
We have all heard of Japan's invasion of Korea, but do you know that Korea also invaded Japan?

author:100-year-old number

When you think of North Korea, the first thing that may come to mind is its geographical location across the sea from Japan. In the long course of history, there are countless grievances and hatreds between Korea and Japan. And whenever North Korea is bullied by Japan, China, as a neighbor, will never stand idly by.

Let's just say that during the Tang Dynasty, Silla clashed with the allied forces of Japan and Baekje, and at that time, our Tang Dynasty stood up decisively and helped Silla win the battle of Baekgang Estuary. In the Ming Dynasty, the Battle of Wanli Korea was also a classic battle in which China and North Korea joined forces against Japan. Every time North Korea is in trouble, China always does not hesitate to lend a helping hand, so that North Korea has the strength to fight back.

However, although North Korea is often portrayed as a bullied image in history, it also has its own blood and backbone. Do you know? Korea also took the initiative to attack Japan, and won a considerable victory. This battle not only made North Korea proud of its eyebrows, but also made those Japanese who had long harassed North Korean waters disappear for decades.

From the middle of the 14th century, the Goryeo dynasty on the Korean Peninsula began to decline. The once powerful ruling power gradually disappeared and became decaying. In this context, North Korea's coastal defense system has also begun to gradually abandon, just like a once strong warrior, due to the erosion of time and its own slackness, gradually lost its original strength.

We have all heard of Japan's invasion of Korea, but do you know that Korea also invaded Japan?

At the same time, some outlaws in Japan, what we commonly call the Wakos, began to perceive this change in the Goryeo Dynasty. They are like cheetahs that smell their prey, and they start to move. They organized armed forces one after another, taking advantage of the lack of naval defense in the Goryeo Dynasty, to wantonly invade the coastal areas of Korea.

The actions of these would-be pirates are nothing short of outrageous. They burned, killed, looted, and committed all kinds of evil, bringing great disasters to the people in the coastal areas of Korea. Not only did they loot property, but they also slaughtered innocent people, even women and children. The atrocities committed by the Japanese invaders plunged the coastal areas of North Korea into chaos and panic.

However, in the face of the attacks and blows of the Japanese invaders, the army of the Goryeo Dynasty appeared powerless. Unable to effectively defend themselves against the Japanese attack, they could only watch as they wreaked havoc along the coast. Under the continuous blows of the Japanese invaders, the army of the Goryeo Dynasty began to crumble, and its morale was low, and it was no longer able to organize effective resistance.

With the rout of the army, the finances of the Goryeo Dynasty also fell into a huge crisis. As a result of the war and the destruction of the Japanese invaders, the country's tax revenues were greatly reduced, while the cost of the war was constantly increasing. In the most difficult times, the Goryeo Dynasty could not even pay the salaries of Kyoto officials, and the whole country was in trouble.

In response to this crisis, the Goryeo government had to take some extreme measures. They decided to move all the official warehouses in the areas where the Japanese pirates attacked them inland to avoid being plundered by the pirates. In this way, although some property can be protected from loss, it makes the people in the coastal areas even more helpless. They have lost official support and protection, and have to find their own way to deal with the infestation of the pirates.

We have all heard of Japan's invasion of Korea, but do you know that Korea also invaded Japan?

This kind of helpless behavior has only fueled the arrogance of the Japanese cowards. Seeing the weakness and retreat of the Goryeo dynasty, they invaded the coastal areas of Korea even more brazenly. Their behavior has become even more rampant, bringing even greater disaster to the North Korean people.

This situation lasted for a long time, and it was not until the establishment of Lee's Joseon that it took a slight turnaround. The founding monarch of the Lee dynasty, the Joseon Taejo, Ri Sung-gye, was a visionary and courageous leader. He knew very well that in order for the country to be truly stable, it was necessary to solve the great problem of the Japanese invaders. So, he personally led the Korean army, attacked everywhere, and fought to the death against the Japanese invaders.

Among these battles, there is one battle that is particularly famous, and that is the Battle of Nanyuan. In this battle, although Li Chenggui was wounded, he still insisted on commanding the battle. Dressed in armor and armed with a sword, he stood on the battlefield with great bravery and fearlessness. Under his leadership, the morale of the Korean army was high, and a fierce confrontation with the Japanese invaders began. In the end, the Korean army won a complete victory, and the leader of the Japanese invaders, Ajiba, was killed, killing countless enemies, and capturing more than 600 Japanese prisoners.

This victory made the Korean people cheer and the Japanese invaders were greatly demoralized. For a long time, they did not recover, and the maritime frontier of North Korea was able to maintain tranquility for a while. However, the problem of the pirates has not been completely resolved, and they are still like poisonous snakes lurking in the shadows, ready to attack again at any time.

After the death of Ri Sung-gye, the situation in North Korea began to become turbulent. There were many coups d'état in the court, and the court's attention was attracted by these internal strife, and it had no time to pay attention to the affairs of the sea. Seeing this, the Japanese took the opportunity to make a comeback, and their invasions became more frequent and rampant.

