
Uncle uses his mother-in-law to make tea every day, gritted his teeth and insists on 1 year, and now he has a physical examination

author:Mr. Wang Medical Science Popularization

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"Do you know why I'm so energetic?" Uncle Chen Gang always likes to start with this sentence every time he sees a friend, which arouses everyone's curiosity.

Chen Gang, a 50-year-old bank teller, has been making tea every day for the past year, using a special herb, his mother-in-law. This herb is not commonly found in the area and is said to have the effect of clearing away heat and fire, and protecting the liver.

Uncle uses his mother-in-law to make tea every day, gritted his teeth and insists on 1 year, and now he has a physical examination

However, the real challenge is not in finding this herb, but in its bitter taste, which is difficult to accept. Despite this, Uncle gritted his teeth and persevered, because he believed that it would bring him a healthy change.

A year ago, Chen Gang was diagnosed with a slight abnormal liver function during a physical examination. The doctor advised him to reduce his intake of greasy foods, do more exercise, and try some traditional herbal remedies.

Uncle uses his mother-in-law to make tea every day, gritted his teeth and insists on 1 year, and now he has a physical examination

An old Chinese medicine practitioner recommended him to Po Po Ding, an herb used in traditional Chinese medicine to cleanse the liver and improve eyesight. When he first heard the suggestion, Chen Gang was skeptical, but he decided to give it a try.

After a year of perseverance, Chen Gang found that his eyesight had improved, and the symptoms of fatigue and dry eyes that he often felt before had also been reduced a lot. On top of that, his liver function indicators have returned to normal in the latest physical examination report. These changes convinced Chen Gang that Po Po Ding Tea had indeed had a positive impact on his health.

Uncle uses his mother-in-law to make tea every day, gritted his teeth and insists on 1 year, and now he has a physical examination

Chen Gang's friend Wang Ming also tried his mother-in-law's Ding tea, but his experience was very different. Wang Ming has chronic gastritis, and after taking Po Po Ding tea, his stomach pain symptoms have worsened. This begs the question, why does the same herb have such different effects on different people?

The science behind this is simple, but it's often overlooked. Although Po Po Ding has the effect of clearing the liver and brightening the purpose, its cold nature may exacerbate stomach discomfort for people with stomach cold or chronic stomach diseases. This is clearly documented in the ancient texts of Chinese medicine, but few people will have an in-depth understanding of this background knowledge.

Uncle uses his mother-in-law to make tea every day, gritted his teeth and insists on 1 year, and now he has a physical examination

In modern society, people are increasingly looking for quick health solutions, and herbs are popular for their natural labels. However, the use of any herbal medicine should be done under the guidance of a professional to avoid unwanted side effects.

Chen Gang's case illustrates the importance of individual differences in herbal medicine. Not all herbs are suitable for everyone, but need to be adjusted according to the individual's constitution and existing health conditions.

Uncle uses his mother-in-law to make tea every day, gritted his teeth and insists on 1 year, and now he has a physical examination

Chen Gang recounted his experience, and the audience expressed surprise and interest. In simple words, he emphasized that the choice of herbs should take into account one's constitution and medical advice. His story conveys a profound message: health is an individual journey, and each person's choices and responses are unique.

Chen Gang went home after the event with mixed feelings. He was grateful for the benefits brought by his mother-in-law, Ding Cha, but also felt sorry for his friend Wang Ming's discomfort. These experiences reinforced his belief that no healthy behavior can be generalized, and that everyone needs to find a balance that works for them.

Uncle uses his mother-in-law to make tea every day, gritted his teeth and insists on 1 year, and now he has a physical examination

"I heard that you used mother-in-law Ding tea to cure poor liver function, and I want to try it too. But I have diabetes, do you know if there is any special effect on diabetics? Liu Tao asked.

Dr. Zhang listened to Liu Tao's situation and gave advice after careful consideration: "Mr. Liu, it is true that there are many health benefits of Mother-in-law, but for diabetics, we need to consider your blood sugar control. ”

Uncle uses his mother-in-law to make tea every day, gritted his teeth and insists on 1 year, and now he has a physical examination

Po Po Ding itself does not contain sugar and does not directly affect blood sugar levels, but any herbal remedies may indirectly affect the effectiveness of your diabetes medication. I recommend that you do a small trial before you start taking it and closely monitor your blood sugar levels throughout the process to ensure there are no adverse effects.

Dr. Zhang also reminded Liu Tao that although herbs are of natural origin, they do not mean that they are completely harmless. The mechanism of action and possible side effects of each herb need to be understood in detail and used with caution under the guidance of a doctor.

Uncle uses his mother-in-law to make tea every day, gritted his teeth and insists on 1 year, and now he has a physical examination

Liu Tao thanked Dr. Zhang for his professional advice and decided to try Po Ding Tea under the supervision of the doctor. He also learned from Chen Gang's experience that information and professional guidance are equally important on the road to health, and that one's health behavior cannot be determined solely by one's interests and the experience of others.

The stories of Chen Gang and Liu Tao remind us that health is a complex topic that involves individual differences, medical knowledge, and personal responsibility. In the pursuit of health, everyone should be responsible for their own health, while respecting the authority of science and medicine.

Uncle uses his mother-in-law to make tea every day, gritted his teeth and insists on 1 year, and now he has a physical examination

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Uncle uses his mother-in-law to make tea every day, gritted his teeth and insists on 1 year, and now he has a physical examination