
The "regiment" is together to gather the strength of the "green".

author:Zigong observes

Tang Min, reporter of, Bu Yishan

On May 17, the Youth League Committee of China Telecom Zigong Branch, the Youth League Committee of China Post Zigong Branch, the Youth League Committee of Zigong Provincial Automobile Transport Group, and the Youth League Committee of Zigong Construction Bank jointly carried out the activity of "Keeping in mind the entrustment and following the party, standing up and taking on new contributions".

The "regiment" is together to gather the strength of the "green".
The "regiment" is together to gather the strength of the "green".

48 youth league members from 4 industries came to the activity room of the village committee of Didi Village, Pipa Town, Fushun County, and kicked off the event in an icebreaker game. Through "breaking the ice", everyone has gone from strangeness to acquaintance, from estrangement to understanding, and narrowed the distance between each other. Subsequently, all the youth members were divided into 4 groups and worked together to complete a number of games such as dragon fetching water, passing the book at the post station, and remembering names, which fully demonstrated the cohesion and centripetal force of the team. At the event site, there was laughter and laughter, filled with a warm and cheerful youthful atmosphere.

The "regiment" is together to gather the strength of the "green".
The "regiment" is together to gather the strength of the "green".

"June 1st" Children's Day is coming, and the youth members came to Pingfeng Primary School in Zhaohua Town, Fushun County to carry out condolence activities. Everyone turned into a confidant big brother and big sister, chatted with the children face-to-face, asked them about their learning and living conditions, and encouraged them to have the courage to overcome difficulties, study hard, and aspire to become talents. At the same time, condolences were sent to 5 students in extreme poverty, and exquisite gifts, snack gift bags and books were sent to all the children, wishing them a happy and healthy Children's Day in advance.

The "regiment" is together to gather the strength of the "green".

In order to further play the role of youth league members and unite the strength of youth league members, this activity also organized group class learning, so as to encourage youth league members to always maintain a high-spirited attitude of struggle, perform their duties, stand up and take responsibility, and act actively, so as to inject youth kinetic energy and contribute youth wisdom and strength into the construction of modern Zigong. (Photo courtesy of the interviewee)

Editor: Zhang Wenhan

Editor: Shu Xuhui