
ICUs are expensive, is it to treat patients and save lives, or is it something else? Take a look at the explanation

author:Xiaoxin Laboratory
ICUs are expensive, is it to treat patients and save lives, or is it something else? Take a look at the explanation

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——【Foreword·】 ——»

The high cost of ICU (intensive care unit) has always been a social concern.

In the case of an ordinary family suffering from a sudden illness, the cost of ICU often brings them a huge financial burden and even the verge of bankruptcy.

ICUs are expensive, is it to treat patients and save lives, or is it something else? Take a look at the explanation

——【Hospitalization Costs Millions·】——»

In a country like China, which is entering an aging society, the health of the elderly is becoming more and more concerned. Among them, high blood pressure, high blood lipids, and high blood sugar are particularly common in this population.

Many elderly people in rural areas have developed bad habits due to long-term work, coupled with a lack of health awareness, which makes them vulnerable to various chronic diseases.

ICUs are expensive, is it to treat patients and save lives, or is it something else? Take a look at the explanation

Zhao Qiang was born in an ordinary rural family, and his mother has been working hard since she was young, and in order to meet the needs of physical exertion, she has long been a staple food with high-calorie pasta.

Due to the lack of guidance on balanced nutrition and lack of exercise, Zhao Qiang's mother gradually exceeded the weight limit, followed by symptoms such as high blood pressure and high blood lipids.

ICUs are expensive, is it to treat patients and save lives, or is it something else? Take a look at the explanation

Daily life is also becoming more and more inconvenient, and simple activities can make you feel out of breath.

Until that day, when Zhao Qiang's mother was drying clothes, she suddenly experienced symptoms of dizziness.

The hospital's diagnosis was heart-wrenching, and Zhao Qiang's mother had a cerebral hemorrhage and was in critical condition.

ICUs are expensive, is it to treat patients and save lives, or is it something else? Take a look at the explanation

Despite the hospital's best efforts, his condition showed no signs of improvement and he had to be transferred to the intensive care unit.

In the ICU, although equipped with the most sophisticated medical equipment, the cost of treatment is also skyrocketing every day, and in less than two weeks, Zhao Qiang has gone bankrupt and spent 500,000 yuan.

ICUs are expensive, is it to treat patients and save lives, or is it something else? Take a look at the explanation

In order to raise funds, he had to borrow money from everywhere and reach out to relatives and friends, but even the 1.13 million yuan he borrowed was still a drop in the bucket.

——【Multiple examples,】 ——»

What happened to a 17-year-old boy Xiao Hao. In an ordinary physical education class, Xiao Hao suddenly had symptoms such as red and swollen eyes and uncontrollable shaking of his hands.

ICUs are expensive, is it to treat patients and save lives, or is it something else? Take a look at the explanation

After examination at the hospital, he was diagnosed with a rare dural arteriovenous malformation.

This disease can easily lead to insufficient blood supply during strenuous exercise, which is life-threatening, and the only treatment is surgery.

After the operation, due to the recurrence of his condition, Xiao Hao had to be admitted to the ICU for close observation.

ICUs are expensive, is it to treat patients and save lives, or is it something else? Take a look at the explanation

In the ICU, Xiao Hao underwent a two-week treatment, during which the cost was as high as more than 2.34 million yuan. Although Xiao Hao's life was saved, his family has been in financial trouble ever since.

Another case is Ms. Liu's father.

ICUs are expensive, is it to treat patients and save lives, or is it something else? Take a look at the explanation

The septuagenarian, who was in his seventies, suddenly felt a sharp pain in his chest early one morning in September 2018, and his family immediately called the emergency number after finding out.

After being rushed to the hospital, doctors quickly diagnosed the old man with acute heart disease and immediately performed rescue surgery.

ICUs are expensive, is it to treat patients and save lives, or is it something else? Take a look at the explanation

Despite the success of the surgery, due to the severity of the condition, doctors recommended that immediate transfer to the intensive care unit (ICU) be used for further life-maintenance treatment.

Ms. Liu was well aware of the high cost of ICU treatment, but she could not bear the pain of losing her father and decided to save his father at all costs.

ICUs are expensive, is it to treat patients and save lives, or is it something else? Take a look at the explanation

However, as my father's treatment in the ICU continued, huge bills piled up.

Soon after, when Ms. Liu received the hospital's bill, she could barely believe her eyes — the number on the bill was 1.04 million, a preferential price offered to her by the hospital.

