
After graduating from college, my mother forced me to marry a girl with a history of mental illness, only to find out later that she had a vicious vision

author:Entertainment sign


Text: Entertainment sign

Editor: Yu Baoer

This article is a short story and the content is purely fictional

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"Zhao Zhipeng, let me tell you, you have to marry this girl, and if you don't marry, you have to marry, you can't call the shots in this matter!"

My name is Zhao Zhipeng, 26 years old this year, and I am also a rare college student in the village.

But my mother wanted to introduce me to a girl with a history of mental illness, which also made me deeply doubt whether this was my real mother.

I have lived in a single-parent family since I was a child, and the reason why my mother named me "Zhipeng" is that she hopes that I can spread my wings and fly like Dapeng and be an ambitious person.

So I didn't live up to my mother's high expectations, I was admitted to a good university, and after graduating from college, I became a teacher in a middle school in the county.

Now that I am also at the age of marriage, I thought that my mother would definitely choose a good girl for me, but she did not think of introducing me to such a girl.

I also know the girl introduced by my mother, her name is Li Sainan, because the family gave birth to four daughters, no son, so she was named Sainan.

However, her father loved these four daughters very much, and did not favor sons over daughters like the rest of the village, but worked hard for them to study.

Therefore, their daughter's grades are better than the other, which also makes his father straighten his back in the village, and the family lives very happily.

But in recent years, rumors began to circulate in the village that Li Sainan was mentally ill, and even beat people when she got sick, and asked others to stay away from her.

So this also made Li Sainan's family receive a lot of discussion in the village, but the rumors stop at the wise, although I listen to the rumors too much, but I also believe that there is no wind and no waves.

Now that I graduated from college and returned home to work, my mother introduced Li Sainan to me, and even forced me to marry her, otherwise she would not recognize me as a son.

Because I was raised by my mother, I always "obeyed her words", but this time I resisted and felt that I was still in charge of my own marriage.

Li Sainan is very beautiful, her facial features are also very exquisite, she is 2 years younger than me, it can be said that if there is no history of mental illness, it is not bad to marry back as a daughter-in-law.

After graduating from college, my mother forced me to marry a girl with a history of mental illness, only to find out later that she had a vicious vision

But there are such rumors in the village, and they are also very powerful, and some people have even seen her go to the psychiatric department of the hospital to see a doctor.

Although her father had explained that his daughter had no history of mental illness and that it was a rumor, no one in the village believed him at all.

Because parents always protect their children, if someone's child is mentally ill, other people in the village will not dare to marry at all, because it will seriously affect future generations.

That's why Li Sainan's father flatly denied it, after all, he has four daughters, and if he admits this rumor, then it will be difficult for her daughter to marry no matter how high her education is.

Many people also believe in this rumor very much, and feel that Li Sainan's behavior is also abnormal, because she will walk alone on the road and laugh inexplicably.

It can be said that many people are hiding away from Li Sainan's family, for fear of being exposed to rumors in the village, and in the face of such pressure, Li Sainan is also hiding at home and dare not come out to meet people.

Li Sainan and I used to be in high school, and at that time, because of her outstanding appearance and very good academic performance, she was also rated as the school flower in the school.

Many boys have a crazy crush on her, but now it is rumored that she is mentally ill, and many people feel that they have a problem with their original vision, how can they think that Li Sainan is beautiful.

It can be said that Li Sainan's family is facing a lot of pressure, but my mother asked me to marry her after graduating from college, and I can't understand my mother's behavior very much.

Even my mother said angrily to me: "Zhao Zhipeng, let me tell you, you have to marry this girl, and if you don't marry, you have to marry, and you can't call the shot......s in this matter."

The mother's physical condition is very poor due to overwork in the early years, and if she is too emotional, it will cause her blood pressure to rise, and there will be a dangerous situation.

Considering my mother's health, I still promised to get along with Li Sainan, and if the two of them are harmonious, then I will consider getting married.

