
The 53-year-old eldest sister had to exercise for three hours a day, and died three years later, and the doctor sighed: there is no common sense

author:Mr. Liu talks about health

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Every morning at five o'clock, as soon as the sky is bright, Aunt Li has already gotten up, changed into sportswear, and is ready to start the day's exercise.

Early one morning, Aunt Li's neighbor Aunt Wang had just returned from the market with a vegetable basket, and when she saw Aunt Li walking home while wiping her sweat, she couldn't help but walk over to say hello: "Sister Li, have you been exercising for three hours today?" ”

Aunt Li smiled and nodded: "Yes, sports make people young." Aunt Wang sighed: "I think you should rest more, don't tire your body." ”

The 53-year-old eldest sister had to exercise for three hours a day, and died three years later, and the doctor sighed: there is no common sense

Aunt Li waved her hand and said with a smile: "Don't worry, it's okay, I'm in good health." "She runs, aerobics and swims every morning, rain or shine.

She would start with an hour of running in the community gym, then an hour of aerobics in the park, and finally an hour of swimming in the pool.

The 53-year-old eldest sister had to exercise for three hours a day, and died three years later, and the doctor sighed: there is no common sense

After the exercise, Aunt Li was always sweating profusely, but with a satisfied smile on her face. She firmly believes that this amount of exercise will make her healthier.

While the neighbors admired Aunt Li's diligence, her husband, Mr. Zhang, did not. He persuaded Aunt Li many times not to exercise too much, but every time she was interrupted with a smile: "I'm doing this for my health, it's always good to exercise more." ”

The 53-year-old eldest sister had to exercise for three hours a day, and died three years later, and the doctor sighed: there is no common sense

Seeing that the persuasion was fruitless, Mr. Zhang could only silently pay attention to Aunt Li's physical condition. He noticed that although Aunt Li appeared healthy on the surface, she sometimes felt tired and even occasionally experienced symptoms of chest tightness.

However, Aunt Li always said that these were just minor problems and that there was no need to take them to heart.

The 53-year-old eldest sister had to exercise for three hours a day, and died three years later, and the doctor sighed: there is no common sense

In the third year of Aunt Li's insistence on exercising, an accident happened. That morning, she was running on the community's track as usual, and everything looked the same as usual. Suddenly, she felt a sharp chest pain, and then fainted to the ground.

The hospital's diagnosis stunned everyone: Aunt Li had a big heart problem and now had to undergo surgery immediately.

The 53-year-old eldest sister had to exercise for three hours a day, and died three years later, and the doctor sighed: there is no common sense

The doctors inquired in detail about Aunt Li's living habits before the operation, and after learning that she exercised for a long time and at high intensity every day, she couldn't help but sigh: "Excessive exercise for a long time, especially for middle-aged and elderly people, is very dangerous. Exercise is good, but it should also be moderate. ”

After the operation, Aunt Li's condition improved for a while, but her body was severely overdrawn by excessive exercise. Half a year later, Aunt Li's condition deteriorated again and eventually passed away in the hospital.

The 53-year-old eldest sister had to exercise for three hours a day, and died three years later, and the doctor sighed: there is no common sense

Her passing shocked and saddened the entire community. Everyone originally thought that she was a model of health, but they didn't expect that her excessive exercise would become a killer of her health.

Mr. Zhang choked up at Aunt Li's memorial service and said: "She always thought that exercising more was for her health, but she didn't expect it to become her biggest hidden danger." ”

The 53-year-old eldest sister had to exercise for three hours a day, and died three years later, and the doctor sighed: there is no common sense

The doctor once again reminds everyone that although exercise is good for health, it is necessary to choose the appropriate amount of exercise according to personal physique.

Especially for middle-aged and elderly people, they must go for a detailed physical examination before exercising, and fully understand their physical condition before they can formulate a scientific and reasonable exercise plan.

The 53-year-old eldest sister had to exercise for three hours a day, and died three years later, and the doctor sighed: there is no common sense

At the same time, you should also pay attention to rest when exercising, and avoid long-term, high-intensity exercise, otherwise it will put a burden on the heart and other organs.

The community neighborhood committee also responded positively, organized many health lectures, and invited professional doctors to explain the correct exercise methods and precautions to the residents.

The 53-year-old eldest sister had to exercise for three hours a day, and died three years later, and the doctor sighed: there is no common sense

The director of the neighborhood committee said: "Aunt Li's incident has given us a warning, and I hope everyone can learn a lesson from it, exercise scientifically, and live a healthy life." In the future, I will definitely exercise according to the doctor's advice, and I can no longer blindly pursue the amount of exercise like Aunt Li. ”

Aunt Lee's story has become a heavy memory in the community, but it has also made more people aware of the importance of the science movement.

The 53-year-old eldest sister had to exercise for three hours a day, and died three years later, and the doctor sighed: there is no common sense

Everyone has adjusted their exercise habits, no longer blindly pursuing the amount of exercise, but paying more attention to the scientificity and rationality of exercise.

Mr. Zhang now shares his experience with his neighbors in the community: "Health is not achieved by exercising hard, but by our heart.

The 53-year-old eldest sister had to exercise for three hours a day, and died three years later, and the doctor sighed: there is no common sense

Residents in the community learned valuable health knowledge from Aunt Li's story, and they all expressed their desire to stay healthy in a scientific way and avoid the harm caused by excessive exercise.

Although Aunt Li's story is a bit heavy, it is deeply imprinted in everyone's hearts and has become a common health warning for everyone.

What do you think about over-exercising as a health killer? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

The 53-year-old eldest sister had to exercise for three hours a day, and died three years later, and the doctor sighed: there is no common sense

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