ICUs are expensive, is it to treat patients and save lives, or is it something else? Take a look at the explanation

Without this discount, the actual cost could have reached a staggering $1.4 million, according to doctors.

In fact, for many ordinary families, the ICU is like a bottomless pit devouring their money.

ICUs are expensive, is it to treat patients and save lives, or is it something else? Take a look at the explanation

Even if the family goes bankrupt, it may not be able to save the patient's life. Just like Zhao Qiang's mother,

Although Zhao Qiang had spent 1.13 million yuan for rescue, he finally passed away. Zhao Qiang not only lost his beloved mother, but his family was also on the verge of bankruptcy.

ICUs are expensive, is it to treat patients and save lives, or is it something else? Take a look at the explanation

So why are hospital ICUs so expensive?

——【· Why is the ICU expensive?]——»

The Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is a vital department in a hospital with a sacred mission to save lives.

The ICU was set up to pool hospital resources and provide full treatment for critically ill patients.

Some high-risk patients are prone to complications during surgery, and ICU monitoring can effectively reduce this risk.

ICUs are expensive, is it to treat patients and save lives, or is it something else? Take a look at the explanation

For patients suffering from sudden illnesses such as stroke or serious injury, the ICU can provide immediate treatment, significantly improving survival rates.

Once the condition of a patient with a chronic disease is exacerbated, the ICU can also quickly intervene to prevent the condition from deteriorating or even dying.

ICUs are expensive, is it to treat patients and save lives, or is it something else? Take a look at the explanation

It can be said that without the ICU, many critically ill patients would lose hope of life.

The ICU is undoubtedly an indispensable and critical part of the operation of the hospital, and its existence is far more important than the economic benefits.

ICUs are expensive, is it to treat patients and save lives, or is it something else? Take a look at the explanation

However, it does come with high costs. This is because it requires advanced medical equipment such as ventilators, heart monitors, etc., which are expensive and require constant maintenance and updates.

At the same time, to ensure that critically ill patients receive quality care, ICUs need highly qualified professionals.

ICUs are expensive, is it to treat patients and save lives, or is it something else? Take a look at the explanation

These doctors, nurses and other professionals are highly trained and work intensively, so they are paid high salaries.

On the other hand, ICU patients often need to receive more refined and personalized medical care due to the severity and complexity of their conditions.

ICUs are expensive, is it to treat patients and save lives, or is it something else? Take a look at the explanation

For example, they may suffer from multiple infections, which requires health care workers to quickly and accurately identify pathogens and treat them with highly targeted, potent antibiotics.

These advanced antibiotics tend to cost many times more than regular antibiotics, but they are essential for controlling infections and avoiding further health deterioration.

ICUs are expensive, is it to treat patients and save lives, or is it something else? Take a look at the explanation

In addition, ICU patients may experience the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, which requires specialized cardiovascular and cerebrovascular drugs to stabilize their vital signs.

Not only are these drugs expensive, but they often require close monitoring of the patient's response and efficacy to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the treatment.

ICUs are expensive, is it to treat patients and save lives, or is it something else? Take a look at the explanation

When it comes to adjusting treatment options, doctors in the ICU must be ready to make quick decisions based on the latest conditions of the patient.

This can mean that medications need to be constantly changed or doses adjusted, adding to the cost of additional medications.

ICUs are expensive, is it to treat patients and save lives, or is it something else? Take a look at the explanation

Each medication adjustment needs to be carefully calculated to ensure that it does not put undue pressure on the patient's financial burden and that the treatment effect is maximized.

Far from being financially rewarding, the value of the intensive care unit is a testament to the idea that life comes first.

ICUs are expensive, is it to treat patients and save lives, or is it something else? Take a look at the explanation

We should work together from all fronts to support and promote the development of critical care, so that more lives can escape the clutches of death.


With the advancement of science and technology, the medical level of the mainland has been significantly improved, and the average case fatality rate of ICU is significantly lower than that of some developed countries.

There is no doubt that the ICU is the most sacred duty of the hospital – to save lives.

ICUs are expensive, is it to treat patients and save lives, or is it something else? Take a look at the explanation

Although this "safe deposit box of life" is expensive, its value is immeasurable.

Let's work together to ensure that every life has a fair chance to be treated.


China Youth Network-""61 days spent 1.04 million..."Yesterday, a huge hospitalization receipt swept up the circle of friends......

China Industry Network-"ICU Nurses: Guarding the Last Line of Life Defense for Patients"

Sina Finance-Why is ICU so expensive? 》


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