
The Sino-Russian joint statement condemns Nazism and militarism, and there are still countries engaged in these after 70 years?

author:Beacon Watch

With regard to the joint statement issued by China and Russia not long ago, many friends are very concerned about the issues related to the Black Blind Island and the Tumen River estuary. However, in the author's opinion, there is another content in the Sino-Russian joint statement that deserves our attention, that is, China and Russia jointly stated that the two countries will continue to firmly defend the victorious achievements of World War II and the post-war world order enshrined in the UN Charter, and oppose the denial, distortion and falsification of the history of World War II. In addition, China and Russia also expressed "strong condemnation of acts that beautify and even attempt to resurrect Nazism and militarism."

The Sino-Russian joint statement condemns Nazism and militarism, and there are still countries engaged in these after 70 years?

In my view, in addition to concrete substantive project cooperation, the joint condemnation of "Nazism and militarism" by China and Russia is also very exciting. This shows that the righteous countries represented by China and Russia have noticed that more than 70 years after the end of World War II, the cancer of "Nazism and militarism" has a momentum of "resurgence" in some countries, and has even been "fueled" and deliberately connived at by the government authorities of these countries. So, we can't help but ask, now that World War II has ended for so many years, what countries are still blatantly engaged in "Nazism" and "militarism" that were jointly eliminated by China, the Soviet Union, the United States, Britain and other countries in World War II?

The Sino-Russian joint statement condemns Nazism and militarism, and there are still countries engaged in these after 70 years?
The Sino-Russian joint statement condemns Nazism and militarism, and there are still countries engaged in these after 70 years?

Which country is engaged in "Nazism"?

More than 70 years after the end of World War II, many countries and regions actually have some "Nazi" supporters, but Ukraine is probably the only country that dares to directly promote Nazism in public or even at the "semi-official" level. Many people may be puzzled, knowing that the current president of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, is a Jew, as a victim of the Nazi executioner, how could the Zelensky authorities allow Nazism to spread in Ukraine? But in fact, the development of Nazism in Ukraine has reached the point of "shocking". It is no exaggeration to say that today's Ukraine has almost become a "hotbed" for the development of "neo-Nazis"!

The Sino-Russian joint statement condemns Nazism and militarism, and there are still countries engaged in these after 70 years?
The Sino-Russian joint statement condemns Nazism and militarism, and there are still countries engaged in these after 70 years?

During World War II, there were people in Ukraine who cooperated with Germany for various reasons, the most notorious of which was Stepan Bandera, one of the organizers and founders of the "Ukrainian Legion" commanded by the German army, which was an accomplice of the German fascists during World War II! However, it is such a person who has now become a well-known "hero" in Ukraine. Even in 2010, former Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko posthumously awarded this Bandera the title of "Hero of Ukraine", which later had to be revoked due to too much controversy. But propaganda and commemorations about Bandera in Ukraine have not stopped.

The Sino-Russian joint statement condemns Nazism and militarism, and there are still countries engaged in these after 70 years?

In 2019, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine officially designated Bandera's birthday as a "holiday", and Stepan Bandera Avenue also appeared in Kiev. In such an overall atmosphere, the resurgence of "Nazism" in Ukraine has shown a trend of intensification.

The Sino-Russian joint statement condemns Nazism and militarism, and there are still countries engaged in these after 70 years?

For example, in Ukrainian textbooks, there are fewer and fewer references to "World War II", and in 2020, only a certain "Soviet-German war" was mentioned in the subject of the exam. A large number of Ukrainian "Nazi organizations" have also sprung up in Ukraine, such as the "Azov Battalion" organization, the "Ida Battalion" organization, etc., and these organizations have even reached out to Ukrainian children and taught "Nazi" ideas among children or teenagers!

The Sino-Russian joint statement condemns Nazism and militarism, and there are still countries engaged in these after 70 years?

And many of these organizations have now been "co-opted" by the Ukrainian authorities and become members of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. From the above things, it is not difficult to see that without the connivance and even consent of the Ukrainian authorities, Ukrainian "Nazism" could not have developed to the point where it is today.

The Sino-Russian joint statement condemns Nazism and militarism, and there are still countries engaged in these after 70 years?

Due to the "atmosphere" in Ukraine, "Nazi organizations" from all over the world have come one after another, including "neo-Nazis" and "neo-fascists" from Germany, Italy and many places in Europe have gone to Ukraine, for example, the picture below shows the Italian neo-fascists displaying the flag of the so-called "Italian Social Republic" established by Mussolini in Ukraine. In addition, there are reports that Swedish neo-Nazi sniper Mikael Skillt joined the Azov battalion, and in 2014 and 2015, at least thirty people from Croatia joined the Azov battalion.

The Sino-Russian joint statement condemns Nazism and militarism, and there are still countries engaged in these after 70 years?
The Sino-Russian joint statement condemns Nazism and militarism, and there are still countries engaged in these after 70 years?
The Sino-Russian joint statement condemns Nazism and militarism, and there are still countries engaged in these after 70 years?

