
In this life, if you look down, you will be relaxed!

author:Flying Fish Heart


In this life, if you look down, you will be relaxed!

In this life, you will meet a lot of people, and you will encounter a lot of things, life is not easy, wind and rain, you must learn to look down, and only by looking down on everything, can you make your life easier.

The reason why many people are tired is because they can't look down on it, they always value material things too much, they value gains and losses too much, they value success or failure too much, they can't accept that they will lose, they can't accept that they will fail, and they can't accept all the difficulties they encounter, so they will make their lives very miserable.

Life is short, not always smooth, we must learn to look down on all the unpleasant, accept the impermanence of life, maintain a good attitude, live a more content, relax the heart, accept all the unsatisfactory and imperfect in reality, in order to let ourselves live a relaxed life.

In this life, if you look down, you will be relaxed!

1. Look down on money and materials.

In "My Altay", it is said that the cattle and sheep raised by the Kazakhs are not sold as commodities, but are provided to their families, friends, or guests.

When Zhang Fengxia went to a herdsman's house to buy a sheep to raise, but because of the price dispute, the owner of the sheep persuaded her to stay overnight, and slaughtered the sheep that was in dispute that day as a guest to entertain Zhang Fengxia.

In their hearts, money and material things are not so important, what matters is the relationship between people.

They can send you a sheep to eat, which is enough to show that their desire for material things is not very strong, and it also shows that they can look down on money and material things, live a simple life, and have a better sense of happiness.

In this life, if you look down, you will be relaxed!

Zhang Fengxia in the play runs a commissary, there are many people who buy things that are actually on the account, and she is not in a hurry to urge them to repay the money, when she has something in need, she exchanges things with them, which can be used to pay off debts, in fact, she does not put the material too important, but looks down on money and gains and losses, not only cares, because she also gains true love.

Zhang Fengxia went to a remote place to open a commissary, not really to make a lot of money, but a pursuit of life, in her heart, a gentleman loves money, takes it in a good way, has more money and less money, just enough.

Therefore, Zhang Fengxia's life, even if it is very hard, is also very happy.

In this life, if you look down, you will be relaxed!

Second, look down on the success or failure.

In this life, there are always gains and losses.

No matter what we have, how much we have gained, and no matter what we have lost, we must learn to look down, not to be complacent because of temporary gains, and not to be pessimistic because of temporary losses.

Life will not always be smooth, there will be successes and failures, everything will not go as desired, we have to think about the good in everything, change the angle, and we will eventually clean up our mood.

People live for a lifetime, learn to be grateful when they get it, and don't be too entangled when they lose, although we go with the flow, everything is downbeat.

As the saying goes, there are times in life when you have to have it, and there is no time in life when you don't want it.

All the gains and losses, successes and failures in life are actually predestined, and everything is just good to look at.

In this life, if you look down, you will be relaxed!

Third, look down on the gathering and dispersion.

People live a lifetime, they are always saying goodbye to some people, and they are constantly meeting some people.

There are people who appear in your life, just a passerby in your life, don't think so much, don't hurt yourself because of someone who doesn't love you.

Those who leave you, in fact, are destined for you, but also you can't keep it, we all have to learn to say goodbye, learn to relax, learn to love yourself, live your own life, but also accept all the partings and encounters in life.

People live for a lifetime, and it is good to look down on everything.

In this life, if you look down, you will be relaxed!