We have all heard of Japan's invasion of Korea, but do you know that Korea also invaded Japan?

When the domestic political situation in Korea gradually stabilized, the imperial court began to realize that the problem of the Japanese invaders was still a serious problem for the country and must be resolved. As a result, they began to strengthen the defense of the sea frontier and sent heavy troops to guard the coastline in case of another invasion by the Japanese invaders. At the same time, they also began to actively seek cooperation with neighboring countries to jointly fight against the power of the Japanese invaders.

However, while the Joseon court was in full swing to deploy defenses and seek cooperation, the Japanese invaded again. In 1419, after plundering the coastal areas of the Ming Dynasty in China, these pirates attacked Chungcheongdo and Hwanghaedo in Korea on their way back. Their actions caused a lot of damage to North Korea, and also strengthened the determination of the ministers in the imperial court to solve the problem once and for all.

After the news reached the Korean court, the entire court was boiling. The ministers said one after another that they could no longer be allowed to act so recklessly, and that they must take action to teach them a stern lesson. Therefore, they strongly demanded that Joseon Sejong send troops to conquer Tsushima Island in order to completely solve the problem of the Japanese invaders.

However, the Joseon monarch Sejong was a little hesitant at this time. He understood that sending troops to conquer Tsushima was a difficult task that would come at a great cost. Moreover, he feared that doing so would anger Japan and provoke a larger war. Therefore, he was not inclined to send troops immediately.

However, Li Fangyuan, the king of Taishang, who had great influence in the court, strongly advocated sending troops. He believed that only by force could the problem of the Japanese invaders be completely resolved and the peace of the country could be protected. At his insistence, the Joseon monarch finally decided to take the initiative to attack the Wakos.

Therefore, the imperial court appointed General Li Congmao, the commander of Changchuan, as the envoy of the three armies, and led 17,000 men and more than 200 warships to expedition to Tsushima Island. In this expedition, the DPRK army was determined to sweep away the plague in one fell swoop so that the people of the DPRK could live and work in peace and contentment.

June 17, 1419 A.D., off Geoje Island in Korea. On that day, the sky was blue and sunny, and the sea was densely lined up like a forest. Looking from afar, I saw the flag fluttering, covering the sky and the sun, like a colorful ocean.

We have all heard of Japan's invasion of Korea, but do you know that Korea also invaded Japan?

Standing on a richly decorated battleship and facing a mighty fleet, King Sejong delivered an exciting mobilization report. His voice was loud and firm, echoing across the vast sea. He called on the soldiers to bravely embark on a journey for the sake of the honor of the country and the peace of the people to conquer those enemies who dared to invade the territory of Korea.

After listening to Sejong's mobilization report, the morale of the Korean fleet was greatly boosted, and the officers and men were gearing up and preparing for a big fight. However, just as the fleet was preparing to anchor for an expedition, a gust of wind suddenly blew. The hurricane howled, rolling up layers of huge waves, and the North Korean fleet was swaying in the fierce wind and waves, and the danger was everywhere.

For safety, the North Korean fleet had to temporarily return to the port for shelter. Although the soldiers were unwilling, they could only wait helplessly for the moment when the wind and waves were calm.

By the early morning of the 19th, the sky had finally cleared and the sea had returned to calm. The North Korean army set out again and embarked on an expedition to Tsushima. They braved the storm and forged ahead, and finally landed on Tsushima the next day.

After landing, the Korean army did not rush to attack, but first sent envoys to persuade Jong Jeong-seung to surrender. However, Jong Jung-sung rejected North Korea's request for peace and insisted on a showdown with the North Korean army.

As a result, the North Korean army launched a fierce offensive. They are marching all the way, and the momentum is like a bamboo. In several fierce battles, the Korean army defeated the Japanese Japanese and defeated them to the ground.

We have all heard of Japan's invasion of Korea, but do you know that Korea also invaded Japan?

During the battle, the Korean army also rescued hundreds of Ming and Korean civilians who had been captured by the Japanese invaders. Touched by the bravery of the Korean army, these people expressed their desire to join the Korean army and jointly resist the invasion of the Japanese invaders.

However, at that time, the North Korean army was marching all the way and morale was high. They had defeated the Wako in several battles in a row, which made them start to become a little complacent, feeling that the Wako were nothing more than that, and that they were not worth mentioning. They bask in the joy of victory, unaware that danger is looming.

Just when the Korean army was triumphant, they did not know that the Japanese regular army had quietly come to support Tsushima. These regular armies were well-trained and well-equipped, and their combat effectiveness was far from comparable to that of the Japanese pirates. The North Korean army, ignorant of this, continued to advance at their own pace.

As the North Korean army penetrated deep into the hinterland of Tsushima, they began to encounter more and more difficulties. The terrain was unfamiliar and the roads were rough, which slowed down their march considerably. Moreover, they also made a fatal mistake, that is, to divide their forces and advance. They thought they would be able to capture more territory faster, but in reality they put themselves in an even more dangerous situation.

