
The 51-year-old eldest brother died of cerebral infarction, and he used to love to drink tea and live a regular life, wife: I can't persuade him at all

author:Lao Xu's medical science
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"Wang Dahai, your situation is quite complicated." The doctor said as he flipped through the medical records in his hand.

It is said that last weekend, 51-year-old Wang Dahai went fishing by the river with a few old friends. Fishing is not just a pastime for Wang Dahai, but an attitude to life - the quiet riverside, the breeze blows, and the fishing rod trembles slightly, as if the whole world is quiet. However, the fishing trip did not go as smoothly as he expected.

The 51-year-old eldest brother died of cerebral infarction, and he used to love to drink tea and live a regular life, wife: I can't persuade him at all

When Wang Dahai came back from the river, strange itching sensations began to appear on his body. At first, he thought it was a mosquito bite, but he didn't take it seriously. But for two days, the itching not only did not relieve, but intensified, and even a red rash appeared on the skin. His wife Liu Meili couldn't stand it, so she forcibly dragged him to the hospital.

"Mr. Wang, do you usually like to drink tea?" The doctor asked as he tapped on the keyboard.

"That's a must! I have a regular life, and I don't have any other hobbies except drinking tea. Wang Dahai replied with a smile.

The doctor nodded and continued to ask, "Do you usually feel unwell?" Such as dizziness, chest tightness, etc.? ”

"No, I've always been in good shape." Wang Dahai's face was full of confidence.

The doctor frowned and pointed to the computer screen: "According to the results of your examination this time, it was found that you have high blood pressure, high blood lipids, and mild coronary heart disease. ”

The 51-year-old eldest brother died of cerebral infarction, and he used to love to drink tea and live a regular life, wife: I can't persuade him at all

When Wang Dahai heard this, he was stunned: "How is this possible!" I live such a regular life, drink tea every morning, and go for a walk in the park at night, can I have a problem with my body? ”

"It's because you're living too regularly that it's a big problem." The doctor said earnestly, "Your problems may be related to your tea drinking. ”

When Liu Meili heard this, her eyes widened like copper bells: "Doctor, are you saying that he is sick from drinking tea?" ”

The doctor nodded: "Yes, drinking tea itself is fine, but if you drink it unmodestly like Mr. Wang, it may cause some health problems." ”

The doctor explained that tea contains caffeine and tea polyphenols, which can be refreshing and antioxidant when consumed in moderation, but excessive consumption can lead to irritation of the cardiovascular system, increased blood pressure, and even heart problems. Wang Dahai's unrestrained habit of drinking tea has caused a lot of burden on his body in the long run.

The 51-year-old eldest brother died of cerebral infarction, and he used to love to drink tea and live a regular life, wife: I can't persuade him at all

"Mr. Wang, do you know? According to the latest research, people who drink more than three cups of tea a day have a 20% higher risk of cardiovascular disease than those who don't. The doctor went on to say, "Especially for people like you, who like strong tea, the risk is higher." ”

When Wang Dahai heard this, his face turned pale: "Doctor, are you saying that I can't drink tea anymore in my life?" ”

"It's not that you can't drink it, it's just that you have to control the amount." The doctor smiled, "Drinking tea in moderation is good for the body, but like you, several large pots a day, and it is still strong tea, it is not good." ”

"But I have always felt that drinking tea is good for the body, and those health articles on the Internet also say that drinking tea can prevent cancer and lower blood lipids." Wang Dahai still didn't believe it.

The doctor nodded and patiently explained: "Drinking tea in moderation does have the effect of preventing cancer and lowering blood lipids, but excessive consumption is counterproductive." Just like medicine, a moderate amount is a good medicine, and an excess is a poison. ”

After listening to this, Wang Dahai fell into deep thought. At this time, Liu Meili interjected: "Doctor, is his illness serious?" How to treat it? ”

The 51-year-old eldest brother died of cerebral infarction, and he used to love to drink tea and live a regular life, wife: I can't persuade him at all

"At present, your husband's condition is not particularly serious, but he needs to adjust his lifestyle immediately, control his diet, and have regular check-ups." The doctor advised.

After returning home, Wang Dahai began to seriously reflect on his living habits. Under the supervision of his wife, he began to control his tea intake, switching to drinking two cups of weak tea a day, and increasing the length of walks after meals. In the first few days, Wang Dahai felt that life had become boring, but as time went by, his physical condition gradually improved, the symptoms of dizziness and chest tightness decreased, and the itchy skin was also relieved.

