
The 61-year-old uncle suffered from a stomach ulcer and used corn syrup as a staple food, and after insisting on being young for half a year, how was his health?

author:Lao Wang's Health Talk
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"Uncle Li, you have to pay attention to your stomach ulcer problem." The doctor said with a frown.

Li Guoqiang, 61 years old, is a retired teacher. Recently, he always felt that his fingers were swollen and painful, thinking that he was suffering from rheumatism, but when he checked it, he found that he had a stomach ulcer. Uncle Li was shocked, and thought about it carefully, it turned out that in the past few months, he often had stomach pain, and refluxed acid after eating, thinking that it was an old stomach disease and didn't take it seriously, who knew that the problem was so serious.

The 61-year-old uncle suffered from a stomach ulcer and used corn syrup as a staple food, and after insisting on being young for half a year, how was his health?

"Stomach ulcers are caused by damage to the lining of the stomach and may be related to your eating habits," the doctor explains. Excessive consumption of spicy, greasy food, drinking alcohol and smoking, can lead to damage to the gastric mucosa. ”

Uncle Li sighed, discussed with his wife after returning home, and decided to change his eating habits. Hearing from his neighbors that corn syrup is good for the stomach, he decided to use corn syrup as a staple food in the hope of relieving his stomach problems.

So, Uncle Li began his "corn syrup therapy". Every morning, he pulped corn and cooked it into porridge as a staple food for three meals a day. Corn syrup is light and easy to digest and does not irritate the stomach, Uncle Li thinks this method is good.

In the first few months, Uncle Li's stomach pain has indeed been relieved, and acid reflux has also decreased. Seeing that his body had improved, he was overjoyed and thought that he had found a "miracle cure" for stomach ulcers.

However, after a long time, Uncle Li began to discover some new problems. First of all, his weight has dropped significantly, and the whole person looks a lot thinner. Secondly, his physical strength has become very poor, and he feels tired after doing a little work. Also, his skin has become dry, and the problem of swollen fingers has not completely disappeared.

The 61-year-old uncle suffered from a stomach ulcer and used corn syrup as a staple food, and after insisting on being young for half a year, how was his health?

The wife saw it in her eyes and was anxious in her heart, urging him to go to the hospital for another examination. This time, the doctor looked at Uncle Li's physical condition and his expression became more serious.

"Uncle Li, you have only eaten corn syrup in the past few months, and your nutritional intake is seriously insufficient." "Corn syrup is indeed easy to digest and good for the stomach, but it is a nutrient and long-term staple food, which can lead to a lack of protein, vitamins and minerals in the body. ”

Uncle Li was a little confused: "Then how should I eat it?" I just want to take care of my stomach. ”

The doctor patiently explained: "If you want to nourish your stomach, you must have a varied and balanced diet. Corn syrup can be used as a supplementary food, but not as the only staple food. You need to consume enough protein, such as lean meat, fish, eggs, soy products, etc.; Eat more vegetables and fruits and supplement vitamins; Eat whole grains in moderation and maintain your fiber intake. ”

Uncle Li suddenly realized that his "corn syrup therapy" had gone into a misunderstanding. He decided to adjust his diet as recommended by his doctor.

The 61-year-old uncle suffered from a stomach ulcer and used corn syrup as a staple food, and after insisting on being young for half a year, how was his health?

A few months later, Uncle Li went to the hospital for a follow-up examination, and his physical condition improved significantly. The stomach pain has decreased, the weight has also been restored, and the physical strength has increased significantly. He sighed: "It seems that eating right is more important than eating more!" ”

Seeing the changes in Uncle Li, the doctor smiled with satisfaction: "Yes, a balanced diet and a scientific diet are essential for good health. ”

Uncle Li's story spread in the community, and everyone said that they should learn from Uncle Li, attach importance to a balanced diet, and avoid falling into dietary misunderstandings.

However, Uncle Li still has a question in his heart: "In addition to stomach ulcers, what other health problems can improper diet cause?" ”

With this question, Uncle Li consulted the doctor again. The doctor answered in detail:

"Uncle Li, improper diet can cause many health problems, and here are a few common examples."

The 61-year-old uncle suffered from a stomach ulcer and used corn syrup as a staple food, and after insisting on being young for half a year, how was his health?

"The first is cardiovascular disease. A diet high in fat, salt, and sugar will increase the burden on the heart, leading to high blood pressure, high blood lipids, and an increased risk of heart disease. ”

"The second is diabetes. Long-term intake of excessive amounts of sugar and refined carbohydrates can lead to insulin resistance, which can lead to diabetes. ”

"The third is digestive disorders. Unbalanced eating habits can lead to problems such as indigestion, constipation, gastroenteritis, and in severe cases, it can develop into stomach ulcers, stomach cancer, etc. ”

"The fourth is malnutrition. An excessively monolithic diet, such as a long-term vegetarian diet or a high-protein diet, can lead to deficiencies or excessions of certain nutrients, affecting physical health. ”

Through these explanations, Uncle Li became more aware of the importance of a balanced diet. He decided to start with all aspects to improve his eating habits and maintain good health.

Uncle Li's story spread in the community, and everyone said that they should learn from Uncle Li, arrange their diet scientifically and reasonably, and protect their health.

However, we also need to consider the question: in addition to the above-mentioned diet and lifestyle habits, what other ways can we better protect our stomach health?

In order to answer this question, we need to understand some other methods.

The 61-year-old uncle suffered from a stomach ulcer and used corn syrup as a staple food, and after insisting on being young for half a year, how was his health?

First, maintain a good diet. Eat regularly and quantitatively, avoid overeating, and do not eat too cold, too hot, too hard, too spicy food.

Second, avoid taking stimulant medications for a long time. Some drugs such as aspirin, ibuprofen, etc., can damage the gastric mucosa when taken for a long time, so it is recommended to take them under the guidance of a doctor.

Third, quit smoking and limit alcohol. Both tobacco and alcohol have an irritating effect on the gastric mucosa, and long-term smoking and drinking alcohol can increase the risk of gastric ulcers and stomach cancer.

Fourth, maintain a good state of mind. Stress and mood swings can also affect stomach health, so it is recommended to learn to reduce stress and maintain an optimistic and positive attitude.

Through these methods, we can protect our stomach health more comprehensively and keep our body in good shape. I hope Uncle Li's story can give you some inspiration, let us pay attention to health management, arrange life scientifically and reasonably, and protect our bodies.

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