German, Italian, and Japanese fascists gathered in Ukraine......

It can be seen that the development of "Nazism" in Ukraine can be said to be outrageous, and there is even a momentum of "internationalization".

The Sino-Russian joint statement condemns Nazism and militarism, and there are still countries engaged in these after 70 years?

So, which country is trying in vain to engage in "militarism"?

The Sino-Russian joint statement condemns Nazism and militarism, and there are still countries engaged in these after 70 years?

According to previous reports, Japan's military spending in 2024 will be 7.7 trillion yen (about 54 billion US dollars), an increase of about 16.6%. Such a total military expenditure has surpassed that of France, the EU's largest military power, which is the "P5" country, has the world's third largest nuclear arsenal after the United States and Russia, and has overseas military bases in Africa, the Pacific and other places! Not only that, Japan also plans to increase the total defense budget spending to 43 trillion yen (about more than 2,000 billion yuan) in the 2023-2027 fiscal year! If this budget is implemented, Japan may become the world's third-largest military spender.

The Sino-Russian joint statement condemns Nazism and militarism, and there are still countries engaged in these after 70 years?

Japan, the "defeated country" of World War II, has now rapidly become armed and has become a veritable military power, a military power, and its military strength can be said to be ranked among the best in the world. Japan's armed forces, called the "Self-Defense Forces," have actually greatly exceeded the needs of "self-defense."

The Sino-Russian joint statement condemns Nazism and militarism, and there are still countries engaged in these after 70 years?
The Sino-Russian joint statement condemns Nazism and militarism, and there are still countries engaged in these after 70 years?

Take the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force as an example, today's Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force has in fact an aircraft carrier capable of taking off and landing F-35 fighters, the world's largest conventionally powered submarine "Big Whale class" submarine, and a 10,000-ton large missile destroyer, with a total tonnage of more than 700,000 tons! Far surpassing the 520,000 tons of the British Navy and the 450,000 tons of the French Navy, it is the fourth largest maritime armed force in the world in terms of tonnage. Moreover, as a traditional shipbuilding power, Japan has very strong shipbuilding capabilities and shipbuilding capabilities, and if Japan wants to "make dumplings," it can do so.

The Sino-Russian joint statement condemns Nazism and militarism, and there are still countries engaged in these after 70 years?

In addition, Japan is also seeking to develop long-range offensive weapons, in addition to purchasing Tomahawk cruise missiles from the United States (the range can reach more than 2,000 kilometers), it is also developing its own Type 12 anti-ship missiles, and the range of such missiles is to be further increased to 900 kilometers or even 1,500 kilometers. Japan is also planning to build a large ammunition depot with a large stockpile of ammunition.

The Sino-Russian joint statement condemns Nazism and militarism, and there are still countries engaged in these after 70 years?
The Sino-Russian joint statement condemns Nazism and militarism, and there are still countries engaged in these after 70 years?

In addition, Japan has officially established an overseas military base (Djibouti military base) and has already exported weapons and equipment (military aid to Ukraine), which is a blatant violation of Japan's own rules and regulations, such as Japan's "Peace Constitution" and the "Three Principles for the Transfer of Defense Equipment", which were explicitly prohibited by Japan as a "defeated country" after World War II. It can be seen that Japan's military has developed very rapidly, and this undoubtedly reflects Japan's trend toward "new militarism." The "Tokyo Shimbun" has even bluntly stated that after many "great changes", Japan has completely turned into a "country capable of fighting", which will surely "lay the root cause" for Japan!

The Sino-Russian joint statement condemns Nazism and militarism, and there are still countries engaged in these after 70 years?
The Sino-Russian joint statement condemns Nazism and militarism, and there are still countries engaged in these after 70 years?

To sum up, it can be seen that "Nazism" and "militarism" do have a tendency to "rise" in a small number of countries around the world. Under such circumstances, it is indeed necessary for China and Russia and other righteous countries to strongly condemn it. The post-World War II national order cannot be changed, and the historical significance and value of World War II cannot be tarnished! It is hoped that with the appeal and efforts of China, Russia and other countries, all countries in the world will be able to establish and promote a correct view of history and values.

Part of the sources: 1. "Tens of thousands of words! The heavyweight points of the Sino-Russian joint statement are not only the Tumen River estuary"; 2. Xinhuanet "Czech President: The European Union Ignores the Rise of Neo-Nazism in Ukraine"; 3. Phoenix Satellite TV's "Big News, Big History| The Nazification of Ukraine raises the world's doubts"; 4. Reference message "Putin: The problem of denazification of Ukraine is urgent"; 5. Global Network "Japan-US Exercise Lists China as an "Imaginary Enemy" for the First Time, Military Expert: It Is Giving Birth to Japan's "New Militarism""; 6. Xinhuanet, "International Observation|Farther and Farther from the Peace Constitution, How Japan Faces the Constitution Memorial Day"

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