At this moment, the Japanese regular army seized the opportunity and set up an ambush. The North Korean army went into the ambush circle unsuspectingly and was attacked by a sudden and fierce attack. They were caught off guard and soon fell into chaos.

In the Battle of Mt. Chindak, the Korean army suffered unprecedented heavy losses. They were beaten to the ground and returned defeated. The battlefield was littered with the corpses of North Korean troops and discarded weapons.

Although Tsushima had the aid of Japanese troops, the advantage of distance was insignificant in the stalemate of the war. The Japanese troops on Tsushima originally thought that they would be able to take advantage of the geographical advantage and hold out for a while. But soon, they realized that they were too naïve. Under the onslaught of the North Korean army, they soon could not support it and had to retreat one after another.

At the same time as the Korean expedition to Tsushima, the Japanese Japanese were not idle. They sent a huge fleet, including thirty-one warships and more than one thousand fifteen hundred soldiers, to attack the eastern coast of Daming Liaodong with great vigour. After receiving the secret report from the North Korean side, Ming Chengzu Zhu Di immediately realized the seriousness of the situation. He urgently convened his ministers to discuss countermeasures, and ordered the Liaodong General Army to take strict precautions and prepare for battle.

Finally, under the leadership of the Ming general Liu Jiang, the Ming army won a brilliant victory in the Battle of Wanghaipo. With their excellent tactics and brave fighting spirit, they defeated the Japanese invasion. In this battle, the Ming army annihilated 742 enemies and captured 857 people. And most importantly, this Japanese fleet, which was originally the last living force to return to Tsushima, was now wiped out by the Ming army.

We have all heard of Japan's invasion of Korea, but do you know that Korea also invaded Japan?

Seeing that victory was hopeless, on June 29, Zong Zhensheng led his troops to Li Congmao's camp and expressed his willingness to surrender. He solemnly promised that, once surrendered, they would strictly control and curb the behavior of the Japanese and ensure that they would not intrude on all parts of Korea again. This decision is undoubtedly good news for the DPRK, which has been plagued by Japanese invaders.

At the same time, the Japanese side also lied to North Korea that there would be a huge storm at sea in July. They told North Korea that because of the weather, they could face greater difficulties and dangers if they continued to fight. In addition, this expedition has already consumed a lot of material and financial resources, and it is difficult for North Korea's national strength to continue to support.

In this case, the North Korean side quickly accepted Jong Jung-sung's request for surrender. They decided not to continue the confrontation and chose to resolve the conflict peacefully. Thus, on July 3, the North Korean side officially announced the end of the war and began preparations for returning home.

In this war, Korea dealt a resolute blow and a strong response to the invasion of the Japanese Japanese invaders. In the history books of Korea, this war is known as the "Jihai Crusade" and became an important event in Korean history. Through this war, the Koreans showed their determination and courage, and also let the Japanese Japanese know the strength of Korea.

After the end of the war, peace remained between Korea and Japan for decades. This peace is of extremely far-reaching significance to both countries. It has enabled the people of the two countries to live and work in peace and contentment, and has also laid a solid foundation for exchanges and cooperation between the two countries.

It is worth mentioning that the Ming Dynasty also played an important role in this war. They received a secret report from North Korea and learned of the movements and plans of the Japanese invaders. Thus, in the Battle of Wanghaipot, the Ming Dynasty army won a great victory and successfully resisted the invasion of the Japanese invaders. This victory not only allowed the Ming Dynasty to maintain stability in its maritime frontier for a hundred years, but also made an important contribution to the peace and stability of the entire East Asian region.

The battle of the "Jihai Eastern Crusade" can be said to be unique in the long history of Korea. In that turbulent era, the DPRK decided to take the initiative to challenge Japan, which was not only a bold attempt by the Korean people to defend their national dignity and rights, but also a stage for them to show their strength and determination.

During that period of history, the soldiers of Korea embarked on the journey of the Eastern Crusade with full of enthusiasm. In the face of a formidable enemy, they did not flinch, did not fear, only firm faith and determination to move forward. They crossed mountains and rivers, overcame many difficulties, and finally reached the battlefield.

However, despite the bravery of the Korean soldiers, they were not able to completely defeat the Japanese forces on Tsushima due to various limitations. Like stubborn weeds, these pirates have made a comeback again and again, continuing to threaten the security of North Korea's maritime borders.

For hundreds of years, the Korean monarchs were on the lookout for another invasion by the Japanese invaders. These widows are like a ghost that cannot be dispersed, hanging in the hearts of the North Korean people at all times, making them unable to feel at ease.

It wasn't until more than a hundred years later that a Japanese named Toyotomi Hideyoshi appeared, and he led the Japanese army to attack Korea again. This time, they are no longer ghost-like wandering pirates, but a butcher's knife that is truly swinging towards North Korea. Toyotomi Hideyoshi's ambition and cruelty plunged the Korean people into deep misery once again.

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