
The two in the workplace were forced to do dirty work and were almost swept out of the house, at which point one person took a salary to turn the situation around

author:To Shi Yunyan

[This content is an adaptation of a long fictional short story, please watch it rationally, do not sit in the opposite seat]

In a tavern windowside seat, two people were chatting over a drink, and the two were talking about something other than the office they went in and out of every day.

"Hey, man, that's a long story!" Brother Qin waved his hand at the young man in front of him and sighed.

Throwing the remaining half-finger-deep liquid in the beer glass, Brother Qin pursed his lips, a trace of haggard and helplessness appeared on his face. The 45-year-old middle-aged man was in his prime, with gray hair and gray sideburns, which was similar to the photo he took at his high school reunion. Sitting in the tavern, he looked exhausted.

"Stop grinding, talk about it!" The young man was a little impatient, he came to this authentic time-honored tavern for the first time today, just to listen to Brother Qin talk about the big incident that happened in the company many years ago.

The two in the workplace were forced to do dirty work and were almost swept out of the house, at which point one person took a salary to turn the situation around

Brother Qin smiled helplessly, his eyes half-narrowed. "You've got to work hard, it's enough for you to listen to it for a while......"

"Well, I'll cut it short!" Brother Qin wiped the sweat from his forehead, raised his head and took a big sip of beer, "At that time, I was just a small clerk in the company, and I just went to work honestly on weekdays and received some hard-earned money to support my family." ”

"But one year, my wife was pregnant and wanted to give birth, and the hospital expenses were bloody, and I suddenly lacked a lot of money. What's that going on? I've tried to borrow money everywhere, but who wants to lend me this moonlight clan? At that time, the big boss of our department, the old boy who later became the second-in-command of the company, gave me such a bad idea......"

Brother Qin's words stopped abruptly, and his eyes began to stare firmly on the desktop, as if he had fallen into some painful memory. Seeing this, the young man simply ordered a dozen beers, and together with the remaining half of the dozen in Brother Qin's cup, he sent it to his stomach.

"And then?" The lad asked.

"Later, ah......" Brother Qin's expression was gloomy, and he said in a low voice, "I'm stupid, I was fooled by that old boy to do a stupid thing, if it wasn't for Brother Bai to come forward to quibble for me later, I'm afraid that my job will be lost!" ”

Speaking of this, Brother Qin's eyes began to wander, as if he remembered something about the past that made him recreate Brother Bai. He took a deep breath, wiped his face, grinned and said, "Brother Bai, but he helped me a lot, if it weren't for him, I would be finished."

The two in the workplace were forced to do dirty work and were almost swept out of the house, at which point one person took a salary to turn the situation around

The young man looked curious: "Brother Bai? Who is he? How can I help you? ”

"Hey, when you talk about Brother Bai, you'll have to talk about it for a long time......" Brother Qin's expression was a little sour, he patted the table and began to talk eloquently.

"At that time, Brother Bai was at the same level as me, but he was older than me and had been in the company longer than me. At work, the two of us have a normal relationship, but we often go out to drink and chat in private. It's just that I never expected that Brother Bai would ......"

Brother Qin suddenly stopped talking at this point, as if he was considering the words. The young man looked confused, and saw Brother Qin sigh deeply, his brows furrowed, and his face was full of pain.

"Brother Bai...... He was trying to help me at that time, and he actually ...... Hey, you know, this kind of thing in the workplace, no matter how carefully you do it, will always leave some traces. Brother Qin's words changed sharply, and he suddenly began to chatter.

"Brother Bai, I really owe him a lot, if he hadn't stood up and supported me at that time, I'm afraid I would have been fired directly. Having said that, in order to help me, he also paid a lot of price, and was deducted a performance bonus for several months as a punishment. ”

"Punishment? What penalties? The young man asked.

