
The post-60s old couple often drink home-brewed wine, but unfortunately both suffer from cancer, and the doctor regrets that they should not drink it

author:Lao Wang's Health Talk
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"Uncle Zhang, the condition of you and your wife has a lot to do with your home-brewed wine." Doctor Wang Jianguo looked at the examination report and said earnestly to Uncle Zhang, who was sitting in front of him.

Uncle Zhang, a retired factory worker, recently went hiking with a few old friends and has been having diarrhea since he came back. My wife, Aunt Li, also often feels abdominal discomfort and has lost significant weight. The two finally decided to go to the hospital together for a comprehensive examination, but they were surprised by the results - both of them had cancer.

"Doctor, we have always thought that we are in good health, and there is nothing wrong with us usually, why do we have such a serious illness?" Uncle Zhang asked with a puzzled expression. He and his wife usually live a simple life, but they like to drink some home-brewed rice wine, which they feel is pure and natural, without additives, and they can drink it with confidence.

The post-60s old couple often drink home-brewed wine, but unfortunately both suffer from cancer, and the doctor regrets that they should not drink it

Dr. Wang sighed helplessly and said, "Uncle Zhang, it is precisely because you have been drinking home-brewed rice wine for a long time that you have caused cancer. Although home-brewed sake may seem natural, it actually hides many health risks. ”

Aunt Li was anxious when she heard this: "How could it be?" Our wine is made from the best rice, without any additives, and after drinking it for so many years, I don't think there is anything wrong! ”

Dr. Wang shook his head and patiently explained, "Home-brewed wine has not undergone strict process and quality control, and it is easy to produce some harmful substances, such as acetaldehyde and fusel oil. These substances are very harmful to the human body, and long-term consumption will increase the risk of cancer. ”

"What is acetaldehyde?" Uncle Zhang scratched his head, obviously not quite understanding.

"Acetaldehyde is a toxic chemical that is one of the products of alcohol metabolism in the human body." "When alcohol is ingested, the liver converts the alcohol into acetaldehyde, which is more toxic than alcohol and can damage liver cells, interfere with the normal DNA repair process, and increase the risk of cancer. ”

The post-60s old couple often drink home-brewed wine, but unfortunately both suffer from cancer, and the doctor regrets that they should not drink it

He continued: "In addition, during the fermentation process of home-brewed wine, due to the non-standard process, it is easy to produce harmful substances such as fusel oil, which have a great toxic effect on the liver, kidneys and nervous system. ”

Aunt Li was dumbfounded when she heard this: "It turns out that we have always thought that the home-brewed rice wine is healthy, but there are so many problems!" ”

In order to let Uncle Zhang and Aunt Li better understand, Dr. Wang told a real case: "There is an Aunt Wang, like you, who likes to drink home-brewed wine, but after a few years, she was found to have abnormal liver function during a physical examination, and was later diagnosed with liver cancer. After detailed inquiry, it was found that the contents of acetaldehyde and fusel oil in the home-made wine she had been drinking for a long time were seriously exceeded, which led to liver damage and cancer. ”

Hearing this, Uncle Zhang and Aunt Li finally understood the seriousness of the problem. Uncle Zhang pondered for a while and asked, "Then what should we do now?" Is it time to quit drinking? ”

Dr. Wang nodded and said, "Yes, it is best to quit drinking or minimize the amount of alcohol you drink. In particular, home-brewed sake should be avoided. If you really like to drink, you can choose some low-alcohol wine from regular manufacturers to reduce the harm to the body. ”

The post-60s old couple often drink home-brewed wine, but unfortunately both suffer from cancer, and the doctor regrets that they should not drink it

Uncle Zhang nodded, indicating that he would try his best to quit drinking. He asked, "In addition to abstaining from alcohol, what else do we need to pay attention to in order to better prevent cancer?" ”

Dr. Wang smiled and said, "In addition to abstaining from alcohol, it is also very important to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Eat a balanced diet with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables and less greasy, pickled and smoked foods. Exercise moderately and maintain a good weight; Regular physical examination, early detection and early treatment. ”

He further explained: "For example, eating more antioxidant foods, such as tomatoes, carrots, green tea, etc., helps fight free radicals and protect cells; Moderate aerobic exercise, such as walking and running, can enhance immunity and promote good health; Regular physical examinations can detect abnormal changes in the body in time, intervene early, and reduce the risk of cancer. ”

Uncle Zhang nodded again and again, and Aunt Li also said that she would adjust her eating habits and maintain a healthy lifestyle. The couple discussed that when they got home, they would dispose of the home-brewed wine and never drink it again.