My mother saw that my attitude had eased significantly, so she didn't force me too much, but just asked me to go to Li Sainan's house tomorrow morning for a blind date.

The next day, I simply cleaned myself up and set off with my mother to Li Sainan's house, which was still a mud house and had not been renovated.

Nowadays, many villages have built red brick houses, which look very tall, and some families are relatively well-off, and even built two floors directly.

However, Li Sainan's house is a little out of place, probably because his father paid all the money for the four sisters to go to school, so he has no money to flip it.

However, our house was not flipped, because I was planning to buy a house in the city because of my work, and there were few of us, so there was no need to flip it.

After graduating from college, my mother forced me to marry a girl with a history of mental illness, only to find out later that she had a vicious vision

Li Sainan was supposed to have a good life, but because of these rumors, her spirit was hit, and her studies began to regress, resulting in a loss in the entrance examination.

Later, she has been staying at home and refusing to go out, no matter how others persuade her, she is unwilling to see anyone, and now she is 24 years old, and her family is also very anxious about her marriage.

That's why I told her a lot about her in-laws, but many people in the village were very shy about their family, but my mother liked Li Sainan very much, and even asked me to marry her.

Many people think that their mother is "crazy", their son is a college student, and they can't find any kind of girl in the village, but they have to let their son marry a girl with a history of mental illness.

But her mother didn't mind at all, and even said that Li Sainan, this girl is very good, whoever marries her is a blessing in the family, and not everyone can match her.

Many people also feel very incomprehensible about their mother's approach, but as her son, I can't understand either, but I still obey her arrangement.

Entering the living room of Li Sainan's house, although their furniture is very simple, it is very clean, and it also makes people feel very comfortable.

I sat on the stool for a long time, but I didn't see Li Sainan come out, and her mother also told me not to worry, saying that she needed to clean up.

However, my mother had a very speculative conversation with Li Sainan's parents, Li Sainan's father and my mother were colleagues, and they both worked in the steel mill.

After a while, Li Sainan finally came out of the bedroom, and she cleaned up very neatly, but there was obvious lack of confidence in her eyes.

Her mother asked her to relax, saying that they were all her own people, but Li Sainan still behaved cautiously, for fear that she would do something excessive.

Seeing this girl's behavior, my heart is also very sad, because this is very different from Li Sainan in my memory, she was still very confident a few years ago.

At that time, she gave a speech at the student assembly, and her high voice also made people listen to the enthusiasm, and now it is very distressing to see her cautious appearance.

At this time, his father said to me seriously: "Zhipeng, don't worry, my girl is really not mentally ill, this is all spread by the people in the village!" ”

Seeing his father's determined gaze, he also began to suspect rumors in the village, but someone in the village did confirm that Li Sainan went to the county psychiatric department to see a doctor.

In fact, it doesn't matter whether Li Sainan is mentally ill or not, but seeing her now, I don't want to mention this topic, after all, it will bring her more harm.

My mother was also very relieved to see that I could take care of Li Sainan's emotions, and my mother was also very upright, so she was always subject to a lot of controversy from others.

And now that I heard other people's rumors, I was still a little skeptical, and at this time I also realized my mistake, so I also planned to compensate Li Sainan.

I asked her if she likes to read, she has a lot of extracurricular books at home, if Li Sainan likes it, I can give it to her, and "reading" just aroused Li Sainan's interest.

Because Li Sainan spends most of her time staying at home and reading, and her interest is the same as mine, I also like to read books alone, and I feel that this can enrich myself.

After graduating from college, my mother forced me to marry a girl with a history of mental illness, only to find out later that she had a vicious vision

In this way, I agreed with Li Sainan to come to her house next week to deliver books, and this communication was also very good, and there were no rumors like the one in the village.

A week later, I went to her house with the extracurricular books I had packed to deliver them, and she was very happy when she saw the books I brought.

And Li Sainan is also very good-looking when she laughs, which also made me look at it a few more times, but she also became shy, after all, neither of us is married.

Because of the relationship between books, I have more communication with Li Sainan, and I also found that the two of us have a lot of common topics, even hobbies.