"Hey, you know, it's that kind of ......" Brother Qin thought about it again and again, and finally came up with a rough idea: "It's because I helped scrape the oil and water for the management above that Brother Bai had no other way to help me at that time." ”

The young man finally suddenly realized: "It turned out to be a matter of bribery!" ...... both of you? ”

"Oh, boy, don't talk too much!" Brother Qin hurriedly interrupted him, "This matter involves many people up and down, and the two of us are just small employees, so it is impossible to do such a big thing." It's just that the power department found out that the two of us were implicated and ordered to criticize and educate. ”

The two in the workplace were forced to do dirty work and were almost swept out of the house, at which point one person took a salary to turn the situation around

The young man nodded knowingly, thinking to himself that this was so. Seeing this, Brother Qin continued to say: "But don't underestimate this matter, if Brother Bai didn't help me at that time, how could I still have a good life today?" I can't complain that I have never forgotten him all these years, but the life-saving grace of the year is firmly in my heart! ”

Speaking of this, Brother Qin's words changed, and his face gradually became gloomy. He smothered the rest of the beer and slammed the bottle on the table with a muffled sound.

"You think that's all this?" Brother Qin stared at the young man, his eyes were unusually sharp, "I didn't have it so easy to pass back then!" If Brother Bai hadn't come forward to take the initiative to stand on the platform, I would have been killed by those old things. ”

The young man was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly straightened the wine bottle just now, for fear of annoying the middle-aged man who seemed to be in good spirits. The lad still does not understand what a struggle is, what is a life-and-death struggle.

"It's Brother Bai, who has been helping me out again and again" Brother Qin pondered for a long time, and finally said the crime of the year, "For me, I bear the charge of 'favoritism', if I don't smash my first performance bonus into it, they will dispose of my back, and all the dirty water will be pushed on me." ”

When the young man heard this, he couldn't help but be startled, and nodded again and again: "So that's what happened!" Brother Bai really helped you a lot at that time! ”

"Not really!" Brother Qin looked the young man up and down to make sure that he was not making fun of himself, so he continued with confidence: "You think that's it? This is even more exciting! ”

The young man leaned forward with great interest, and saw Brother Qin take a deep breath, and his eyes began to stare directly at him, as if he wanted to pour out all the pain in his heart.

The two in the workplace were forced to do dirty work and were almost swept out of the house, at which point one person took a salary to turn the situation around

"Don't look at Brother Bai, he usually behaves everywhere, but his ethics and style are also very good. But don't look down on people! People were also out of the way at that time, otherwise how could I have this life today? Speaking of this, Brother Qin paused, seemed to be organizing the language, and finally slowly said the secret.

"Brother Bai back then...... In order to prevent me from being fired by HR, he took the initiative to pull several bigwigs in the company's financial department into the water. ”

Hearing this, the young man couldn't help but be dumbfounded, and his face showed disbelief. He thought that Brother Bai was just helping Brother Qin carry the top bag, but he didn't expect it to be ......

When Brother Qin saw the young man's expression, he couldn't help but smile, his expression was full of worldly taste. He patted the young man on the shoulder with his hand and whispered: "This is the realistic law of workplace survival, child, sometimes in order to keep yourself a mouthful of food, you don't think too much at all, it's good to survive." ”

The young man nodded thoughtfully, thinking silently in his heart: It turned out that Brother Bai did not hesitate to reach out to those black money in order to protect Brother Qin, and finally swept away all the troubles for Brother Qin in the way of reverse threats.

"Well, this is too much!" Brother Qin sighed, "Although I escaped the catastrophe, Brother Bai was not only forced to withdraw from the company's financial power at that time, but even the year-end bonus was directly deducted."

Brother Qin looked solemn: "Actually, there is another trick, Brother Bai originally planned to directly snatch the evidence of our suspected favoritism and fraud from the human resources department." ”

When Brother Qin said this, he couldn't help but shiver. The young man was also taken aback by his words, and his face was full of disbelief.

"Don't believe it!" Seeing the young man's suspicious face, Brother Qin hurriedly explained: "I was scared at that time, how dare I do this?" If Brother Bai hadn't stopped me and persuaded me to dispel this idea, I would have been fired from the company. ”

The two in the workplace were forced to do dirty work and were almost swept out of the house, at which point one person took a salary to turn the situation around

The young man hurriedly pushed a bottle of beer in front of Brother Qin and motioned for him to continue.

