
China and Russia jointly "opened fire" on the United States, the US military called China overnight, and the Taiwan issue was put on the agenda


Russian President Putin's visit to China has made the world see a new choice, and it has also made Americans "tremble." Before Putin left China, a phone call from the Pentagon reached the Central Military Commission of the People's Liberation Army, and "Taiwan independence" was once again put on the table, and China's attitude this time was surprisingly tough!

China and Russia issued the "Joint Statement of the People's Republic of China and the Russian Federation on Deepening the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership of Coordination in the New Era on the Occasion of the 75th Anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between the People's Republic of China and the Russian Federation." This landmark statement involves cooperation and exchanges between China and Russia in many aspects. Previously, China and Russia rarely criticized the United States by name in high-level official exchanges or documents, and mostly referred to hegemony and unilateralism. Now it is no longer hidden, the statement mentions the United States thirteen times, and China and Russia collectively fire on the United States, which is the strongest response, and it is also a clear resistance to the long-term oppression and exploitation of the United States in the fields of politics, economy, science and technology!

China and Russia jointly "opened fire" on the United States, the US military called China overnight, and the Taiwan issue was put on the agenda

In recent months, the US side has not implemented last year's summit consensus, but has adopted a strategy of encirclement, pursuit and interception in the economic and trade fields, imposing unreasonable sanctions on China's chip and new energy vehicle industries. Second, on the geopolitical front, it has instigated and instigated the Philippines to pick quarrels and provoke trouble, and has formed gangs to conduct large-scale military exercises in the South China Sea. The Sino-US joint statement is the best proof of the counterattack, which may mean that China has understood that the concept of China and the United States being defined as "adversaries" has been deeply ingrained in the minds of most people in the United States, and that it is impossible to negotiate a good outcome by relying on talks.

China and Russia jointly "opened fire" on the United States, the US military called China overnight, and the Taiwan issue was put on the agenda

In the statement, China and Russia mentioned strengthening military cooperation in the East Asian region, which made the Pentagon feel "frightened", knowing that the development of the situation in Northeast Asia has exceeded the expectations of the American script. As one of the important strategic support points of the United States in the Asia-Pacific region, Japan's relations with China, Russia, and the DPRK are not harmonious, and Russia has repeatedly conducted "demonstrative" military exercises against Japan in order to demonstrate its defense of its sovereignty over the South Kuril Islands. The joint air force and naval formations of China and Russia have also passed through the Miyako Strait on many occasions and entered the deep Pacific region to conduct actual combat exercises. In the future, the intensification of China and Russia's activities in the East China Sea and the Yellow Sea region will definitely be a "deadly" threat to the so-called military alliance of the United States, Japan and South Korea, because the uncontrollable risks in the region are too great, and Japan and South Korea do not have the confidence and motivation to wade into troubled waters, so the United States has to come to say hello to China.

China and Russia jointly "opened fire" on the United States, the US military called China overnight, and the Taiwan issue was put on the agenda

According to a report by, leaders of the Central Military Commission's Office of International Military Cooperation held a video call with the US Assistant Secretary of Defense at the request, during which the Chinese side emphasized the issue of "Taiwan independence" and the US side's deployment of land-based intermediate-range missiles, and advised the other side that if it "insists on going its own way, it will be resolutely countered by the Chinese side." At the same time, the two sides also exchanged views on other issues. It can be seen that in addition to the Taiwan issue being put on the agenda, the "Typhon" missiles deployed by the US military in the Philippines have also attracted the attention of the Chinese side, and perhaps the last sentence is "exchange of views on other issues." Unlike the exchange of views on the situation in other regions, other issues may directly indicate that the Chinese and US militaries have something to communicate, and looking at the call from the US Department of Defense, what happened behind this should be quite interesting.

China and Russia jointly "opened fire" on the United States, the US military called China overnight, and the Taiwan issue was put on the agenda

The United States has already released rumors that the Chinese and US defense ministers may meet in Singapore at the end of this month, and in connection with the Sino-Russian joint statement, it can be seen that the United States intends to give the Chinese side some kind of guarantee. The work of eliminating miscalculations must be carried out under the necessary conditions, but it is also necessary to prevent the United States from doing more room for political manipulation; subjectively and objectively the attitude of the United States is prone to repetition, so it will not work to talk to the United States in black and white, and only when we are staring at the United States will we be able to make sure that our words and deeds will be fruitful, and only then will Sino-US relations be repaired.

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