This also made me have a great impression of Li Sainan, although I also think that Li Sainan has no history of mental illness, but how the rumors came out also makes me very puzzled.

I don't dare to question the relationship I have just established with Li Sainan, after all, if I ask rhetorically, I will admit the existence of this fact.

Slowly, I got along with Li Sainan for half a year, and found that she became more and more attractive, not only very knowledgeable, but also very beautiful in writing.

My mother saw that the two of us were getting along well, so she mentioned marriage to me, and although I was a little puzzled in my heart, I agreed to her request.

In this way, I got married under my mother's arrangement, and my mother also bought me a wedding house in the city, and after marriage, I moved to the city with Li Sainan.

In this way, there is less gossip in the village, but after all, my mother is a traditional person, and the place where she got married was still held in the village, and many people came to participate at that time.

However, many people come to see the joke, after all, if a college student marries a girl with a history of mental illness, which village it is placed in, it will cause a lot of controversy.

After graduating from college, my mother forced me to marry a girl with a history of mental illness, only to find out later that she had a vicious vision

But my mother didn't mind at all and didn't explain, after all, if you explain something, everyone will think that you are covering it up strongly.

After marriage, Li Sainan is also very gentle, never angry with me, and the housework is also very neat, and we can talk about some common topics.

It wasn't until one night that I couldn't hold it anymore, so I asked Li Sainan what her rumors were about, and then she choked up and explained.

When she was about to take the college entrance examination, a boy in a class confessed to her, but Li Sainan chose to refuse, after all, high school studies are very intense, and students should focus on their studies.

But he didn't expect that this boy had a grudge and felt that his self-esteem had been hit, so he wanted to take revenge on Li Sainan, because the boy's mother worked in the hospital.

So she stole a medical record sheet, then wrote Li Sainan's name and symptoms, and then began to spread the word that she was mentally ill everywhere in the school, telling her classmates to stay away from her.

At that time, the students in the school were still very simple, so they listened to the rumors, and this matter was also spread in the school, and the people in the village began to chase after the wind.

In order to prove his innocence, Li Sainan's father took her to the psychiatric department of the hospital to see a doctor, and this scene happened to be seen by the women in the village, which also proved the existence of rumors.

Later, no matter how her father explained, no one wanted to believe it, thinking that her father tried his best to cover it up for the sake of his daughter's reputation.

But Li Sainan's father and my mother are colleagues, and the two of them work in the same workshop, and when my mother learned what happened to Li Sainan's father, she was also very sympathetic.

After graduating from college, my mother forced me to marry a girl with a history of mental illness, only to find out later that she had a vicious vision

When my mother understood the whole thing, she also learned that Li Sainan was a very good girl, so she introduced her to me and even forced me to marry her.

Seeing my wife's explanation, I understood what my mother did at that time, and I had to feel that my mother's vision was very vicious, otherwise such a good girl would have missed it.

My wife and I have lived for more than ten years, and we have never quarreled at all, and my wife has also found a good job in the library, and the family is also living a very happy life.

And now Li Sainan's three sisters are also very accomplished, the eldest sister is the editor-in-chief of the newspaper, the second sister is the leader of a state-owned enterprise, and the third sister is a lawyer in a big city.

Not only did he help me a lot at work, but he even often sent various high-end gifts to our family, which also made the relationship between the two families very good.

I am also very grateful to my mother, if it weren't for her vicious eyes, it would be difficult to reap the happiness now, and now many people in the village feel very sorry for missing such a good mother's family!

This work is a short story, and the plot is purely fictional, and if there is any similarity, it is purely coincidental. All people, places and events are artistically crafted and are not intended to offend or disparage any individual, group or organization.

Art comes from life, but it is higher than life, the plot of the article is accidental and one-sided, just to increase readability, without the purpose of attracting people's attention, can not be generalized, can not rise to reality, the ultimate purpose is to make readers understand, to achieve the purpose of advocating positive social energy, no vulgarity and other bad guidance.

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