
Cancer in the body, eye prophet? Doctor: If you have the following 5 signs in your eyes, go for a check-up immediately

author:Dr. Li from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology talks about health

In the town, there is an old man who is over half a hundred years old, who always smiles and gets along with his neighbors on weekdays. In recent months, however, his smile has faded and been replaced by a furrowed brow. Neighbors noticed that something seemed wrong with his eyes, and the whites of his eyes were tingling an unusual yellow.

At first, the old man didn't think it was just overtired. But as time went on, the change became more and more apparent, until one day, he finally walked into the hospital under the persuasion of his family.

After a series of tests, the doctor sternly told him that it could be a sign of liver disease and that further diagnosis and treatment were needed. This story reminds us that the eyes are not only windows to the mind, but can also be a barometer of the body's internal health.

Cancer in the body, eye prophet? Doctor: If you have the following 5 signs in your eyes, go for a check-up immediately

1. Preliminary understanding of signs of ocular abnormalities

The eye, one of the most delicate organs of the human body, not only allows us to appreciate the colorful colors of the world, but also may silently reveal the secrets of the body. When there is a problem with the internal organs, the eye is often the first to give a signal.

These signals may be subtle, but they should not be ignored. Doctors often say that the eyes are the windows to the body, through which we can get a glimpse of the mysteries of health. Therefore, when there are abnormal signs in the eyes, we should be vigilant and seek medical attention in time.

Cancer in the body, eye prophet? Doctor: If you have the following 5 signs in your eyes, go for a check-up immediately

2. Discoloration of the whites of the eyes: early warning of jaundice and liver disease

The whites of the eyes, medically known as the sclera, are usually white and flawless. However, when liver function is impaired, the whites of the eyes may turn yellow, which is typical of jaundice.

Jaundice is caused by a high concentration of bilirubin in the blood, causing the skin and whites of the eyes to turn yellow. This is often an early sign of liver disease, especially jaundice hepatitis.

According to statistics, jaundice hepatitis is the most common cause of yellowing of the whites of the eyes. Therefore, once you find that the whites of your eyes are yellow for no reason, you should immediately seek medical attention and have a liver function test to avoid missing the best time for treatment.

The liver, an obscure organ, is responsible for important functions such as detoxification and energy storage. When it goes wrong, it often doesn't immediately signal pain, but instead sends us a cry for help through other means such as the eyes.

Therefore, paying attention to the changes in the eyes is caring for liver health.

Cancer in the body, eye prophet? Doctor: If you have the following 5 signs in your eyes, go for a check-up immediately

3. Eye pigment abnormalities: warning signs of conjunctival pigmented nevi

A conjunctival pigmented nevus, may sound like a harmless minor problem, but it can be another warning from the body. This type of nevus usually appears on the surface of the conjunctiva of the eye and is a benign melanoproliferative lesion.

They may appear as early as childhood, but sometimes, these moles suddenly grow faster and become uneven in color, which is when you need to be alarmed. Conjunctival pigmented nevi have the potential to turn malignant into malignant melanoma, a serious form of skin cancer.

Doctors recommend that if you find a mole in your eye, especially those that are growing rapidly and unevenly colored, you should seek medical attention in time for a professional examination and evaluation.

Don't wait until the mole is getting bigger and bigger, taking up most of the whites of your eyes, to regret it. The mole in the eye may be the body telling us that there are things that need our attention and treatment.

Cancer in the body, eye prophet? Doctor: If you have the following 5 signs in your eyes, go for a check-up immediately

4. Proptosis: a signal of hyperthyroidism

Proptosis, medically known as proptosis, is a phenomenon of protruding eyeball, commonly seen in hyperthyroidism, particularly Graves' disease.

Hyperthyroidism is a disease caused by excessive secretion of thyroid hormones that affects many systems throughout the body, including the cardiovascular system, metabolic system, and eyes.

Up to 72% of patients with hyperthyroidism experience proptosis because too much thyroid hormone causes edema and thickening of the eye muscles and tissues, which pushes the eyeball forward.

Protosis not only affects appearance, but can also cause dryness, pain, blurred vision, and even damage to the optic nerve in severe cases, leading to permanent vision loss.

Therefore, once proptosis is found, especially accompanied by symptoms of hyperthyroidism such as palpitations, weight loss, and hand tremors, it is necessary to immediately seek medical examination, blood test thyroid hormone levels, and after diagnosis, the condition can be controlled by medication, radioactive iodine therapy or surgery.

Treatment of hyperthyroidism is a long-term process that requires patients to pay close attention to changes in their condition and adjust their treatment regimen under the guidance of their doctors.

For patients with proptosis, in addition to treating the thyroid disease itself, specific ophthalmologic treatment may be required to reduce ocular symptoms and protect vision.

Cancer in the body, eye prophet? Doctor: If you have the following 5 signs in your eyes, go for a check-up immediately

5. Visual field loss and rapid visual acuity loss: potential markers of tumors

Visual field loss and rapid vision loss are some of the more serious symptoms of eye health problems, and they can be caused by eye or brain tumors pressing on the optic nerve.

Visual field loss may manifest as black spots or blind spots in the visual field, while rapid vision loss refers to significant loss of vision in a short period of time, and these symptoms should not be ignored.

Eye tumors, such as retinoblastoma and choroidal melanoma, are rare, but they can lead to vision loss or visual field loss.

In addition, brain tumors, especially those located near the optic nerve, such as pituitary tumors and craniopharyngiomas, may also affect vision and visual field by compressing the optic nerve.

Symptoms of visual field loss or rapid loss of vision should prompt immediate medical attention for a thorough ophthalmologic and neurological examination, and if necessary, an MRI or CT scan to rule out the possibility of a tumor. Early detection and treatment are essential to preserve vision and prevent the condition from getting worse.

For patients with rapid vision loss or visual field loss, treatment will depend on the cause. If caused by an eye tumor, surgical resection, radiation therapy, or chemotherapy may be needed;

If it's a brain tumor, treatment may include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy or medications. In conjunction with treatment, patients may also need to undergo vision rehabilitation to restore or improve their vision as much as possible.

Cancer in the body, eye prophet? Doctor: If you have the following 5 signs in your eyes, go for a check-up immediately

6. Abnormal intraocular pressure: a hidden threat of glaucoma

Glaucoma is an eye disease caused by high intraocular pressure, which can lead to permanent damage to the optic nerve and loss of vision if left untreated for a long time. The scary thing about glaucoma is that there are often no obvious symptoms in the early stages, and many patients are already quite seriously ill by the time they discover that their vision is impaired.

The prevention and treatment of this disease emphasizes early detection and continuous management. In daily life, regular eye examinations can detect abnormal intraocular pressure at an early stage and provide timely treatment.

There are many ways to treat glaucoma, from eye drops to laser treatments, and even surgery, all of which are effective ways to control intraocular pressure and protect the optic nerve.

For high-risk groups, such as individuals with a family history of glaucoma, regular check-ups should be more important, as genetic factors play an important role in the disease.

Cancer in the body, eye prophet? Doctor: If you have the following 5 signs in your eyes, go for a check-up immediately


With the help of scientific methods and medicine, we can effectively prevent and control eye diseases and protect our vision. A healthy lifestyle, including a sensible diet, moderate exercise, avoiding overuse of the eyes, and regular eye check-ups, are all important measures to maintain eye health.

At the same time, it is equally important for patients who already have eye problems to follow the doctor's instructions, adhere to the treatment, and actively cooperate with the doctor in disease management.


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