong enough, and there is no need to look at what others want.

Arrogant! The United States and Japan insisted on attending Lai Qingde's inauguration ceremony despite the obstruction! The mainland sent a signal of liquidation

It is only necessary to develop according to the existing rhythm and then complete the great cause of recovery, and then it will be sufficient; as for some organizations or groups that want to undermine cross-strait peace, they will inevitably be attacked and sanctioned by us.

In fact, no matter from which angle we look at it, the cross-strait issue is a private matter of our country, and no country has the right or qualification to intervene, and we must take action when we should take action against external interference, so as to play a deterrent role in them, so that our own rights and interests can be better guaranteed.

Arrogant! The United States and Japan insisted on attending Lai Qingde's inauguration ceremony despite the obstruction! The mainland sent a signal of liquidation


In addition, one thing we need to know is that when it comes to resolving cross-strait issues, patience and time are needed, because now there are always radical statements on the Internet, calling for the use of armed forces for reunification.

Arrogant! The United States and Japan insisted on attending Lai Qingde's inauguration ceremony despite the obstruction! The mainland sent a signal of liquidation

As the masses, we should fully trust the country, believe that the country has its own rhythm, and do not be in a hurry, because if it can be resolved peacefully, we are still unwilling to use armed force, after all, whether it is the masses in the inland or on Taiwan Island, they are our compatriots and should not be harmed.

What are your thoughts on this? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area!

Arrogant! The United States and Japan insisted on attending Lai Qingde's inauguration ceremony despite the obstruction! The mainland sent a signal of liquidation
Arrogant! The United States and Japan insisted on attending Lai Qingde's inauguration ceremony despite the obstruction! The mainland sent a signal of liquidation


On May 16, 2024, International Online reported on "Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council: The United States should fulfill its commitment not to support "Taiwan independence" and stop arming Taiwan in any way with concrete actions

Arrogant! The United States and Japan insisted on attending Lai Qingde's inauguration ceremony despite the obstruction! The mainland sent a signal of liquidation

On May 13, 2024, the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) website reported on "Ministry of Foreign Affairs: China has decided not to agree to Taiwan's participation in this year's World Health Assembly".

Arrogant! The United States and Japan insisted on attending Lai Qingde's inauguration ceremony despite the obstruction! The mainland sent a signal of liquidation

On May 15, 2024, the global network on "The United States was revealed to send 5 people to attend Lai Qingde's inauguration ceremony, and netizens on the island sarcastically: Come and see the power outage in Taiwan?" ".

Arrogant! The United States and Japan insisted on attending Lai Qingde's inauguration ceremony despite the obstruction! The mainland sent a signal of liquidation

On May 10, 2024, China News Network reported on "China: Seriously urge Japan not to condone and support "Taiwan independence" separatist forces in any form".

Arrogant! The United States and Japan insisted on attending Lai Qingde's inauguration ceremony despite the obstruction! The mainland sent a signal of liquidation
