
The 35-year-old brother had a toothache, thought it was inflamed, and died 5 months later, doctor: many people have been hit

author:Dr. Chan Health said
The 35-year-old brother had a toothache, thought it was inflamed, and died 5 months later, doctor: many people have been hit

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Li Qiang, a 35-year-old middle-aged man who looked sunny, suddenly felt a heart-piercing toothache on an ordinary day.

As an ordinary office worker engaged in medical device sales, he didn't pay much attention to this discomfort, thinking that it was just a temporary inflammation of the gums.

No one could have predicted that this seemingly ordinary toothache would push him to the brink of life and death.

The 35-year-old brother had a toothache, thought it was inflamed, and died 5 months later, doctor: many people have been hit

On that day, Li Qiang went to work on time as usual. During this time, he endured bouts of tingling pain, but he managed to finish the day's work. After work, he went straight to a nearby dental clinic.

After an examination by the doctor, he was diagnosed with acute gingivitis and prescribed some medications. The doctor told Li Qiang that this condition is very common, and as long as he takes the medicine on time, he can be cured in about a week.

Li Qiang took the medicine as prescribed, but his condition did not improve. On the contrary, his symptoms became more and more severe, and the toothache became more and more unbearable. At a follow-up visit a week later, the doctor recommended further tests to check for other complications.

The 35-year-old brother had a toothache, thought it was inflamed, and died 5 months later, doctor: many people have been hit

Li Qiang was lucky, thinking that it was just an ordinary inflammation of the gums, so he didn't think too much about it.

Another month passed, and Li Qiang's symptoms still did not ease. He began to feel fatigued, his appetite decreased, and he had fever, headache, etc. At this time, he finally realized the seriousness of the problem and hurried to a major hospital for treatment.

After a series of tests, the doctors were shocked to find that Li Qiang had suffered from a rare form of bacterial endocarditis. This disease is usually caused by bacteria in the mouth and, if left untreated, can easily lead to severe damage to the heart valves, which can lead to heart failure and even death.

The 35-year-old brother had a toothache, thought it was inflamed, and died 5 months later, doctor: many people have been hit

Doctors say patients like Li Qiang are not uncommon. By ignoring the initial symptoms of toothache or failing to seek medical attention in time, bacteria can circulate through the heart and cause serious consequences. It is reported that hundreds of people die as a result of this every year across the country.

According to the medical literature, bacterial endocarditis is more common in people with weakened immunity or chronic diseases [1]. Such patients should seek medical attention in time if they have oral problems, such as bleeding gums and toothache, to prevent bacteria from spreading along the bloodstream and endangering their lives.

The doctor emphasized that even ordinary gum inflammation should not be taken lightly, and it must be taken seriously and treated accordingly.

The 35-year-old brother had a toothache, thought it was inflamed, and died 5 months later, doctor: many people have been hit

Despite the doctor's best efforts, Li Qiang's condition deteriorated. His heart valves had been severely damaged and he was in a state of multi-organ failure. In the end, after 5 months of rescue, Li Qiang unfortunately passed away at the age of 35.

This distressing incident once again reminds us to pay attention to oral health and not to "minor illnesses and small pains". Once there is any abnormality, it is necessary to seek medical attention in time to avoid irreparable tragedy.

Let's focus on this important public health issue and protect our own health.


[1] Wang, W., Yin, Y., Xu, L., & Lei, H. (2018). Epidemiological characteristics and predictors of mortality in patients with infective endocarditis: a retrospective population-based study. Scientific reports, 8(1), 3722.