A few months later, Uncle Zhang and Aunt Li came to the hospital again for a follow-up, and Dr. Wang was very relieved to see that their physical condition had improved significantly. Their symptoms of diarrhoea and abdominal discomfort have been greatly reduced, their weight has also regained, and their whole body is refreshed.

The post-60s old couple often drink home-brewed wine, but unfortunately both suffer from cancer, and the doctor regrets that they should not drink it

Dr. Wang said to Uncle Zhang and Aunt Li, "Your persistence and hard work have greatly improved your physical condition. Continue to maintain good habits and believe that your body will get better and better. ”

Uncle Zhang gratefully shook Dr. Wang's hand and said, "Thank you, doctor, it was your advice that made us realize the importance of diet and lifestyle habits again. We're going to stick to it. ”

Dr. Wang smiled and nodded, and told them to have regular check-ups and continue to maintain a healthy lifestyle. He understands in his heart that what elderly people like Uncle Zhang and Aunt Li need most is scientific health guidance and good living habits.

So, the question is, why does long-term consumption of home-brewed liquor cause so much harm to health?

First of all, the home-brewed wine lacks scientific brewing technology and strict quality control, and the alcohol content is unstable, which is prone to excessive production of harmful substances such as acetaldehyde and fusel oil.

Acetaldehyde is a carcinogen that can damage liver cells, interfere with DNA repair, and increase the risk of cancer. Fusel oil has a great toxic effect on the nervous system and liver, and long-term intake can lead to chronic poisoning and organ damage.

The post-60s old couple often drink home-brewed wine, but unfortunately both suffer from cancer, and the doctor regrets that they should not drink it

Secondly, the hygienic conditions of home-brewed wine are often substandard, and it is susceptible to microbial contamination and the production of carcinogens such as aflatoxins.

Aflatoxin is a strong carcinogen that mainly contaminates cereals and fermented foods, and long-term intake increases the risk of liver cancer.

Thirdly, long-term heavy alcohol consumption can damage liver function, causing liver diseases such as alcoholic hepatitis, fatty liver disease, and liver cirrhosis. These diseases not only affect the metabolic and detoxification functions of the liver, but also increase the risk of liver cancer.

Finally, long-term alcohol consumption can also damage the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract, leading to digestive diseases such as gastritis and gastric ulcers, and increasing the risk of digestive tract cancers such as esophageal cancer and gastric cancer.

To sum up, the health hazards of long-term consumption of home-brewed wine are manifold. Older people should try to avoid drinking home-brewed alcohol, choose low-alcohol alcohol from regular manufacturers, reduce alcohol consumption, and maintain healthy lifestyle habits to better prevent cancer and other diseases.

Next, we might as well further explore, in addition to abstaining from alcohol, what other aspects should the elderly pay attention to in their daily life in order to better prevent cancer?

First of all, the elderly should maintain a balanced diet with adequate nutrient intake. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, supplement vitamins and antioxidants, eat less greasy, pickled and smoked foods, and reduce the intake of carcinogens.

The post-60s old couple often drink home-brewed wine, but unfortunately both suffer from cancer, and the doctor regrets that they should not drink it

Secondly, the elderly should exercise moderately and maintain a good weight. Moderate aerobic exercise, such as walking and running, can boost immunity and promote good health. Avoid obesity and reduce the risk of cancer.

In addition, the elderly should have regular physical examinations, early detection and early treatment. Regular physical examinations can detect abnormal changes in the body in time, intervene early, and reduce the risk of cancer.

In addition, the elderly should maintain a good attitude and reduce stress. Mental health has a significant impact on physical health. The elderly should maintain an optimistic attitude, actively participate in social activities, cultivate hobbies, and enrich their later life.

Finally, the elderly should pay attention to environmental hygiene and reduce exposure to carcinogens. Keep the living environment clean and avoid exposure to harmful chemicals to reduce the health impact of environmental pollution.

To sum up, in order to better prevent cancer, in addition to abstaining from alcohol, the elderly also need to pay attention to diet, exercise, physical examination, mentality and environmental hygiene. Through integrated management, the elderly can better maintain their health and enjoy a good old age.

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