Brother Qin took the beer, raised his head and poured a few sips hard, and then slowly continued: "Fortunately, Brother Bai, he came up with this bad idea, and we escaped." ”

"What's the idea?" The young man asked eagerly.

"That's ......" Brother Qin showed a treacherous smile, with a sly look flashing in his eyes, "Brother Bai said, we might as well poke out what happened back then, so that everyone can understand the truth, just pull everyone into the water." ”

Brother Qin paused, took a big sip of beer, and then slowly spit out the following: "The two of us acted immediately at that time, and Brother Bai directly took the evidence that he had in his possession to prove that the greasy middle-aged people in the HR department had been taking bribes for a long time and reported it to the company's audit department. ”

The young man gasped, "You guys were so bold at that time! What if the audit department does not act? ”

"Ha, that's a good question!" Brother Qin squeezed his eyes at the young man, "Actually, we had long expected that the audit department would protect the short!" Because of Brother Bai, he had already taken out the evidence that the people in the HR department had bought the audit department! ”

Brother Qin continued: "Later, the audit department was also severely fined by the company for dereliction of duty! Even the general manager personally stepped forward and kicked out all the old oilmen in the audit department out of the company! ”

"It's even more exciting in the end," Brother Qin was full of energy, and with a change of words, he said the most exciting scene: "Guess what? Back then, Brother Bai finally took all the evidence materials directly to the company's annual general meeting of shareholders! In front of all the senior leaders and shareholders, all the shady scenes of the HR department and the audit department were made public! ”

The two in the workplace were forced to do dirty work and were almost swept out of the house, at which point one person took a salary to turn the situation around

"Hahaha!" Brother Qin's hearty laughter echoed in the tavern, causing several tables of people around to look sideways, "Look at what I said, this matter is even more exciting later!" ”

"Brother Bai stubbornly pierced through all the shady scenes! Someone fell on the spot, and the moths in the HR department and the audit department basically couldn't run away, and even the little thing I did back then, under Brother Bai's loud accusation, was basically dealt with. ”

Brother Qin took a deep breath, and a hint of relief slowly appeared on his face. "You see, in that incident back then, although I fell into a trough, it was precisely because of Brother Bai's support that I regained my strength."

"Brother Bai told me with practical actions that even in the most difficult situation, you must not give up on yourself and succumb to reality."

Brother Qin's expression was solemn, and he solemnly continued: "At the darkest moment, Brother Bai guided me out of a desperate situation. Without his help, I would have been stuck in a quagmire. ”

Since then, I have deeply realized a truth: although opportunities are rare, as long as you have righteous thoughts and perseverance, you will definitely be able to grasp your own opportunities. Just like Brother Bai back then, even if he is in a dark predicament, he must not give up hope, and must bravely face all difficulties and obstacles in order to finally get a glimpse of the dawn of hope. ”

The two in the workplace were forced to do dirty work and were almost swept out of the house, at which point one person took a salary to turn the situation around

Brother Qin's eyes were firm and attentive, full of calmness and wisdom: "People will always encounter many tests in their lives. The key is to see whether you have the perseverance to solve the difficulties in front of you. With tenacity and courage, we will find opportunities for growth and rebirth in the face of adversity. Just like me and Brother Bai back then, we were indomitable, and finally broke through the clouds and fog and regained a new life. ”

The young man was deeply moved by Brother Qin's words and nodded in agreement. Yes, the journey of life is difficult, but as long as you have righteous thoughts and perseverance, you will be able to overcome all difficulties and find hope for rebirth in the darkness.

This work is a short story, and the plot is purely fictional, and if there is any similarity, it is purely coincidental. All people, places and events are artistically crafted and are not intended to offend or disparage any individual, group or organization.

Art comes from life, but it is higher than life, the plot of the article is accidental and one-sided, just to increase readability, without the purpose of attracting people's attention, can not be generalized, can not rise to reality, the ultimate purpose is to make readers understand, to achieve the purpose of advocating positive social energy, no vulgarity and other bad guidance.

The picture comes from the Internet, if there is any infringement, please contact to delete.

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