Seeing this, Liu Meili was both happy and emotional: "Lao Wang, I didn't listen to you no matter how I persuaded you before, but this time I finally listened to the doctor." ”

Wang Dahai smiled bitterly: "Yes, you still have to listen to professionals, our previous acquaintances were too one-sided." ”

The doctor's advice not only improved Wang Dahai's physical condition, but also made him re-understand the way of life. Health is not just about living a regular life, it also requires a reasonable diet, moderate exercise, and good lifestyle habits.

The 51-year-old eldest brother died of cerebral infarction, and he used to love to drink tea and live a regular life, wife: I can't persuade him at all

"Doctor, do you think there's anything I need to pay attention to now?" Wang Dahai asked uneasily.

"First of all, maintain your current diet and lifestyle habits and don't overdo caffeine and tea polyphenols." "Secondly, have regular check-ups, pay attention to blood pressure, blood lipids and heart conditions, and take medication if necessary." ”

Wang Dahai nodded, indicating that he would strictly follow the doctor's advice.

A few months later, Wang Dahai came to the hospital again for a follow-up. The doctor told him with satisfaction: "Mr. Wang, your indicators have improved, and if you continue to maintain this lifestyle, your health will get better and better." ”

Hearing this, Wang Dahai breathed a sigh of relief, and his heart was full of confidence in his future life. Liu Meili also showed a long-lost smile on the side.

The 51-year-old eldest brother died of cerebral infarction, and he used to love to drink tea and live a regular life, wife: I can't persuade him at all

However, the story doesn't end there. Through his own experience, Wang Dahai began to pay attention to the health problems of his friends. He found that many friends, like himself, think that drinking tea and maintaining health are simple things, but ignore the importance of moderation.

Wang Dahai decided to make some changes. He organized a "Health and Wellness Tea Party" and invited friends to share their health experiences. At the tea party, Wang Dahai not only shared his experience, but also invited a doctor to explain health knowledge to everyone. Everyone listened with relish and had a more comprehensive understanding of health.

Through this tea party, Wang Dahai and his friends realized that health is not a single habit, but a multi-faceted complex. They began to monitor each other and formed a small circle of healthy lives.

"Lao Wang, let's go for a walk today?" A friend called.

The 51-year-old eldest brother died of cerebral infarction, and he used to love to drink tea and live a regular life, wife: I can't persuade him at all

"Okay, see you later!" Wang Dahai readily agreed.

Since then, Wang Dahai has not only maintained good living habits, but also actively participated in health activities in the community and became a health volunteer. His story has also spread in the community, and he has become known as a "health ambassador".

Everyone's path to health is different, but Wang Dahai's experience tells us that health requires reasonable living habits and scientific dietary management. Through his story, I hope that more people can realize the importance of health, adjust their lifestyles scientifically and reasonably, and avoid unnecessary health risks.

The question at the end is: why is drinking tea in moderation good for health, but excessive tea consumption can pose health risks?

The 51-year-old eldest brother died of cerebral infarction, and he used to love to drink tea and live a regular life, wife: I can't persuade him at all

Drinking tea in moderation is good for health, because tea is rich in antioxidants, such as tea polyphenols, vitamin C, etc., which can help neutralize free radicals in the body and reduce cell damage, thereby reducing the risk of chronic diseases. In addition, the caffeine in tea can stimulate the central nervous system, refresh the mind, and improve work efficiency.

However, excessive tea consumption can pose health risks. First of all, excessive intake of caffeine in tea can cause overexcitability of the central nervous system, causing symptoms such as heart palpitations and insomnia. Secondly, excessive intake of tea polyphenols may irritate the gastric mucosa and cause stomach upset. In addition, the tannic acid in tea will combine with the iron in food to form a complex that is not easily absorbed, and long-term consumption of large amounts of tea may lead to iron deficiency anemia.

Research data shows that drinking 3-5 cups of tea per day is advisable, and more than this amount may increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. Especially for patients with high blood pressure, excessive tea consumption may lead to a further increase in blood pressure and increase the burden on the heart.

The 51-year-old eldest brother died of cerebral infarction, and he used to love to drink tea and live a regular life, wife: I can't persuade him at all

By reasonably controlling the amount of tea drunk and choosing the right time and method of tea drinking, the health care effect of tea can be effectively played and the negative impact on the body can be reduced. Drinking tea in moderation can not only enjoy the delicious taste of tea, but also get more health benefits in health care.

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