
There are three signs of aging in men, and if you don't have one, it means that the body is very strong

author:Dr. Chan Health said
There are three signs of aging in men, and if you don't have one, it means that the body is very strong

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When he decided to give up his academic career and pursue a career in marketing, he appeared to be in his early thirties, but in fact he was already in his prime.

Appearances are always deceiving, just as the self reflected in the mirror is not exactly the same as the real self.

Xi Yuan's face is still as smooth as before, and he is full of energy, but he has quietly buried unknown secrets.

There are three signs of aging in men, and if you don't have one, it means that the body is very strong

Insomnia, memory loss, physiological decline...... Three signals came one after another, pointing to a cruel truth: he was getting old step by step.

This process is silent, but unavoidable, like the tide eroding the beach in waves, and finally reaching an irreversible tipping point.

Despite his promising career, the West Dollar is still overdrawn on the invisible check of health.

There are three signs of aging in men, and if you don't have one, it means that the body is very strong

Sivy decided to experience the world of marketing firsthand so that he could start his career again.

The first thing to take over was the promotion business of a large pharmaceutical company. Senior industry insiders advised him that pharmaceutical marketing is a long road, and it is not a one-day thing, and he needs to have enough perseverance and determination.

However, Xiyuan is deeply confident in this, and believes that with his past academic attainments and work experience, this transformation will not be difficult.

There are three signs of aging in men, and if you don't have one, it means that the body is very strong

On his first day in office, he encountered a difficult problem that made him worried. The pharmaceutical company has recently developed a new kidney tonic and aphrodisiac, how can it adopt a proven marketing strategy to get the product to market quickly?

Xiyuan, who has been engaged in medical research for many years, certainly understands that problems such as kidney deficiency and impotence are one of the "three major signs of aging" in men.

On the Internet, there is a lot of discussion about male aging, and there are also many related theories and studies on the "three signs of aging".

There are three signs of aging in men, and if you don't have one, it means that the body is very strong

One of the more popular ideas is insomnia, memory loss, and sexual dysfunction, and if any of these three conditions occur, it means that men have begun to age.

Insomnia is considered to be the number one sign of aging in men. As they age, many middle-aged men will inevitably experience insomnia symptoms such as decreased sleep quality and difficulty falling asleep.

According to one study, 21 percent of men over the age of 45 have some degree of sleep disturbance [1].

There are three signs of aging in men, and if you don't have one, it means that the body is very strong

Memory loss is seen as a second sign of aging. The brain is the first organ of the human body to "age", and middle-aged men often have difficulty concentrating and forgetting things, which is related to the gradual reduction of neurons in the brain and the decline of metabolic capacity.

According to a survey of Chinese men, 19% of them in their 40s felt that their memory had deteriorated [2].

As for the third signal, sexual dysfunction is seen as one of the most feared signs of aging for men. It's not just about physiology, it's about male dignity and self-confidence.

There are three signs of aging in men, and if you don't have one, it means that the body is very strong

Studies have found that testosterone levels in men gradually decrease as they age, affecting both erectile function and libido. Thirty-five percent of men over the age of 40 have experienced impotence or premature ejaculation [3].

In addition to physical decline, there are also some psychological changes in the aging process, such as loss of interest in life, anxiety and depression, loneliness, etc., which are attributed to the drastic decrease in male hormone secretion [4].

On the whole, men's physical and psychological state declines with age.

There are three signs of aging in men, and if you don't have one, it means that the body is very strong

Xiyuan repeatedly flipped through the reference materials in his hand and began to carefully formulate a set of targeted marketing plans. He had to find a way to make this health supplement quickly open the market and turn the company's business predicament around.

As a doctor of biomedical science, he has his own unique insights into the "three signals of male aging".

In the face of endless contradictions and pressures, Xiyuan packed up his mood and went all out to devote himself to the marketing campaign. He started by assembling an experienced team, including several medical heavyweights, to enhance the professionalism and authority of the marketing discourse.

There are three signs of aging in men, and if you don't have one, it means that the body is very strong

Next, he focused on some of the most worrying psychological states of men in the aging process, such as worries about career and family, doubts about their own charm, and panic about healthy life expectancy, so as to shorten the psychological distance with ordinary men.

At the same time, starting from the consumption psychology and actual needs of user groups, he researched and formulated detailed digital marketing strategies, and used big data analysis and AI algorithms to achieve accurate product push.

Combine online and offline, and maximize brand exposure and influence through online live broadcasts, celebrity endorsements, experience activities, etc.

There are three signs of aging in men, and if you don't have one, it means that the body is very strong

Xiyuan's marketing strategy was a complete success. That health care product accounted for half of the similar products in a short period of time, and the company's operating conditions have gradually become benign.

The leaders praised his work and finally decided to put him in charge of the marketing department.

This is undoubtedly a new starting point and a new journey to another peak of life.

Xi Yuan secretly hoped that on this road full of challenges and traps, he could slowly explore a new way of working, so that the fire of his life would never be extinguished.

There are three signs of aging in men, and if you don't have one, it means that the body is very strong

Those three signs of aging are still ongoing, and they may just be an essential part of life. We will all enter the twilight of our lives one day, but there are still infinite possibilities waiting to be grasped.

The process of life is not forever, as long as you fill the irreparable cracks with courage and wisdom, it will continue to move forward.


[1] Wang Fang, Xu Fan, Wang Xuhong. Epidemiological investigation and risk factor analysis of sleep disorders[J].